0:00:04.480,0:00:11.679 Olivia: Welcome everyone my name is Olivia Padilla 0:00:08.400,0:00:14.480 and I'm from Cambium Assessment and 0:00:11.679,0:00:18.000 today we're going to be doing a training 0:00:14.480,0:00:20.600 on the Centralized Reporting System for 0:00:18.000,0:00:22.400 CRS, so if that's what you're here for 0:00:20.600,0:00:25.560 you're in the right 0:00:22.400,0:00:28.199 place. So I'm going to start out by 0:00:25.560,0:00:31.960 sharing my 0:00:28.199,0:00:31.960 screen. See here 0:00:35.719,0:00:41.520 and I'm going to take off my camera. 0:00:38.440,0:00:41.520 Let's see if I can do 0:00:41.719,0:00:47.280 that and uh so welcome to the training 0:00:45.360,0:00:50.280 module on the Centralized Reporting 0:00:47.280,0:00:52.160 System for the Summative Assessments. 0:00:50.280,0:00:57.480 We've already done trainings this year 0:00:52.160,0:00:59.640 on the CRS system for ELPA Screener and 0:00:57.480,0:01:00.640 the Interims and today we'll be focusing 0:00:59.640,0:01:03.120 on the 0:01:00.640,0:01:06.560 Summatives. The previous webinars are 0:01:03.120,0:01:08.520 post on the posted on the ODE website and 0:01:06.560,0:01:11.799 so we're not going to be covering all 0:01:08.520,0:01:13.840 features today. Uh some of those features 0:01:11.799,0:01:16.439 that you may be interested in are 0:01:13.840,0:01:19.400 covered in the previous 0:01:16.439,0:01:23.600 webinars. This training module is based 0:01:19.400,0:01:27.479 on the CRS uh System User Guide which is 0:01:23.600,0:01:27.479 available on osasportal.org, 0:01:28.240,0:01:33.159 So today during during this training we 0:01:30.720,0:01:36.360 will cover the following topics: how to 0:01:33.159,0:01:39.200 log in to CRS and understanding user 0:01:36.360,0:01:41.280 roles; looking at the dashboard generator 0:01:39.200,0:01:44.079 page and the 0:01:41.280,0:01:46.600 dashboard; performance on test 0:01:44.079,0:01:50.360 reports District, school, teacher, and 0:01:46.600,0:01:52.960 student reports; printing and exporting 0:01:50.360,0:01:56.399 data; generating Individual Student 0:01:52.960,0:01:59.479 Reports called ISRs and Student Data 0:01:56.399,0:02:02.320 Files and looking at the Crosssectional 0:01:59.479,0:02:05.399 Target Report that can be used to 0:02:02.320,0:02:05.399 analyze Summative 0:02:06.079,0:02:10.920 Data. First off, we're going over how to 0:02:09.039,0:02:14.160 log in to 0:02:10.920,0:02:14.160 CRS. See 0:02:15.440,0:02:19.959 here. So can you guys see my 0:02:21.080,0:02:26.360 screen? Yes. Okay great yes so this is the 0:02:24.400,0:02:29.280 osasportal.org 0:02:26.360,0:02:30.720 and when you come to this page this has 0:02:29.280,0:02:33.920 everything 0:02:30.720,0:02:35.959 about assessment on it and you'll first 0:02:33.920,0:02:38.519 choose your user role. So you'll go to 0:02:35.959,0:02:39.760 users and either test administrator or 0:02:38.519,0:02:42.159 test 0:02:39.760,0:02:44.760 coordinator and then you'll scoll scroll 0:02:42.159,0:02:47.239 down to the reporting card and click 0:02:44.760,0:02:47.239 click on 0:02:47.800,0:02:53.640 that. I'm already logged in here, so um 0:02:52.280,0:02:55.879 what happens when you first click on 0:02:53.640,0:03:00.519 that card is that you'll get a page like 0:02:55.879,0:03:02.800 this and you will be asked to put in 0:03:00.519,0:03:04.799 your username and password and that's 0:03:02.800,0:03:07.959 going to be the same username and 0:03:04.799,0:03:07.959 password that you used for 0:03:10.599,0:03:17.040 TIDE. This select role popup will come up 0:03:14.440,0:03:19.920 and if you are associated with multiple- 0:03:17.040,0:03:22.400 Districts you're going to be um asked to 0:03:19.920,0:03:22.400 choose a 0:03:23.200,0:03:27.640 District. And then you'll arrive at the 0:03:25.319,0:03:30.760 dashboard generator 0:03:27.640,0:03:33.000 page. So just of note in Oregon, 0:03:30.760,0:03:35.560 District level users may see data for 0:03:33.000,0:03:38.640 all students in their District and 0:03:35.560,0:03:42.080 School-level Users including TAs may see 0:03:38.640,0:03:42.080 data for all students in their 0:03:43.840,0:03:49.439 school. This dashboard generator page is 0:03:47.000,0:03:52.079 cued to display before the appearance of 0:03:49.439,0:03:54.959 the dashboard, so that you can easily 0:03:52.079,0:03:57.599 customize your results in order to view 0:03:54.959,0:04:01.040 only the data that are most helpful to 0:03:57.599,0:04:04.720 you. You'll notice that the Secure File 0:04:01.040,0:04:06.159 Center, a help button, and your name here 0:04:04.720,0:04:08.319 at the top of the 0:04:06.159,0:04:10.799 screen. There are three prominent 0:04:08.319,0:04:13.280 sections on the page. In section one you 0:04:10.799,0:04:15.200 will find the test group selection where 0:04:13.280,0:04:16.959 you can check only the tests that apply 0:04:15.200,0:04:19.320 to your needs and make those your 0:04:16.959,0:04:22.280 default selections. 0:04:19.320,0:04:25.639 In section two you can access 0:04:22.280,0:04:29.280 an indiv an individual student portfolio 0:04:25.639,0:04:30.680 report by entering a student ID number 0:04:29.280,0:04:33.440 in the search 0:04:30.680,0:04:35.919 box. And then in section three you see 0:04:33.440,0:04:37.880 the features and tools menu. Where you 0:04:35.919,0:04:39.360 can take some actions prior to viewing 0:04:37.880,0:04:42.800 data on the 0:04:39.360,0:04:45.840 dashboard. To save your selections click 0:04:42.800,0:04:48.400 on 'Make These My Default 0:04:45.840,0:04:50.240 Selections.' These selections will be set 0:04:48.400,0:04:53.000 in the dashboard generator whenever you 0:04:50.240,0:04:54.840 log in. You can change your defaults at 0:04:53.000,0:04:58.360 any time. 0:04:54.840,0:05:00.280 Before we move on to the dashboard 0:04:58.360,0:05:04.840 I'm going to go over the chain reporting 0:05:00.280,0:05:07.039 time period widget. So click on that and 0:05:04.840,0:05:09.800 that can be accessed here from this 0:05:07.039,0:05:12.000 button or you can access it from the 0:05:09.800,0:05:14.759 change reporting time period under 0:05:12.000,0:05:14.759 features and 0:05:14.960,0:05:20.360 tools. The change reporting time period 0:05:17.800,0:05:22.160 option allows you to view test results 0:05:20.360,0:05:25.199 from a previous point in 0:05:22.160,0:05:26.639 time. For your current students Andor for 0:05:25.199,0:05:29.319 your former students. 0:05:26.639,0:05:32.360 When you want to view previous 0:05:29.319,0:05:34.000 test results for your current students, 0:05:32.360,0:05:37.479 select the school year from the drop- 0:05:34.000,0:05:37.479 down menu in the school year 0:05:38.319,0:05:43.319 field. Leave the calendar tool set to the 0:05:41.199,0:05:46.080 current date. 0:05:43.319,0:05:49.080 When you want to view test results 0:05:46.080,0:05:50.960 from students you had in the past, select 0:05:49.080,0:05:54.280 a school year from the menu in the 0:05:50.960,0:05:56.919 school year field and use a calendar 0:05:54.280,0:05:58.720 tool to set a date on which you know 0:05:56.919,0:06:01.560 these former students were assigned to 0:05:58.720,0:06:04.199 you and and importantly that they had 0:06:01.560,0:06:07.840 already tested. For 0:06:04.199,0:06:09.520 example, if you wanted to look at last 0:06:07.840,0:06:12.800 year's data. 0:06:09.520,0:06:15.360 You would want to choose a date 0:06:12.800,0:06:18.120 last year when those students were 0:06:15.360,0:06:21.720 assigned to you and they had completed 0:06:18.120,0:06:23.759 their testing. So a good date that I used 0:06:21.720,0:06:28.120 when I'm looking at last year's data 0:06:23.759,0:06:30.440 would be June 1st of 2023, because based 0:06:28.120,0:06:33.599 on my calendar 0:06:30.440,0:06:35.160 ll of my students last year had tested 0:06:33.599,0:06:37.440 by June 1st. 0:06:35.160,0:06:40.599 And you would click save. 0:06:37.440,0:06:42.800 When you click save for either of 0:06:40.599,0:06:45.919 the two options your reports will 0:06:42.800,0:06:48.639 reflect data according to those 0:06:45.919,0:06:50.639 settings. Importantly, when you log out of 0:06:48.639,0:06:54.599 the system the reporting time period 0:06:50.639,0:06:54.599 defaults back to the current school year. 0:06:54.680,0:07:00.639 Okay, so I'm going to keep these 0:06:57.440,0:07:04.240 selections here. Andy: Olivia can I jump in 0:07:00.639,0:07:06.440 real quick? Olivia: Go ahead. Andy: This um this is a re 0:07:04.240,0:07:10.759 what Olivia just showed is a really 0:07:06.440,0:07:13.520 important uh function in CRS, because 0:07:10.759,0:07:16.560 going back to look at results in 0:07:13.520,0:07:19.000 previous years. Um, we'll we'll talk about 0:07:16.560,0:07:22.479 this a little bit later, but but Summative 0:07:19.000,0:07:25.720 Testing Data really is uh a powerful 0:07:22.479,0:07:28.879 window into your system. And when you're 0:07:25.720,0:07:31.240 looking at those data from year to year. 0:07:28.879,0:07:33.960 Um, it it is very helpful to go back and 0:07:31.240,0:07:37.240 look at previous year's data. If you 0:07:33.960,0:07:40.120 don't set both of those fields you won't 0:07:37.240,0:07:42.680 get accurate data in CRS, so if you go 0:07:40.120,0:07:46.639 back to a previous school year you must 0:07:42.680,0:07:48.919 set that date to be sometime in June. Uh, 0:07:46.639,0:07:52.240 sometime at the end of of your school 0:07:48.919,0:07:53.639 year. Um, so I usually use June 30th just 0:07:52.240,0:07:56.240 because I know it's after the testing 0:07:53.639,0:07:59.479 window closes if there's any last minute 0:07:56.240,0:08:01.039 tests. Um and you can also, yep, like 0:07:59.479,0:08:03.280 Olivia just modeled. You don't have to 0:08:01.039,0:08:04.960 use the popup there you can just type in 0:08:03.280,0:08:08.000 your date, so if you're going clear back 0:08:04.960,0:08:10.039 to 2017 you don't have to click forever 0:08:08.000,0:08:11.240 on the on the little month button to to 0:08:10.039,0:08:15.440 go back that far. 0:08:11.240,0:08:18.120 Thanks, Olivia! Olivia: Yeah. Thanks, 0:08:15.440,0:08:21.639 Andy! Okay, so we've changed we're looking 0:08:18.120,0:08:25.000 at the 22-23 school year reports here. So, 0:08:21.639,0:08:25.000 now I'm going to click go go to 0:08:25.560,0:08:31.080 dashboard. And the dashboard appears 0:08:28.199,0:08:33.200 after you select your test groups. The 0:08:31.080,0:08:34.959 test information and results are 0:08:33.200,0:08:37.640 displayed for the students who were 0:08:34.959,0:08:42.000 assigned to you based on your 0:08:37.640,0:08:45.120 role. A test group card appears for each 0:08:42.000,0:08:48.399 test by subject along with the grades 0:08:45.120,0:08:51.240 tested and the total tests taken. 0:08:48.399,0:08:53.560 The cards are sorted from left to 0:08:51.240,0:08:57.279 right, then top to bottom based on the 0:08:53.560,0:08:59.480 last test taken. Their performance 0:08:57.279,0:09:02.480 distribution results display as a 0:08:59.480,0:09:04.880 colorcoded bar. With the performance 0:09:02.480,0:09:07.519 distribution and student count listed 0:09:04.880,0:09:11.480 under each colored level. 0:09:07.519,0:09:14.560 You can click the the information 0:09:11.480,0:09:16.839 button to display more information about 0:09:14.560,0:09:19.880 the performance levels. 0:09:16.839,0:09:22.720 The data on this dashboard gives 0:09:19.880,0:09:24.279 teachers administrators and principles a 0:09:22.720,0:09:28.360 way to quickly compare how their 0:09:24.279,0:09:31.000 students performed across different test 0:09:28.360,0:09:33.519 groups. 0:09:31.000,0:09:35.440 If you want to change the data you see 0:09:33.519,0:09:37.519 you can use this filters panel on the 0:09:35.440,0:09:39.000 left side of the screen to further 0:09:37.519,0:09:41.399 customize your dashboard. 0:09:39.000,0:09:45.360 You can make selections from 0:09:41.399,0:09:45.360 test groups or test reasons. 0:09:45.640,0:09:49.680 You would just choose what you 0:09:47.959,0:09:52.920 want to see here and then you would click apply. 0:09:49.680,0:09:55.440 You can clear the filters 0:09:52.920,0:09:58.160 and click apply to clear any selections 0:09:55.440,0:10:01.519 that you made that you want to reverse. 0:09:58.160,0:10:02.640 Okay, so from here we will drill 0:10:01.519,0:10:05.160 down into um more information 0:10:02.640,0:10:07.000 about one of these test cards. 0:10:05.160,0:10:09.519 So, we're going to going 0:10:07.000,0:10:12.040 to look at OSAS ELA. 0:10:09.519,0:10:14.959 Andy: Olivia can I say just a couple of 0:10:12.040,0:10:18.120 things about the the previous screen. 0:10:14.959,0:10:20.240 So, um, test reasons um if you're looking at 0:10:18.120,0:10:22.160 at Summative Test Data you won't need to 0:10:20.240,0:10:24.959 worry about test reasons. There's only 0:10:22.160,0:10:27.480 one. The the purpose of test reasons 0:10:24.959,0:10:30.120 really is for Interims so for districts 0:10:27.480,0:10:33.160 that are implementing uh Interim 0:10:30.120,0:10:35.360 Assessment blocks. Um, when you administer 0:10:33.160,0:10:37.560 one of those blocks you have to select a 0:10:35.360,0:10:40.000 test reason and those are just simply 0:10:37.560,0:10:43.880 test one, test two, all the way through 0:10:40.000,0:10:45.959 test five. Um, and the idea there is that 0:10:43.880,0:10:47.680 uh teachers might give an Interim 0:10:45.959,0:10:50.600 multiple times and so we need to have a 0:10:47.680,0:10:52.399 way to distinguish one from the next. Um, 0:10:50.600,0:10:55.040 but, typically you won't have to worry 0:10:52.399,0:10:57.079 about the the test reasons. Um, and the 0:10:55.040,0:10:59.760 other thing I wanted to mention is on 0:10:57.079,0:11:02.120 those little rainbow bars um, there's a 0:10:59.760,0:11:04.200 little eyeball next to it. It's a little 0:11:02.120,0:11:06.160 blue ball with an eye in it, so we think 0:11:04.200,0:11:08.519 it's fun to call it an eyeball. That's a 0:11:06.160,0:11:11.600 tool tip that will show you at a glance 0:11:08.519,0:11:13.320 what those colors mean. And I'm going to 0:11:11.600,0:11:16.760 point that out now, because you're going 0:11:13.320,0:11:20.000 to see those eyeballs throughout the the 0:11:16.760,0:11:21.360 reporting system. And uh they're they're 0:11:20.000,0:11:23.480 there to help explain what you're 0:11:21.360,0:11:26.200 looking at and we we'll need to use 0:11:23.480,0:11:31.240 those um as we get into more and more 0:11:26.200,0:11:31.240 data. Thanks, Olivia! Olivia: Yeah! Thank you. 0:11:32.480,0:11:37.839 Okay, so we're going to enter OSAS ELA. 0:11:36.240,0:11:40.200 This is Summative. 