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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ HB 2021 created a $50 million fund at ODOE to provide grants for planning and developing community renewable energy and energy resilience projects​.
Map of applicants; click to access interactive map.The Community Renewable Energy Grant Program is open to Oregon Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities. Public bodies include counties, municipalities, and special government bodies such as ports and irrigation districts. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis and priority will be given to projects that support program equity goals, demonstrate community energy resilience, and include energy efficiency and demand response.​

At least half of the grant funds will be awarded for projects that serve environmental justice communities, including communities of color, lower-income communities, rural communities, and others. Similarly, at least half of the grant funds will be awarded to projects that support community energy resilience.

Grant Amounts

​Maximum Award
​Maximum Percent of Eligible Project Costs
​Planning a community renewable energy project
Planning a community energy resilience project​$100,000
​Constructing a community renewable energy project
​Constructing a community energy resilience project
​A minimum of $1 Million is reserved for planning projects that qualify as a community energy resilience project and a minimum of $1 Million is reserved for planning projects that do not qualify as a community energy resilience project.

Program Budget
Updated December 9, 2024​​

Grant Opportunity Announcements

No opportunities currently open​

ODOE has announced three rounds of grant awardees (round one | round two | round three​). ODOE will make more funding available through opportunity announcements. Sign up to receive email updates for future rounds.

Eligible Projects

​Eligible projects include renewable energy generation systems like solar or wind, and energy storage systems, electric vehicle charging stations, or microgrid technologies paired with new or existing​ renewable energy systems. Eligible applicants are encouraged to partner with community groups, non-profits, pr​ivate businesses, and others on potential projects. Additional information about eligible projects is available in the opportunity announcements and in the Administrative R​ules.​

Advisory Committee

ODOE has appointed an advisory committee to support development and implementation of the grant program. Specific advisory committee responsibilities include:

  • Providing guidance on program rules
  • Establishing program equity metrics
  • Adopting a methodology to identify qualifying communities.
  • Supporting statewide community outreach efforts
  • Supporting application review processes
​Advisory committee meetings will be open to the public — learn more. ​

​​ HB 2021​

​​​​​​​​Sign Up For Email Updates​

opportunity announcement
No current opportunities.

Sub​mit them through the portal.

Applicant Help

Grantee Resources

Past Grant Rounds
​Round 3 (2024) | ​$18 Million
​April 2024 Webinar and PowerPoint

Round 2 (2023) | $12 Million
Round 2 Opportunity Announcements:
 January 2023 Program Webinar and PowerPoint​

Round 1 (2022) | $12 Million
​ Q&A - ODOE Responses​
 May 2022 Program Webinar and PowerPoint​
​​​ ​Contact Us About the Program:
