Alternatives Analysis
We are studying two alternatives as part of the formal environmental review process. Four other alternatives were considered in 2020 and 2021 and found to provide fewer benefits. They were dropped from the analysis in the Environmental Assessment (Refer to the I-205 Toll Project Comparison of Screening Alternatives Technical Report here).
Alternatives currently under review are:
The Build Alternative Tolls on the Abernethy Bridge and Tualatin River Bridges
| No Build Alternative No toll would be applied.
Description of the two alternatives
The build alternative (known as Alternative 3 in the I-205 Toll Project Comparison of Screening Alternatives Technical Report here):
- Vehicles crossing I-205 bridges over the Tualatin River and the Willamette River would be tolled.
- Split toll amount between two locations.
- Through trip pays more than local access trip.
- The earliest tolling could begin at the end of 2024.
- Toll revenue is used to fund the I-205 improvements Project from OR 99E to OR 213 (Phase 1B), 10th Street to Sunset Bridge (Phase 1C), OR 43 to 10th Street (Phase 1D), and 10th Street to Stafford Road, including Tualatin River Bridge reconstruction (Phase 2).
- Variable-rate tolls used to manage congestion.
![Tolling_I-205 Base Map_02.16.2023.jpg](/odot/tolling/SiteAssets/Pages/I-205-Tolling-Project-Analysis/Tolling_I-205%20Base%20Map_02.16.2023.jpg)
No Build Alternative: No toll would be applied to fund the I-205 Improvements Project or reduce congestion.
- Benefits would not be realized to help manage congestion or raise revenue for transportation projects.
- While construction of Phase 1A of the I-205 Improvements Project will move forward independent of the I-205 Toll Project, other phases of the I-205 Improvements Project would remain unfunded.
Technical Studies
We are in the environmental review phase, which began in Summer 2021. This phase includes:
- An assessment of the potential for additional diversion onto the surrounding street system, especially onto neighborhood streets designed for low speed, low volume conditions.
- An evaluation of existing transit during peak periods to accommodate any shift in travel modes.
- An assessment of whether improved reliability on I-205 will make bus service on the highway a viable option to improve the currently limited public transportation options between West Linn, Oregon City and the I-5 corridor.
- Evaluation of other potential benefits and impacts of the build alternative.
- Consideration of equity and mobility strategies to ensure people of all demographics receive travel benefits.
- Publishing the results of the analysis in an Environmental Assessment.
Environmental Assessment was published in February 2023 for review and comment. The project team is currently reviewing all comments.
2018 Feasibility Analysis concludes that tolls could be effective to manage congestion.
Oregon’s House Bill 2017, also known as Keep Oregon Moving, directed the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) to develop a proposal for tolling on I-5 and I-205 to reduce congestion as part of a suite of transportation investments throughout the state for roadway improvements, transit service enhancements and bicycle and pedestrian safety upgrades. In 2018, the OTC and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) conducted the Portland Metro Area Value Pricing Feasibility Analysis to study how and where tolls could be applied. Substantial public input and a Policy Advisory Committee informed the final recommendations.
In December of 2018, the OTC submitted a proposal to the Federal Highway Administration outlining the findings of the feasibility analysis and seeking approval to continue the process of implementing tolls on I-5 and I-205. In January 2019, FHWA provided guidance to move into the next phase of evaluation and study on tolls.