0:11:37.839,0:11:42.279 And now we're looking at a 0:11:40.200,0:11:44.440 performance on test report as it 0:11:42.279,0:11:46.800 displays for a District Level User who 0:11:44.440,0:11:50.120 clicked on ELA Summative. 0:11:46.800,0:11:53.440 The filters panel now includes 0:11:50.120,0:11:57.160 a schools dropdown. 0:11:53.440,0:11:58.959 And you can choose a specific 0:11:57.160,0:12:01.600 school if you'd like to only look at one 0:11:58.959,0:12:05.839 school a lot of 0:12:01.600,0:12:09.079 time. And from here um you would click on 0:12:05.839,0:12:11.600 a specific grade test to move to the 0:12:09.079,0:12:14.880 District Performance on Test 0:12:11.600,0:12:16.920 Report. But, before I go to the next 0:12:14.880,0:12:19.880 screen, I just want to point out that you 0:12:16.920,0:12:23.240 can export your data from any report 0:12:19.880,0:12:26.160 where you see this export icon. Located 0:12:23.240,0:12:29.480 to the left of the assessment 0:12:26.160,0:12:31.160 name. And your export options will depend 0:12:29.480,0:12:33.399 on the type of test 0:12:31.160,0:12:35.639 report. You may have the option of 0:12:33.399,0:12:38.880 selecting summary reports 0:12:35.639,0:12:41.519 including just the reporting category 0:12:38.880,0:12:43.720 performance or you may choose to export 0:12:41.519,0:12:47.040 them with the item performance. If it's 0:12:43.720,0:12:49.760 an interim, of all students included, make 0:12:47.040,0:12:52.600 your expert file type selections and 0:12:49.760,0:12:55.120 click export assessment data and this 0:12:52.600,0:12:57.920 would go to your Secure File Center. 0:12:55.120,0:13:00.000 Okay, so, now we're going to drill 0:12:57.920,0:13:02.519 down here to the 0:13:00.000,0:13:05.639 High School ELA. 0:13:02.519,0:13:08.279 When District Level Users select a 0:13:05.639,0:13:10.839 test from the Performance on Test Report. 0:13:08.279,0:13:13.320 The District Performance on Test Report 0:13:10.839,0:13:14.680 opens with the display of the schools in 0:13:13.320,0:13:17.440 the 0:13:14.680,0:13:19.600 District and the aggregate data for each 0:13:17.440,0:13:22.120 school for the test group you selected. 0:13:19.600,0:13:24.600 The State and District 0:13:22.120,0:13:26.480 comparison rows now display at the top 0:13:24.600,0:13:30.480 of the results table along with the 0:13:26.480,0:13:33.160 student count and the performance distribution. 0:13:30.480,0:13:36.560 To navigate to school level 0:13:33.160,0:13:36.560 results click the name of the school. 0:13:38.639,0:13:43.760 In the School Performance on Test 0:13:41.360,0:13:45.279 Report, results are organized by roster 0:13:43.760,0:13:48.320 by default. 0:13:45.279,0:13:50.399 Two tabs Performance by Roster 0:13:48.320,0:13:52.920 and Performance by Student appear at the 0:13:50.399,0:13:55.000 top of the results table allowing the 0:13:52.920,0:13:57.399 School Level User to toggle between 0:13:55.000,0:13:59.759 roster results or student results. 0:13:57.399,0:14:02.480 You may be a ble to check the 0:13:59.759,0:14:06.160 student count for each roster in the 0:14:02.480,0:14:08.360 school using this report, as well as, the 0:14:06.160,0:14:11.519 performance distribution and any other 0:14:08.360,0:14:11.519 performance measures in use. 0:14:12.839,0:14:17.320 Here's the same School Performance 0:14:15.880,0:14:20.040 on Test Report. 0:14:17.320,0:14:22.399 Showing performance by student. 0:14:20.040,0:14:24.320 There is one more drill down 0:14:22.399,0:14:26.199 option at this point to isolate a 0:14:24.320,0:14:28.040 student's test results by clicking on 0:14:26.199,0:14:30.320 the student 0:14:28.040,0:14:32.279 names. 0:14:30.320,0:14:34.920 Look at this. 0:14:32.279,0:14:37.759 Here is the Student Performance on 0:14:34.920,0:14:40.399 Test Report showing a single students 0:14:37.759,0:14:42.800 performance. Note that the student's name 0:14:40.399,0:14:45.600 is no longer underlined this is the end 0:14:42.800,0:14:45.600 of the navigation trail. 0:14:46.279,0:14:50.639 I'm going to go back here to 0:14:48.639,0:14:53.360 school performance on 0:14:50.639,0:14:56.440 test and I'm going to show you for test 0:14:53.360,0:14:58.600 with reporting category sections you can 0:14:56.440,0:15:01.440 compare the performance of your students 0:14:58.600,0:15:04.440 in each each area of the test. You click 0:15:01.440,0:15:07.160 on each vertical section bar to expand 0:15:04.440,0:15:07.160 or collapse it. 0:15:07.880,0:15:13.000 In this example you can view the 0:15:10.480,0:15:15.279 performance level for each student under 0:15:13.000,0:15:18.000 the reporting categories of the high 0:15:15.279,0:15:18.000 school ELA test. 0:15:18.839,0:15:25.800 Of note here for 0:15:22.320,0:15:28.600 ELA is the writing dimensions section. 0:15:25.800,0:15:30.959 The writing dimensions section 0:15:28.600,0:15:33.519 appears for aggregate reports of 0:15:30.959,0:15:36.560 Assessments that include an essay component. 0:15:33.519,0:15:39.440 The Columns within the writing 0:15:36.560,0:15:43.079 dimensions category are nested with the 0:15:39.440,0:15:45.000 types of essay under the essay header. 0:15:43.079,0:15:48.279 So, we have explanatory 0:15:45.000,0:15:50.639 argumentative and I think those are the 0:15:48.279,0:15:50.639 two here. 0:15:51.680,0:15:57.519 And each dimension subcolumn is 0:15:55.120,0:15:59.519 split into additional subcolumns based 0:15:57.519,0:16:01.600 on the possible point 0:15:59.519,0:16:04.120 students can earn in that dimension. 0:16:01.600,0:16:06.680 These point columns show the 0:16:04.120,0:16:10.880 percentage of students in a roster who 0:16:06.680,0:16:10.880 earned each point value in each dimension. 0:16:11.600,0:16:18.600 So, you can see here how many 0:16:14.560,0:16:23.160 students um in the district for example 0:16:18.600,0:16:25.959 um received this the point value. This had 0:16:23.160,0:16:30.199 100% of students receiving one point and 0:16:25.959,0:16:33.079 one student. This is a small sample data set. 0:16:30.199,0:16:35.759 Okay, now I'm going to pop up a 0:16:33.079,0:16:37.519 another screen here. Andy: Olivia, while you're 0:16:35.759,0:16:39.560 back on the writing dimensions I'm 0:16:37.519,0:16:42.199 really glad that you pointed that out. 0:16:39.560,0:16:44.079 And and Tony Tony Bertrand would would 0:16:42.199,0:16:46.839 be very very happy that you pointed that 0:16:44.079,0:16:49.279 out as well, because uh we tend to focus 0:16:46.839,0:16:51.720 a lot on the claim level data. 0:16:49.279,0:16:53.920 Just reading just writing, but the writing 0:16:51.720,0:16:56.800 dimensions uh are really helpful when 0:16:53.920,0:16:59.759 you're looking uh when you're looking at 0:16:56.800,0:17:03.199 your your districtwide data. 0:16:59.759,0:17:05.839 And um what we've what we have found in 0:17:03.199,0:17:08.559 in uh the kind of over the course of 0:17:05.839,0:17:12.760 time is that when we talk about our our 0:17:08.559,0:17:15.480 OSAS ELA test some people hear that or 0:17:12.760,0:17:17.839 interpret that as a reading test. 0:17:15.480,0:17:21.000 And that's just not true. It's it's a it's a 0:17:17.839,0:17:24.559 Language Arts test, so reading makes up 0:17:21.000,0:17:28.280 40% of the test and