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Welcome to the RUC America temporary site

Please be patient as we work towards a more robust, informative site for all your road use charge needs.

What is Road Usage Charging?

For nearly two decades, gas tax revenues have declined significantly as a result of less driving, increasing fuel efficiency and decreasing purchasing power for construction-related materials.  Many states cannot keep pace with the costs of operations, maintaining, and improving their vital transportation system.  Most states are exploring additional funding sources, including Road Usage Charging (RUC), a pay-by-mile system that would replace the gas tax.

While some express concern about privacy, the majority of participants in state pilots chose GPS-enabled options.  Individual states also allow options for odometer-only options, and, in some cases, manual reporting as well.

Who We Are

RUC America brings together leaders from state transportation organizations to share best practices, ideas, and information on Road Usage Charge.

This groups acts as a go-to source for anyone who has any interest in RUC.  Whether watching the story unfold, or considering implementation of a Road Usage Charge, RUC America is the place to find a clear, factual, non-biased picture of how RUC has worked and is working in other states.  RUC America also provides case studies, best practices, and the most up-to-date information on RUC available anywhere.

RUC America is a ONE-STOP SHOP for all road usage charge information.

How RUC Works

Less gas tax revenue means states ar exploring other funding streams.  

RUC America Priorities

States throughout the country are working together to study the viability for RUC in their local contexts.  RUC America allows state departments of transportation to pool their resources to study outcomes and share best practices.  RUC America has already funded many projects related to the feasibility and implementation of RUC, with more on the way.

RUC America Reports (Caltrans site)

Maintaining Existing Infrastructure

Our state and federal transportation systems are at a crossroads.  The revenues currently generated for highways and local roads are inadequate to preserve and maintain existing road infrastructure, reduce traffic congestion and improve levels of service.  The gas tax may not be able to meet our current and long-term transportation funding needs because it is ineffective and outdated, continuing to generate less revenue as cars become increasingly fuel efficient.
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