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Language assistance services are available at no cost, upon request, at all our locations throughout the state.

Eric Villegas | Universal Access Coordinator
Phone: 503-947-1794 | Email:
875 Union St. NE Salem, OR 97311 | Hours of Operation: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Fernando Gutierrez | Monitor Advocate (for agricultural workers)
Work Cell (971) 701-0883 |

TTY: 7-1-1 | Internet Relay: Sprint Relay

Find a WorkSource Oregon center and Speak with your local Complaint Specialist​

​Need help?

The Oregon Employment Department (OED) is an equal opportunity agency. OED provides free help so you can use our services. Some examples are sign language and spoken-language interpreters, written materials in other languages, large print, audio, and other formats. To get help, please call 503-947-1444. TTY users call 711. You can also send an email to

¿Necesita ayuda?

El Departamento de Empleo de Oregon (OED) es una agencia de igualdad de oportunidades. El OED proporciona ayuda gratuita para que usted pueda utilizar nuestros servicios. Algunos ejemplos son intérpretes de lengua de señas e idiomas hablados, materiales escritos en otros idiomas, letra grande, audio y otros formatos. Para obtener ayuda, por favor llame al 503-947-1444. Usuarios de TTY pueden llamar al 711. También puede enviar un correo electrónico a

Нужна помощь?

Управление занятости штата Орегон (OED) является агентством по обеспечению равных возможностей. Управление занятости штата Орегон (OED) оказывает бесплатную помощь, чтобы вы могли воспользоваться нашими услугами. В качестве примера можно привести услуги сурдо- и устных переводчиков, предоставление письменных материалов на других языках, материалов с использованием крупного шрифта, а также материалов в аудио- и других форматах. Если вам требуется помощь, позвоните по телефону 503-947-1444. Пользователи телетайпа могут позвонить по номеру 711. Вы также можете направить нам электронное сообщение по эл. почте:

Cần trợ giúp?

Cơ quan Việc làm của Tiểu bang Oregon (Oregon Employment Department, OED) là một cơ quan cung cấp cơ hội công bằng. OED cung cấp trợ giúp miễn phí để quý vị có thể sử dụng các dịch vụ của chúng tôi. Trong đó bao gồm thông dịch viên ngôn ngữ ký hiệu và ngôn ngữ nói, các tài liệu bằng văn bản với các ngôn ngữ khác, bản in khổ lớn, âm thanh và các định dạng khác. Để được trợ giúp, vui lòng gọi 503-947-1444. Người dùng TTY xin gọi 711. Quý vị cũng có thể gửi email tới


“Oregon州就业部 (OED)”是一个提供均等机会的机构。OED提供免费帮助,便于您使用我们的服务。服务内容示例包括手语和口语翻译、其他语种的书面材料、大字体、音频以及其他格式文档。如需帮助,请致电503-947-1444TTY用户请拨打711。您也可以发送电子邮件至


Oregon州就業部 (OED)」是壹個提供均等機會的機構。OED提供免費幫助,便於您使用我們的服務。服務內容示例包括手語和口語翻譯、其他語種的書面材料、大字體、音頻和其他格式文檔。如需幫助,請致電503-947-1444TTY用戶請撥打711。您還可以發送電子郵件至

도움이 필요하시나요?

오레곤 고용부(OED) 기회균등 기관입니다. OED 서비스를 이용할 있도록 무료로 도움을 제공합니다. 일부 예시로는 수화, 통역 서비스, 다른 언어 번역 서비스, 활자, 오디오 기타 형식의 자료 제공 서비스 등이 있습니다. 도움이 필요하시다면, 503-947-1444 연락 주시기 바라며, TTY 사용자는 711 연락주십시오. 또한 이메일을 보낼 있습니다.


ກົມຈັດງງານແຫ່ງລັດອໍຣີກອນ (OED) ຄືໜ່ວຍງານໃຫ້ໂອກາດຢ່າງເທົ່າທຽມກັນ. OED ຈັດໃຫ້ມີການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອທີ່ບໍ່ເສຍຄ່າ ເພື່ອວ່າທ່ານຈະສາມາດໃຊ້ບໍລິການຂອງພວກເຮົາ. ບາງຕົວຢ່າງແມ່ນລ່າມແປພາສາມື ແລະ ພາສາເວົ້າ, ເນື້ອຫາລາຍລັກອັກສອນເປັນພາສາອື່ນໆ, ແບບພິມໃຫຍ່, ສຽງ ແລະ ຮູບແບບອື່ນໆ. ເພື່ອຮັບການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອ, ກະລຸນາໂທຫາ 503-947-1444. ຜູ້ໃຊ້ TTY ໂທ 711. ທ່ານຍັງສາມາດສົ່ງອີເມວໄປຫາ

እርዳታ ይፈልጋሉ?