writing makes up 0:17:24.559,0:17:32.120 also 40% of the test and so um there's a 0:17:28.280,0:17:34.520 there's a real depth of data in O in CRS 0:17:32.120,0:17:37.080 around writing. Um and we want to really 0:17:34.520,0:17:39.919 encourage you to to dive into that. 0:17:37.080,0:17:44.200 The other thing I wanted to point out is um 0:17:39.919,0:17:46.760 you'll notice on this slide that um 0:17:44.200,0:17:51.320 you've got a lot more of those colorful 0:17:46.760,0:17:54.200 vertical menus. In Oregon we only report 0:17:51.320,0:17:57.159 at the student level. We only report uh 0:17:54.200,0:17:59.840 the claims of reading and writing at the 0:17:57.159,0:18:03.600 student level. Um there are also claims 0:17:59.840,0:18:05.919 for listening and research. Those uh 0:18:03.600,0:18:08.440 those data are not reliable at the 0:18:05.919,0:18:11.600 student level and so you can get those 0:18:08.440,0:18:13.480 within the ODE applications within the 0:18:11.600,0:18:15.840 Accountability Warehouse Extract and 0:18:13.480,0:18:17.559 some others. Um but in the reporting 0:18:15.840,0:18:19.640 system you're only going to notice claim 0:18:17.559,0:18:22.600 one and two for ELA and you're only 0:18:19.640,0:18:24.320 going to notice claim one for math. Uh 0:18:22.600,0:18:25.960 and again the reason for that is just 0:18:24.320,0:18:28.960 they're they're not reliable at the 0:18:25.960,0:18:31.679 student level they are U more helpful on 0:18:28.960,0:18:34.960 aggregate when you're looking at your 0:18:31.679,0:18:38.159 system. Um and then finally um that uh 0:18:34.960,0:18:41.840 the the very top row in the table says 0:18:38.159,0:18:45.039 State. Um I want to really discourage you 0:18:41.840,0:18:47.880 from leaning too heavily into those data. 0:18:45.039,0:18:51.280 Um comparing your District or your 0:18:47.880,0:18:54.440 school to the state at at at you know as 0:18:51.280,0:18:56.880 a as a whole is not particularly helpful, 0:18:54.440,0:19:00.400 because there you know the context is 0:18:56.880,0:19:02.760 very different across many districts. 0:19:00.400,0:19:04.520 So, um, use the district line for sure if 0:19:02.760,0:19:06.360 you're looking at school data see how 0:19:04.520,0:19:08.320 your your school or this particular 0:19:06.360,0:19:10.480 roster of students is comparing to the 0:19:08.320,0:19:12.280 district. Um, but we want to discourage 0:19:10.480,0:19:15.400 you from from reading too much into the 0:19:12.280,0:19:17.799 state row there. Um and Olivia are we 0:19:15.400,0:19:20.799 gonna talk about rosters later? 0:19:17.799,0:19:22.120 Olivia: We can. Yeah. Andy: Okay, let's let's do 0:19:20.799,0:19:24.360 that in a bit. I just want folks to be 0:19:22.120,0:19:25.159 clear on what a roster is and and why 0:19:24.360,0:19:30.320 it's useful. 0:19:25.159,0:19:32.919 Olivia: Okay. Andy: Thanks. Yeah. 0:19:30.320,0:19:35.080 Okay, so thanks Andy that was a great 0:19:32.919,0:19:37.799 summary of what's going on with the 0:19:35.080,0:19:39.320 writing dimensions report here. Um I'm 0:19:37.799,0:19:41.080 just going to kind of cover what what 0:19:39.320,0:19:43.400 you touched on in a little more depth 0:19:41.080,0:19:45.440 here, so to help you analyze your 0:19:43.400,0:19:48.919 students performance in the different 0:19:45.440,0:19:51.840 dimensions certain cells are highlighted 0:19:48.919,0:19:53.559 green or red. The cell with the highest 0:19:51.840,0:19:55.600 percentage of students earning the 0:19:53.559,0:19:58.760 highest point value for a dimension is 0:19:55.600,0:20:01.520 shaded green and displays an up arrow in 0:19:58.760,0:20:03.799 the cell. These students performed well 0:20:01.520,0:20:05.919 in that dimension as compared with other 0:20:03.799,0:20:07.640 students. The cell with the highest 0:20:05.919,0:20:10.320 percentage of students earning the 0:20:07.640,0:20:13.520 lowest point value for a dimension is 0:20:10.320,0:20:15.799 shaded red and always displays a down arrow 0:20:13.520,0:20:18.919 These students performed comparatively poorly. 0:20:15.799,0:20:20.559 For example, on this 0:20:18.919,0:20:24.080 slide you can quickly see that the 0:20:20.559,0:20:26.120 teacher's students overall are scoring low 0:20:24.080,0:20:28.880 in elaboration. 0:20:26.120,0:20:31.520 The red shading serves as a red flag. 0:20:28.880,0:20:33.400 The goal is to help users identify 0:20:31.520,0:20:36.640 a pattern where the students are not 0:20:33.400,0:20:39.520 doing so well. These markers allow users 0:20:36.640,0:20:41.840 to detect a pattern and even if there is 0:20:39.520,0:20:44.200 no pattern it allows the users to focus 0:20:41.840,0:20:46.240 on areas that need remediation and to 0:20:44.200,0:20:47.760 figure out what is working well and what 0:20:46.240,0:20:49.880 can be shared across classes. 0:20:47.760,0:20:52.480 You can also see that the students 0:20:49.880,0:20:55.200 on the demo roster are scoring 0:20:52.480,0:20:58.080 high in conventions. The green shading 0:20:55.200,0:20:59.679 indicates consistent strong performance. 0:20:58.080,0:21:01.520 The teacher can determine what is 0:20:59.679,0:21:04.000 working well and what can be shared 0:21:01.520,0:21:04.000 across 0:21:08.080,0:21:11.080 classes. 0:21:11.360,0:21:17.960 Okay. Going to close out of this go back 0:21:15.279,0:21:20.520 to our screen. 0:21:17.960,0:21:24.120 Okay. So now we're going to go 0:21:20.520,0:21:26.200 back to District Performance on Test and 0:21:24.120,0:21:30.159 look at this search box here on the 0:21:26.200,0:21:32.600 upper right hand side of the screen. 0:21:30.159,0:21:36.400 So all users can access a standalone 0:21:32.600,0:21:39.679 student portfolio from any test report page. 0:21:36.400,0:21:43.640 You just enter the student SSID 0:21:39.679,0:21:43.640 into the search box and click the search button. 0:21:48.520,0:21:56.080 So I'm looking at 22-23 here and I 0:21:53.279,0:21:58.159 entered in the student ID, but there it 0:21:56.080,0:22:00.200 says there's no assessments display for 0:21:58.159,0:22:03.320 this period. But if we come over 0:22:00.200,0:22:05.679 to filters and it allows you to click 0:22:03.320,0:22:09.320 other school years and you can hit apply. 0:22:05.679,0:22:12.279 Oops! Let's see student can come up 0:22:09.320,0:22:12.279 anybody. 0:22:21.440,0:22:27.840 Um. Here we go. If you if you choose more 0:22:25.000,0:22:31.240 school years um sometimes if there's not 0:22:27.840,0:22:32.799 a a current year test available. Um. 0:22:31.240,0:22:35.640 You just choose the other years and you can 0:22:32.799,0:22:37.200 pull up all of the students test results 0:22:35.640,0:22:40.120 from all years. 0:22:37.200,0:22:42.120 So using the student portfolio 0:22:40.120,0:22:45.200 report lists all the tests the student 0:22:42.120,0:22:47.640 has taken in the current school year and 0:22:45.200,0:22:50.760 you can quickly add tests from previous 0:22:47.640,0:22:53.400 school years just like I did and so that 0:22:50.760,0:22:56.200 you can get a complete list of all tests 0:22:53.400,0:23:00.400 taken by the students. You can use these 0:22:56.200,0:23:02.520 filters further to uh 0:23:00.400,0:23:05.320 look at all the tests that they all 0:23:02.520,0:23:08.679 different types of tests that they've 0:23:05.320,0:23:11.120 taken and you can compare the student 0:23:08.679,0:23:12.919 results with state district school and 0:23:11.120,0:23:14.880 or teacher level data using the 0:23:12.919,0:23:17.480 expansion arrows to the right of each 0:23:14.880,0:23:17.480 assessment name. 0:23:17.840,0:23:24.039 And then from here you can easily 0:23:21.279,0:23:26.440 uh generate and print an ISR or student 0:23:24.039,0:23:29.520 data file just for this one student by 0:23:26.440,0:23:31.919 using these um this module here which 0:23:29.520,0:23:34.679 we'll go into further. 