[♪ background upbeat music with electronic guitar, keyboard, and drums ♪] (Narrator) Well, so our work at Oregon OSHA makes a difference in a very fundamental sense throughout the agency using a variety of different tools. The people who work with us and for us reach out to employers and reach out to workers and help to make sure that hazards are eliminated in the work place and we're talking about the sorts of hazards that cause serious injury, serious illness, and even death and so it absolutely makes a difference. We may not know whose lives we save, but any of us who have worked in this field for very long are are sure that somewhere along the way we've prevented a serious injury, we've stopped someone from getting very sick, and we've saved lives. (Oregon OSHA Deputy Administrator Julie Love) The majority of our positions in Oregon OSHA are in what we would call the field. They're either enforcement officers or in both health and safety or consultants in both health and safety. Each of these professionals enter workplaces and either enforce our rules or help employers comply with them. Either through education or through enforcement activity. (Narrator) We also have industrial hygienists, or health specialists, who focus on chemical hazards, on hearing issues, and on biological hazards. It's a little bit of an oversimplification to say the safety folks focus on preventing injuries and the industrial hygienists focus on preventing illness and disease, but that's a good general distinction. In addition to that in the organization, we have folks who specialize in video, we have people who work on the web, and a number of different tasks getting our our outreach message out. One of the important things that we do is try to educate people so that employers know what's expected of them and so that the workers know what's expected of them and of their employers when it comes to providing a safe workplace. (Julie Love) The skills that are most helpful in working working at Oregon OSHA range pretty vastly. Obviously our documenting, interviewing, interpersonal skills of all sorts, and even the ability to being in really really difficult situations and managing that experience. Both for your own personal health and how you're interacting with the people involved in that situation. The other thing I really enjoy about the job - and this is true of most of the jobs in the organization - is I get to see a lot of variety. The job isn't one where everything is the same day in and day out. We confront different issues, we confront different hazards, we confront different situations and I enjoy that. It's nice to have new challenges and every once in a while it's nice to be surprised by what comes up at the office. Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services 503-378-3200 dcbs.recruiting@dcbs.oregon.gov oregon.gov/dcbs/careers