የኦሬጎን የቅጥር መምሪያ (The Oregon Employment Department, OED) የእኩል እድል ኤጀንሲ ነው። አገልግሎቶቻችንን መጠቀም እንዲችሉ OED ነፃ እገዛን ይሰጣል። አንዳንድ ምሳሌዎች የምልክት ቋንቋ እና የንግግር ቋንቋ አስተርጓሚዎች፣ በሌሎች ቋንቋዎች የተጻፉ ጽሑፎች፣ ትልቅ ህትመት፣ ኦዲዮ እና ሌሎች ቅርጸቶች ናቸው። እገዛ ለማግኘት፣ እባክዎ 503-947-1444 ይደውሉ። TTY ተጠቃሚዎች 711 ይደውላሉ። ወደ ኢሜይል መላክም ይችላሉ።

هل تحتاج إلى المساعدة؟

إدارة توظيف ولاية أوريغون (The Oregon Employment Department (OED)) وكالة متكافئة الفرص. تقدم OED مساعدة مجانية بحيث يمكنك استخدام خدماتنا. تشمل بعض الأمثلة مترجمين فوريين للغة الإشارة واللغات المنطوقة ومواد مكتوبة بلغات أخرى ومطبوعات كبيرة الخط وملفات صوتية وصيغ أخرى. للحصول على مساعدة، يرجى الاتصال على الرقم ‏ 503‎-947-1444. يتصل مستخدمو الهاتف النصي على الرقم 711. يمكنك أيضًا إرسال رسالة بريد إلكتروني إلى

به کمک و راهنمایی نیاز دارید؟

اداره کار اورگان، یک آژانس با فرصت های برابر استخدامی است۰اداره کار اورگان، به شما کمک رایگان ارائه می دهد تا بتوانید از خدمات ما استفاده کنید۰به عنوان مثال : زبان اشاره و مترجم برای زبانهای مختلف ، نشریات و مطالب نوشتاری به زبان‌های دیگر، چاپ با حروف درشت ، به صورت صوتی ودیگر قالبها وفرمتهای مختلف۰ برای دریافت کمک، لطفاً با شماره تلفن  ۱۴۴۴  ۹۴۷  ۵۰۳ بگیرید. افراد ناشنوا یا کم شنوا میتوانند با شماره ۷۱۱ تماس  بگیرند۰ همچنین می توانید  ایمیل یا  رایانامه  به این آدرس بفرستید 

Ma u baahan tahay caawimaad?

Waaxda Shaqaalaynta ee Oregon (The Oregon Employment Department, OED) waa wakaalad leh fursad loo siman yahay. OED waxay ku siineysaa caawimo bilaash ah si aad u isticmaasho adeegyadeena. Tusaalooyinka qaarkood waa luqadda dhegoolaha iyo tarjumaannada luuqada lagu hadlo, agab ku qoran afaf kale, far waaweyn, maqal iyo qaabab kale. Si aad u hesho caawimo, fadlan wac 503-947-1444. Isticmaalayaasha TTY waca 711. Waxaad sidoo kale iimaayl u diri kartaa​

​Google Translate offers an automatic translation service providing translations of Web pages in different languages.

Google Translate is one of the most respected and widely-used automated translation services available. However, all automatic translations have limitations.
With this in mind, the Oregon Employment Department has decided to use Google Translate to provide improved access rather than not offer the option of this service to our customers.
We cannot guarantee that Google Translate can translate all types of Internet technology. Therefore, it is possible that certain applications and Web pages will appear in English.
You may also submit equal opportunity comments or complaints directed to the Employment Department regarding this service. Send an email to our Universal Access Coordinator or you may call (503) 947-1794.*

*Keep in mind that our Universal Access Coordinator only handles equal opportunity complaints, NOT unemployment insurance complaints. 
There are limitations in this type of automated translation service. Errors and inaccuracies can arise.
Due to the complexity, characteristics and expressions unique to all human language, it is possible that the translation is not always precise, in addition to the possible differences of interpretation of certain words.
The Oregon Employment Department and Google Translate deny responsibility for any claims that arise from the use of Google Translate automated translation services.

It is against the law for the Oregon Employment Department to discriminate on the following basis:
  • Against any individual in the United States, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, and
  • Against any beneficiary of programs financially assisted under Title 1 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act  (WIOA), on the basis of the beneficiary's citizenship status as a lawfully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the United States, or his or her participation in any WIOA Title 1 - financially assisted program or activity.
The Oregon Employment Department must not discriminate in any of the following areas:
  • Deciding who will be admitted, or have access, to any WIOA Title 1-financially assisted program or activity;
  • Providing opportunities in, or treating any person with regard to, such a program or activity, or 
  • Making employment decisions in the administration of, or in connection with, such a program or activity

If you feel that you have been denied services or treated differently by a WorkSource Center because of your race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, you may want to file a complaint.

Where do I file?

You may file a complaint with any of the following agencies:
  • Your local Equal Opportunity Coordinator
  • Oregon Employment Department Universal Access Coordinator (1-800-237-3710)​
  • The Civil Rights Center, US Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Room N-4123, Washington DC 202 10​
How do I file?
  • Use the state formClick here for the Spanish form. Make sure you sign the statement or it will not be an official complaint.
  • Write a statement that includes the date of the instance, the agency or person that the complaint is against, a narrative of the event, and your contact information. Make sure you sign the statement or it will not be an official complaint.
  • Return the completed form to your local Equal Opportunity Coordinator or the state Equal Opportunity Officer at 875 Union St. NE Salem, OR 97311.
Is there a timeline?

Generally, a complaint must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. However, for good cause shown, the Director may extend the filing time.

What if I need help completing the paperwork?

Please ask for assistance and staff will provide reasonable accommodations free of charge.

Then what happens?

You will receive a letter that the complaint was received. Your complaint will be investigated and you will receive an answer in 90 days.

What if I don't like the answer?

You have 30 days from the notice to appeal to the US Department of Labor Civil Rights Center.

​If you have a concern about the employment services you received through the WorkSource Oregon system, you can:
  • Ask to speak to the Complaint Specialist in each office or center
  • Contact the Oregon Employment Department Business and Employment Services Complaint Coordinator
  • Agricultural workers should contact the Oregon Employment Department Monitor Advocate