0:23:31.919,0:23:37.000 And you can also just drill down 0:23:34.679,0:23:39.600 into the individual tests by clicking on 0:23:37.000,0:23:39.600 the assessment name. 0:23:41.799,0:23:48.559 Okay. So from here we're going to go 0:23:44.840,0:23:51.520 back here and go into the features and 0:23:48.559,0:23:54.080 tools menu here. So this features and 0:23:51.520,0:23:58.200 tool menu is available at the upper 0:23:54.080,0:24:00.799 right corner of every page in in CRS. 0:23:58.200,0:24:02.520 The actions here that are displayed here vary 0:24:00.799,0:24:03.679 depending on the type of assessment and 0:24:02.520,0:24:06.279 the user's role. 0:24:03.679,0:24:08.200 This section covers how to print 0:24:06.279,0:24:10.320 reports and how to download student 0:24:08.200,0:24:12.919 results in the form of ISR in the 0:24:10.320,0:24:14.559 student data file. So I'm going to click 0:24:12.919,0:24:19.000 again on OSAS 0:24:14.559,0:24:19.000 ELA and high 0:24:20.159,0:24:26.279 school. Just to note here you can order 0:24:23.760,0:24:28.559 uh you can order a print file from any 0:24:26.279,0:24:31.600 page in CRS except the dashboard 0:24:28.559,0:24:33.039 generator and you just would click print 0:24:31.600,0:24:35.240 and you're presented with a print 0:24:33.039,0:24:37.600 preview of what you're going to be printing. 0:24:35.240,0:24:39.520 You make your selections from 0:24:37.600,0:24:42.880 the gray panel here on the left side of 0:24:39.520,0:24:47.559 the page and just click 0:24:42.880,0:24:47.559 confirm. And then that'll like print 0:24:50.640,0:24:53.640 as a PDF. 0:24:55.799,0:25:01.600 Cancel. Okay so we're going to start here 0:24:58.159,0:25:04.080 by clicking uh download student results. 0:25:01.600,0:25:06.799 The download student results 0:25:04.080,0:25:09.240 button allows you to generate an ISR or 0:25:06.799,0:25:12.760 student data file. 0:25:09.240,0:25:14.880 An ISR is a PDF that displays 0:25:12.760,0:25:18.039 results for a single test opportunity 0:25:14.880,0:25:21.360 taken by a student. It may consist of a 0:25:18.039,0:25:23.000 single page or multiple pages. 0:25:21.360,0:25:24.720 ISRs are useful for sharing performance 0:25:23.000,0:25:27.640 information with students and their 0:25:24.720,0:25:30.919 parents and guardians. A student data 0:25:27.640,0:25:33.840 file is an Excel, CSV, or text file of the 0:25:30.919,0:25:36.720 information used for analysis. 0:25:33.840,0:25:38.880 Both the reports the ISR and the 0:25:36.720,0:25:41.279 student data file are typically built by 0:25:38.880,0:25:43.360 completing three numbered and colored sections. 0:25:41.279,0:25:47.559 Which you see here. 0:25:43.360,0:25:50.159 First is test reasons then select 0:25:47.559,0:25:51.640 assessments and then select students. 0:25:50.159,0:25:54.559 I'm going to take you through the steps of 0:25:51.640,0:25:56.559 generating an ISR. You construct the 0:25:54.559,0:25:58.440 student data file in the same way but 0:25:56.559,0:26:01.520 your report will be in the form of an 0:25:58.440,0:26:04.399 Excel, CSV, or text spreadsheet. 0:26:01.520,0:26:06.840 First, the first uh column 0:26:04.399,0:26:09.000 here is the test reasons. 0:26:06.840,0:26:12.760 As, Andy, mentioned uh test reasons aren't as 0:26:09.000,0:26:15.279 important for uh summative tests. But, of 0:26:12.760,0:26:17.559 course, you would click ELA Summative if 0:26:15.279,0:26:20.520 you wanted to to look at ELPA data, but 0:26:17.559,0:26:24.200 for ELA, Math, and Science you'll always 0:26:20.520,0:26:26.320 use spring the spring of the given year 0:26:24.200,0:26:29.880 that you're wanting to look at. 0:26:26.320,0:26:31.840 Uh. For interims you would have one of 0:26:29.880,0:26:33.799 these other test reasons here that you 0:26:31.840,0:26:35.640 would need to click on. So you would 0:26:33.799,0:26:37.960 click the test reason you needed. 0:26:35.640,0:26:39.039 Then you would move to column two which is 0:26:37.960,0:26:41.360 select assessments. 0:26:39.039,0:26:42.720 You can select assessments 0:26:41.360,0:26:46.200 by subject and 0:26:42.720,0:26:48.960 grade. Select individual assessments or 0:26:46.200,0:26:51.279 subjects. When you are generating ISRs 0:26:48.960,0:26:54.919 you can select multiple grades under one 0:26:51.279,0:26:57.840 subject, but not multiple 0:26:54.919,0:27:00.240 subjects. So here you can see ELA is 0:26:57.840,0:27:00.240 selected. 0:27:01.520,0:27:04.880 All grades. 0:27:05.799,0:27:10.520 And column three is labeled 0:27:08.559,0:27:13.279 select students. 0:27:10.520,0:27:15.159 Each roster can be expanded to 0:27:13.279,0:27:16.840 show the students on that roster by 0:27:15.159,0:27:19.080 clicking the arrow next to the roster name. 0:27:16.840,0:27:21.279 So these are all rosters. 0:27:19.080,0:27:24.000 And if you click next to a 0:27:21.279,0:27:26.799 roster name you can see the students 0:27:24.000,0:27:26.799 included in that 0:27:27.159,0:27:30.159 roster. 0:27:30.399,0:27:36.559 So this is the school, the roster and the 0:27:34.080,0:27:38.840 students. So District Assessment 0:27:36.559,0:27:41.159 Coordinators are limited to selecting 0:27:38.840,0:27:43.480 students from up to three schools 0:27:41.159,0:27:46.159 only and that's on when you're 0:27:43.480,0:27:46.159 generating ISRs. 0:27:50.000,0:27:56.600 Another customizing option is 0:27:53.279,0:27:59.159 accessed via the filters button. 0:27:56.600,0:28:01.840 Which is a available here at the 0:27:59.159,0:28:06.240 top of the screen. And this is helpful if 0:28:01.840,0:28:09.200 you are downloading ISRs for specific 0:28:06.240,0:28:12.399 periods of time. So if you want to 0:28:09.200,0:28:15.080 download for example all ISRs from those 0:28:12.399,0:28:18.200 three schools that I just 0:28:15.080,0:28:20.240 selected and all tests that all ISRs for 0:28:18.200,0:28:22.799 tests taken in the last two weeks you 0:28:20.240,0:28:27.120 could limit that search to the last two 0:28:22.799,0:28:31.919 weeks. So the 27th of February through 0:28:27.120,0:28:34.600 today. And apply that and then the the 0:28:31.919,0:28:39.000 zip file that will be sent to your 0:28:34.600,0:28:39.000 Secure File Center will just have those 0:28:40.440,0:28:45.440 ISRs. 0:28:42.159,0:28:47.799 And once you filled all this out you would 0:28:45.440,0:28:49.919 uh just click the generate button over 0:28:47.799,0:28:52.240 here. 0:28:49.919,0:28:54.840 That's R and then or you could choose this 0:28:52.240,0:28:56.880 student data file so if you just need to 0:28:54.840,0:28:58.720 print a few more students 0:28:56.880,0:29:01.679 ISRs. Um. 0:28:58.720,0:29:06.080 One thing that you can do is to enter up 0:29:01.679,0:29:08.640 to five student IDs in this search by 0:29:06.080,0:29:11.080 student box. And then a pre-populated 0:29:08.640,0:29:13.640 template that already has the test 0:29:11.080,0:29:16.080 reasons uh select assessments and select 0:29:13.640,0:29:19.440 students populated. That will display 0:29:16.080,0:29:22.080 allowing you to generate ISRs just for 0:29:19.440,0:29:22.080 those students tests. 