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Threat and Hazard Resources

ODE graphic for the School Safety and Emergency Management team

Monthly Minute: School Safety Newsletter

The Monthly Minute is a one-page newsletter providing insight and tips on potential threats and hazards brought to you by the School Safety and Emergency Management program at the Oregon Department of Education. Follow this registration link if you would like to receive the Monthly Minute in your inbox at the beginning of every month. Check out the latest newsletters below:

February 2025

miniature picture of the February newsletter.

January 2025

miniature picture of the January newsletter.

December 2024

miniature picture of the December newsletter.

One-page Training and Drill Calendar: Use this one-page reference to help you plan your required school drills for the coming school year.

Recommended Training Topics, by month: This list adds detail to the one-page Training and Drill Calendar above. Use this as a guide to identify monthly school emergency management topics you can plan for this school year. The Monthly Minute will follow this list.

Planning Templates and Training Aids

The resources below can be used to draft plans for specific threats and hazards.

Health in Schools Planning

ODE's resource page--School-level Communicable Disease Planning--is a centralized repository of guidance and resources to address challenges associated with communicable diseases.

ODE School Health Services

2023-24 School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan Template This is ODE's fillable CDMP template. Link will download the document.


Monthly Minute Wildfire Newsletter: This Monthly Minute newsletter from June, 2023 covers some basic considerations when planning for the hazard of wildfires.


Tsunami Preparedness Checklist: Checklist for K-12 school administrators and principals. Checklist developed by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools

The following resources come from the REMS website and address specific threats and hazards.

Adversarial- and human-caused threats: Human threats that may impact students, staff, and visitors.

Biological hazards: Disease outbreaks, contaminated foods, and toxic materials.

Natural hazards: Earthquakes, floods, severe weather, etc.

Technological hazards: Power failure, dam failure, hazardous materials release.


Monthly Minute Earthquake Newsletter: This Monthly Minute newsletter from October, 2024 covers some basic considerations when planning for the hazard of earthquakes.

The Great Oregon Shakeout: This website includes a wealth of information on earthquake preparedness in schools.