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Mandatory Reporting Requirements for ODHS Employees

ODHS employees are mandatory reporters

If you work for the Oregon Department of Human Services, you are required by law to report alleged abuse of:

  • Children
  • Adults age 65 and over
  • Adults with developmental disabilities
  • Adults with mental illness
  • Residents in nursing facilities

When and how to reportFailure to reportResources

When and how to report

The requirements depend on who you are making a report about. See below for information. If you have any questions, ask your manager.

Child definition: A child means an unmarried person who is under the age of 18, or under ​​​21 if they are a child in care as defined in ​​ORS 418.257.

What situations require a mandatory report of child abuse: Any time you have reasonable cause to believe any ​child you come in contact with has suffered abuse, or any​​ person you come in contact with has abused a child.

When you must report: You are a 24/7 mandatory reporter.​ The report must be made immediately. This requirement applies whether you observe the abuse or neglect during your work activities or on your personal time.

How to report: Report either to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 855-503-SAFE (7233) or to your local law​ enforcement agency.

The law that applies: ​ORS 419B.005 to 419B.045 and ORS 418.257.

See the video and guide: Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

When you must report: You are a 24/7 mandatory reporter.

How to report: Report to your local APD office or Area Agency on Aging, or to local law enforcement.

The law that applies: ​ORS 124.050 to 124.095

When you must report: You are a 24/7 mandatory reporter.

How to report: Report​ to your c​ounty Developmental Disability Program, ODHS Office of Investigations, or to local law enforcement.

The law that applies: ORS 430.735 to 430.765

When you must report: You are a 24/7 mandatory reporter.

How to report: Report to your county mental hea​lt​h program, ODHS Office of Inv​estigations, or to local law enforcement.

The law that applies: ​ORS 430.735 to 430.765

When you must report: You are a 24/7 mandatory reporter.

How to report: Report to your lo​cal ​ APD office or Area Agency on Aging, or to local law enforcement.

The law that applies​: ​ORS 441.630 to 441.680

Failure to report

There could be criminal and civil penalties for failure to report. See Oregon Revised Statute 419B.010 for more information.



To find more information on mandatory reporting:


Child definition

A child means an unmarried person who:

  • Is under 18 years of age, or
  • Is a child in care, as defined in ORS 418.257.

A child in care means a person under 21 years of age who resides in, or receives care or services, from:

  • A child-caring agency or proctor foster home subject to ORS 418.205 to 418.327; 418.470; 418.475; or 418.950 to 418.970 (Oregon Revised Statutes), or
  • A certified foster home, or
  • A developmental disabilities residential facility.

Types of abuse

Oregon laws 419B.005 and 418.257 define the types of abuse that apply to a child.