0:29:24.679,0:29:30.159 So I'm going to show you now when 0:29:27.600,0:29:31.919 you go through this process and send 0:29:30.159,0:29:35.360 something to the Secure File Center. 0:29:31.919,0:29:35.360 What the Secure File Center looks 0:29:36.399,0:29:44.320 like. So this is a sample Secure File 0:29:40.120,0:29:47.360 Center showing multiple ISRs and data 0:29:44.320,0:29:49.440 files. You can archive or delete a file 0:29:47.360,0:29:51.360 at any time by using the buttons under 0:29:49.440,0:29:54.840 the actions 0:29:51.360,0:29:57.039 column. And you click on the name of the 0:29:54.840,0:29:59.600 file to download it to your 0:29:57.039,0:30:02.039 computer. Note that the files in the 0:29:59.600,0:30:05.480 secure file Center are automatically 0:30:02.039,0:30:09.320 deleted after 29 days in either the 0:30:05.480,0:30:09.320 inbox or the archived boxes. 0:30:09.360,0:30:16.240 Uh, but note um I don't have any 0:30:13.159,0:30:20.480 examples in this in this Secure File 0:30:16.240,0:30:23.000 Center, but for those of DTC's or DLUs on 0:30:20.480,0:30:25.159 this call. You're also receiving the 0:30:23.000,0:30:28.600 student crisis alerts in your Secure 0:30:25.159,0:30:31.159 File Center and those are automatically 0:30:28.600,0:30:34.399 deleted after 10 days for security reasons. 0:30:31.159,0:30:37.159 So make sure that if you need to 0:30:34.399,0:30:39.799 access that uh student crisis alert that 0:30:37.159,0:30:42.440 you access it within the 10 days. 0:30:39.799,0:30:42.440 Otherwise it's deleted. 0:30:45.679,0:30:51.240 And I'm going to show you an 0:30:47.799,0:30:51.240 example of an ISR now. 0:30:53.640,0:30:59.279 Okay. Here's an example of a uh 0:30:58.080,0:31:01.519 student ISR. 0:30:59.279,0:31:03.639 Just so that you're familiar with 0:31:01.519,0:31:03.639 the layout. 0:31:04.279,0:31:10.519 And typically if 0:31:07.679,0:31:13.039 you're download downloading these into 0:31:10.519,0:31:15.399 the Secure File Center and you've 0:31:13.039,0:31:17.320 downloaded multiple they will appear in 0:31:15.399,0:31:21.559 a zip file. So you'll have to open the 0:31:17.320,0:31:21.559 zip file and then the PDF of the ISR. 0:31:22.000,0:31:29.240 And then I have an example here of 0:31:25.760,0:31:32.760 the data file that comes out of the 0:31:29.240,0:31:34.080 uh of CRS. And it it shows all of the 0:31:32.760,0:31:37.080 student 0:31:34.080,0:31:37.080 information 0:31:37.799,0:31:42.080 um that's included in the system. 0:31:44.639,0:31:50.200 This is helpful, because from the 0:31:47.360,0:31:54.440 Excel format you can customize the data 0:31:50.200,0:31:56.639 file um using the filters functionality 0:31:54.440,0:31:56.639 in Excel. 0:31:56.840,0:32:02.840 So files of this nature allow the 0:32:00.159,0:32:05.519 user to employ workbook features of a 0:32:02.840,0:32:10.519 spreadsheet. To organize and sort the data. 0:32:05.519,0:32:10.519 And the generation process in 0:32:13.799,0:32:19.279 CRS. The generation process in CRS uh for 0:32:17.320,0:32:21.720 the student data file is the same one 0:32:19.279,0:32:24.679 used for the 0:32:21.720,0:32:29.480 ISR but it has fewer 0:32:24.679,0:32:32.399 restrictions. So, for example, in um for 0:32:29.480,0:32:36.480 the ISR you could only choose one 0:32:32.399,0:32:40.600 subject, but um for the student data file 0:32:36.480,0:32:40.600 you can choose as many subjects as you 0:32:45.679,0:32:51.399 want. Okay. Now we're going to move on and 0:32:48.960,0:32:54.360 show one of our newer reports which is 0:32:51.399,0:32:57.279 called the Cross-sectional 0:32:54.360,0:32:58.679 Report. Uh. In the features and tools menu 0:32:57.279,0:33:01.159 you see that that here in the upper 0:32:58.679,0:33:01.159 right hand side. 0:33:04.559,0:33:10.360 So the Cross-sectional Report helps 0:33:07.960,0:33:13.200 you understand how the institution's 0:33:10.360,0:33:14.840 performance has improved or declined ac 0:33:13.200,0:33:17.440 across student 0:33:14.840,0:33:20.200 populations. Unlike the Longitudinal 0:33:17.440,0:33:22.679 Report the Cross-sectional Report does 0:33:20.200,0:33:25.559 not track a particular set of 0:33:22.679,0:33:28.279 students. The set of students may vary 0:33:25.559,0:33:30.399 across test administrations depending on 0:33:28.279,0:33:33.919 which ones were enrolled and took the 0:33:30.399,0:33:36.880 tests at that time. A school level user 0:33:33.919,0:33:39.440 can view a report for their school and a 0:33:36.880,0:33:43.480 district level user can view a report 0:33:39.440,0:33:43.480 for their District or any school within it. 0:33:45.000,0:33:49.720 When a Cross-sectional Report is 0:33:47.720,0:33:52.600 available that button displays in the 0:33:49.720,0:33:55.240 features and tools menu. You click it and 0:33:52.600,0:33:58.399 open. You click it to open the report 0:33:55.240,0:34:00.880 options as shown here. You select up to 0:33:58.399,0:34:04.799 three test administrations you wish to 0:34:00.880,0:34:04.799 compare and click generate report. 0:34:08.000,0:34:12.800 The report appears displaying 0:34:10.760,0:34:16.359 data for the test family to which the 0:34:12.800,0:34:18.599 tests belong. The graph shows scores or 0:34:16.359,0:34:21.560 performance levels of the school for 0:34:18.599,0:34:24.280 each Administration period selected. 0:34:21.560,0:34:27.320 Score data are plotted along the line. 0:34:24.280,0:34:30.119 Performance level data are 0:34:27.320,0:34:32.879 shown in performance distribution 0:34:30.119,0:34:35.440 bars. You can click toggle to switch 0:34:32.879,0:34:35.440 between the 0:34:35.679,0:34:41.760 data. You can hover over the data points 0:34:39.839,0:34:46.960 in a line 0:34:41.760,0:34:50.919 graph. To view the um data points or the 0:34:46.960,0:34:50.919 sections in a bar to get more 0:34:54.720,0:35:00.800 information. The first table underneath 0:34:58.160,0:35:04.480 the graphs presents the same information 0:35:00.800,0:35:08.119 in tabular form. You can compare the 0:35:04.480,0:35:10.359 school year side by side by score and 0:35:08.119,0:35:13.240 performance level. 0:35:10.359,0:35:17.000 You can expand or collapse the 0:35:13.240,0:35:17.000 data under the colorcoded 0:35:19.280,0:35:24.520 headings. You can change the selections 0:35:22.079,0:35:28.920 by clicking the change selections button 0:35:24.520,0:35:30.599 at the top right corner of the report. 0:35:28.920,0:35:34.880 So this would be changing the school 0:35:30.599,0:35:34.880 years you want to look at. 0:35:40.400,0:35:45.119 Oops. And you also have a print button 0:35:42.920,0:35:46.440 here if you wanted to print what's on 0:35:45.119,0:35:51.319 this page. 0:35:46.440,0:35:55.160 Moving down below the second table 0:35:51.319,0:35:58.520 below. The graph shows breaks it shows a 0:35:55.160,0:36:00.920 breakdown of performance by standard. 0:35:58.520,0:36:03.920 Again you see the three school 0:36:00.920,0:36:05.960 years side by side with standards 0:36:03.920,0:36:07.640 identified under the color-coded 0:36:05.960,0:36:09.960 reporting categories. 