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School Safety & Prevention Systems Advisory Group

Section 36 of the Student Success Act, and Senate Bill 52, also known as Adi’s Act, call for the creation of a School Safety and Prevention System (SSPS) to support the health and well-being of Oregon students and school communities.

The System is designed to provide school districts with a multi-tiered system of supports ranging from curriculum-based universal prevention programs, to safety-based crisis interventions. These offerings include suicide prevention services, behavioral safety assessments, access to the SafeOregon Tip Line, and positive school culture and climate support that includes programs to prevent bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation, and to promote mental health and well-being in school districts statewide.

All of these services and supports align with ODE’s Integrated Model of Mental and Emotional Health in that they are equity and racial equity-centered, evidence-based, trauma-informed, and strengths-focused.

This system is being developed in collaboration with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and in partnership with Education Service Districts (ESDs).


Advisory Group Meeting

March 24, 2022

There is an upcoming meeting of the School Safety & Prevention Systems Advisory Group on March 24, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Advisory Group is accepting public testimony. However, due to COVID-19 public testimony must be submitted in written form to Ana Salas by 5:00 p.m. the Thursday before the meeting.

2022 Meetings

  • Meeting Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Meeting Materials
    • ​Meeting Slidedeck​