0:36:07.640,0:36:12.359 The standard measures 0:36:09.960,0:36:14.880 typically include a proficient question 0:36:12.359,0:36:17.560 mark and strength question mark. 0:36:14.880,0:36:19.400 This helps you understand at a 0:36:17.560,0:36:23.200 glance how the school or district is 0:36:19.400,0:36:23.200 improving or declining in each 0:36:25.319,0:36:29.040 area. Andy, did you want to say anything 0:36:27.760,0:36:31.119 about these reports. 0:36:29.040,0:36:34.640 Andy: It's like it's like you knew I 0:36:31.119,0:36:37.240 was coming. Olivia: Yeah. Andy: Awesome, um, yeah thanks, 0:36:34.640,0:36:39.560 Olivia! So if can you click on the the 0:36:37.240,0:36:42.240 eyeball next to proficient and then next 0:36:39.560,0:36:45.960 to strength. So we talked about these as 0:36:42.240,0:36:47.680 tool tips um a little bit earlier, but I 0:36:45.960,0:36:49.599 wanted to make sure that um that 0:36:47.680,0:36:52.160 everyone saw how these data would show 0:36:49.599,0:36:55.000 up since there's so many asterisks on 0:36:52.160,0:36:57.119 the screen here. Um. In that proficient 0:36:55.000,0:36:58.040 column you're going to be able to see 0:36:57.119,0:37:00.280 whether 0:36:58.040,0:37:03.640 this aggregated group of students we're 0:37:00.280,0:37:06.240 looking at a district here right um or 0:37:03.640,0:37:10.200 at least a school. Um. That group of 0:37:06.240,0:37:13.680 students generally is performing above 0:37:10.200,0:37:17.000 at or near or below the proficiency 0:37:13.680,0:37:19.160 level or that grade level and then under 0:37:17.000,0:37:23.359 the strength column um in that other 0:37:19.160,0:37:26.680 eyeball you're going to see the um the 0:37:23.359,0:37:28.960 pluses and minuses and equal signs. So, 0:37:26.680,0:37:30.640 Olivia, if you could click click on the 0:37:28.960,0:37:34.000 other tool tip for strength. 0:37:30.640,0:37:37.200 There we go. The pluses 0:37:34.000,0:37:40.920 are showing you that that particular uh 0:37:37.200,0:37:43.599 group of students is this target is an 0:37:40.920,0:37:46.160 area of strength for them. Um, or, if it's 0:37:43.599,0:37:48.160 an equal sign it's kind of neutral. Um, if 0:37:46.160,0:37:51.079 it's a minus then that's we've 0:37:48.160,0:37:54.560 identified an area for growth here. Um 0:37:51.079,0:37:56.960 and then the asterisk is just protecting 0:37:54.560,0:38:00.200 the system protects you from from 0:37:56.960,0:38:03.040 getting erroneous data by um if if it 0:38:00.200,0:38:07.640 doesn't have enough information to make 0:38:03.040,0:38:10.359 a reliable um uh report it won't do that. 0:38:07.640,0:38:12.480 So this view right here this 0:38:10.359,0:38:15.319 Cross-sectional Report with the three 0:38:12.480,0:38:17.440 years. Um we've historically called a 0:38:15.319,0:38:19.520 Target Report, because it you're getting 0:38:17.440,0:38:23.480 Target data here and it allows you to 0:38:19.520,0:38:26.359 really look at at uh patterns across 0:38:23.480,0:38:28.400 three years. So we're we're taking out a 0:38:26.359,0:38:30.560 cohort effect here. 0:38:28.400,0:38:33.560 And we're really looking at how our 0:38:30.560,0:38:38.440 system is set up to serve 0:38:33.560,0:38:40.800 students. And this is so valuable, because 0:38:38.440,0:38:43.040 it's really hard to know what to do when 0:38:40.800,0:38:46.880 we see our overall data that you know 0:38:43.040,0:38:49.960 32% of my 8th graders are meeting the 0:38:46.880,0:38:52.119 proficiency standard in 8th grade. Um 0:38:49.960,0:38:54.560 What do I do with that? Who are those 0:38:52.119,0:38:57.440 students? What uh what's working for them? 0:38:54.560,0:38:59.520 Who are the other uh 68% of 0:38:57.440,0:39:02.319 students that are not quite there yet? 0:38:59.520,0:39:04.160 And and and is it all gloom and doom or 0:39:02.319,0:39:06.400 are there bright spots within you know 0:39:04.160,0:39:08.599 even though those students may not be at 0:39:06.400,0:39:12.040 proficiency overall. Are there areas 0:39:08.599,0:39:15.200 where they are shining? Um and so this 0:39:12.040,0:39:18.560 this Cross-sectional Report is in in our 0:39:15.200,0:39:21.480 opinion the most valuable way of looking 0:39:18.560,0:39:25.839 at your state testing 0:39:21.480,0:39:28.680 data. Thanks, Olivia. Olivia: Okay great! Thanks, 0:39:25.839,0:39:30.119 Andy! Andy: We get really passionate about this. 0:39:28.680,0:39:32.319 You might you might you might notice 0:39:30.119,0:39:32.319 that emotion. 0:39:32.920,0:39:40.119 Olivia: Okay. And and to circle back to 0:39:37.240,0:39:42.280 rosters in this features and tools menu. 0:39:40.119,0:39:45.280 There's a 0:39:42.280,0:39:48.400 rosters um area and depending on a user 0:39:45.280,0:39:51.480 role some users can add edit and delete rosters. 0:39:48.400,0:39:54.480 Rosters are a great great way to 0:39:51.480,0:39:56.400 organize students, allow teachers to view 0:39:54.480,0:39:59.040 their students performance and allow 0:39:56.400,0:40:01.920 other users to compare the performance 0:39:59.040,0:40:04.400 of dist different rosters. The more 0:40:01.920,0:40:08.440 rosters created the more specific data 0:40:04.400,0:40:10.760 analysis can be. So the roster management 0:40:08.440,0:40:14.040 pages used in reporting are the same 0:40:10.760,0:40:16.000 screens used in tide. So if you are a 0:40:14.040,0:40:18.960 district or school coordinator and have 0:40:16.000,0:40:21.440 manually added rosters one at a time or 0:40:18.960,0:40:23.200 use the file upload process you're all 0:40:21.440,0:40:25.160 set to do this in the reporting system 0:40:23.200,0:40:27.560 as needs arise. 0:40:25.160,0:40:31.240 I'll just show you here if you 0:40:27.560,0:40:34.359 want to add a roster. This is the same 0:40:31.240,0:40:36.880 screen that appears in TIDE. 0:40:34.359,0:40:39.560 You would choose your District you 0:40:36.880,0:40:39.560 would choose your school. 0:40:42.359,0:40:47.920 So rosters can only include 0:40:45.280,0:40:50.359 students within an individual school you 0:40:47.920,0:40:53.000 cannot create a roster that has students 0:40:50.359,0:40:57.920 across different schools. 0:40:53.000,0:41:00.280 So you can do a quick roster. Um. 0:40:57.920,0:41:04.720 In which you look 0:41:00.280,0:41:04.720 for you just do a search of all 0:41:07.000,0:41:12.800 students. And it it will show all of the 0:41:09.920,0:41:15.880 students um were available I think I 0:41:12.800,0:41:19.720 chose great three um and then you would 0:41:15.880,0:41:19.720 just create the roster name. 0:41:21.839,0:41:29.240 You choose a uh teacher name and 0:41:25.640,0:41:29.240 these are TAs in the system. 0:41:30.079,0:41:38.160 And then hit save and your roster is 0:41:33.920,0:41:39.440 completed. Um. And then you would you can 0:41:38.160,0:41:43.599 search for 0:41:39.440,0:41:43.599 rosters um here. 0:41:44.680,0:41:48.599 Think I was in the school. 0:41:52.800,0:41:59.480 Grade three demo. It's right here 0:41:56.200,0:42:01.839 and you can uh edit those rosters 0:41:59.480,0:42:04.119 too. If you wanted to remove some of the 0:42:01.839,0:42:05.119 students you just click the X and 0:42:04.119,0:42:08.760 they'll be removed. 0:42:05.119,0:42:10.640 So if you had for example um you 0:42:08.760,0:42:14.200 taught you were a science teacher and 0:42:10.640,0:42:17.160 you taught a chemistry section, a biology 0:42:14.200,0:42:20.040 section, and an earth science section and 0:42:17.160,0:42:23.480 you wanted to look at those students 0:42:20.040,0:42:25.880 scores. Um. In those cohorts you could do 0:42:23.480,0:42:25.880 it this 0:42:26.119,0:42:30.760 way. 0:42:28.119,0:42:33.359 Okay. I think that's all I had to cover 0:42:30.760,0:42:35.480 today. Is there? Are there any questions 0:42:33.359,0:42:36.920 we want to bring forth to the group? I 0:42:35.480,0:42:39.359 think that's more of a question for 0:42:36.920,0:42:39.359 Cathy. Or... 0:42:44.119,0:42:47.680 Cathy: I think we've answered most of the 0:42:46.480,0:42:50.079 questions that have come in through the 0:42:47.680,0:42:53.040 chat. Um. Although I just seen one that 0:42:50.079,0:42:55.640 just popped up. Okay. From Brigette Hayes 0:42:53.040,0:42:58.319 she says, "So if it brings up all third 0:42:55.640,0:43:01.440 graders, but then if I click on a third 0:42:58.319,0:43:03.319 grade teacher. It only gives me hers that 0:43:01.440,0:43:05.079 I can put into a class roster or do I 0:43:03.319,0:43:07.480 have to find each of her kids from all 0:43:05.079,0:43:11.880 the list of third kids in third 0:43:07.480,0:43:11.880 grade? Olivia: What what level role is 0:43:12.839,0:43:19.800 she? Brigette: I'm the DTC. Olivia: Okay. Go ahead. 0:43:16.839,0:43:22.680 Brigette: I'm the DTC for the District. Olivia: Okay and and 0:43:19.800,0:43:24.720 you're trying to create a roster for a certain 0:43:22.680,0:43:26.599 teacher? Brigette: Well that's what I'm wondering. 0:43:24.720,0:43:28.480 I've not done it before. I haven't had 0:43:26.599,0:43:31.559 any need to, but it occurs to me it might 0:43:28.480,0:43:33.119 be kind of cool to do that. But I'm 0:43:31.559,0:43:35.280 wondering, so let's say I've got three 0:43:33.119,0:43:37.720 third grade teachers and I'm like oh I 0:43:35.280,0:43:39.839 just want to make a roster for each one. 0:43:37.720,0:43:42.160 I don't have to go pick out each 0:43:39.839,0:43:45.280 person's kid from that Alpha list I can 0:43:42.160,0:43:47.200 actually just simply sort by if I click 0:43:45.280,0:43:49.319 on the teacher. I only get their students 0:43:47.200,0:43:50.800 or do I have to pick them all out? Olivia: I 0:43:49.319,0:43:53.400 think you need to pick them all out 0:43:50.800,0:43:57.839 because I don't think in the data we 0:43:53.400,0:44:00.280 receive from ODE that students associated 0:43:57.839,0:44:02.839 with a specific teacher. Brigettte: Just with a 0:44:00.280,0:44:06.200 grade. Olivia: Yeah. Just with a grade, so you 0:44:02.839,0:44:08.960 would need to you know leave this blank 0:44:06.200,0:44:12.160 for now. And you would search. And you 0:44:08.960,0:44:15.240 would um well sorry this is I was 0:44:12.160,0:44:19.359 searching for. You would add a roster. You 0:44:15.240,0:44:19.359 would look at the 0:44:20.599,0:44:27.480 school. And then you would need to select 0:44:24.040,0:44:29.880 the students who were associated or in 0:44:27.480,0:44:32.480 that that teacher's class. Now there is 0:44:29.880,0:44:36.359 an easier way to do this. Which is you 0:44:32.480,0:44:40.319 let's say you have a list of all of 0:44:36.359,0:44:41.640 the SSIDs in that teachers class. 0:44:40.319,0:44:44.599 You just upload a 0:44:41.640,0:44:48.319 roster and 0:44:44.599,0:44:50.640 um see I it's it's a very easy process 0:44:48.319,0:44:53.160 where you get a template. And you just 0:44:50.640,0:44:56.720 drop the SSIDs in there the name of the 0:44:53.160,0:44:59.040 roster and the person who you want to 0:44:56.720,0:45:01.200 assoc associate it with. Brigette: That makes sense. 0:44:59.040,0:45:02.960 Olivia: So upload is super that'll be a super 0:45:01.200,0:45:04.520 easy process you don't have to click 0:45:02.960,0:45:09.720 away one by 0:45:04.520,0:45:09.720 one. Brigette: Okay. Thank you! Olivia: Yep! No 0:45:11.280,0:45:15.119 problem. Cathy: And Andy it looks like you 0:45:13.240,0:45:18.280 dropped a document in the chat. Do you 0:45:15.119,0:45:20.359 want to talk about that? Andy: Yes! Thanks. So we 0:45:18.280,0:45:25.760 have worked with our um Partners at 0:45:20.359,0:45:28.319 Southern Oregon ESD. And they um they host 0:45:25.760,0:45:31.640 a Canvas in instance that uh they're 0:45:28.319,0:45:34.240 making available to folks Statewide. 0:45:31.640,0:45:36.119 So um we have talked for a long time about 0:45:34.240,0:45:38.079 how to drill down into those 0:45:36.119,0:45:42.440 Cross-sectional Reports or those Target 0:45:38.079,0:45:44.240 Reports to really uh ask some really 0:45:42.440,0:45:48.920 good and hard questions about your 0:45:44.240,0:45:51.480 system. And we just launched last week a 0:45:48.920,0:45:53.359 um an On-Demand course on their canvas 0:45:51.480,0:45:56.640 instance so I dropped a flyer for that 0:45:53.359,0:45:59.160 in the chat. Um. Please feel free to send 0:45:56.640,0:46:02.760 this far and wide through your districts. 0:45:59.160,0:46:05.559 Um. This is the perfect time of year for 0:46:02.760,0:46:08.359 district and building leaders to 0:46:05.559,0:46:10.960 understand how to use uh these Target 0:46:08.359,0:46:14.359 data uh as results start to come into 0:46:10.960,0:46:16.640 CRS as students complete their tests. Um. 0:46:14.359,0:46:18.559 And we want to sort of understand how 0:46:16.640,0:46:20.400 our system has supported students this 0:46:18.559,0:46:22.839 year. And and see how that fits in with 0:46:20.400,0:46:24.960 those those trends over time. Now is a 0:46:22.839,0:46:26.440 really good time to to have that 0:46:24.960,0:46:29.040 professional learning. So we've designed 0:46:26.440,0:46:31.079 it to be about about a 5 hour course. Um. 0:46:29.040,0:46:32.800 But they're five separate modules so you 0:46:31.079,0:46:35.319 know folks can can pick and choose from 0:46:32.800,0:46:37.520 what's there. Um and it's all it's all 0:46:35.319,0:46:40.160 asynchronous it's all online um 0:46:37.520,0:46:42.680 self-paced so and free. It's it's 0:46:40.160,0:46:44.400 available at no cost so um more 0:46:42.680,0:46:46.119 information is in that flyer, but we 0:46:44.400,0:46:48.440 really encourage you to to take 0:46:46.119,0:46:50.440 advantage of that. And and send that out. 0:46:48.440,0:46:52.880 We haven't even announced this to DTC's yet. 0:46:50.440,0:46:55.839 You'll hear that at the DTC webinar. 0:46:52.880,0:46:58.839 Um coming up very soon. 0:46:55.839,0:46:58.839 So. 0:47:02.119,0:47:07.800 Olivia: Well that covers uh everything that I 0:47:05.359,0:47:11.920 was planning on going over today. I want 0:47:07.800,0:47:14.960 to thank everybody for coming today and 0:47:11.920,0:47:16.760 uh please drop any more questions you 0:47:14.960,0:47:19.839 might have in the chat we will leave 0:47:16.760,0:47:24.000 this open maybe for another five minutes 0:47:19.839,0:47:24.000 or so before we close it out. 0:47:24.079,0:47:28.839 Um. Andy: Thank you so much, Olivia! Thanks, Cathy! 0:47:30.000,0:47:36.440 Cathy: Thank you, Andy. And thanks, everyone, for 0:47:32.440,0:47:39.440 coming. Andy, Olivia: Take care. Have great day! 0:47:36.440,0:47:39.440 Cathy: Bye. Bye.