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Wouldn’t it be great to be totally free of anxiety? Moda Resources

What to know:

Wouldn’t it be great to be totally free of anxiety?
Well . . . not really. Anxiety, like pain, is one of our body’s warning systems; we’d be in trouble without it. While pain tells us something is potentially wrong in our body, anxiety tells us something may be dangerous in our environment. It could be physically dangerous—like a bear—or socially and emotionally dangerous, like a conflict with a person we care about. 
At its best, anxiety alerts us to pay attention and to act with appropriate care. At its worst, anxiety can be agonizing and disabling. 
Helpful anxiety:
  • Nervousness before a presentation, or a test, or a first date.
  • Fear of an aggressive, barking dog; and anxiety the next time you encounter the same dog.
  • Fear related to doing something risky.
  • Discomfort over doing something that you believe is wrong.

Problematic anxiety: 
  • Fear of leaving the house; fear of having a panic attack.
  • Repetitive, intrusive thoughts that you can’t shake.
  • Overwhelming anxiety over social interactions.
  • Persistent worry that won’t let up.

Anxiety itself is normal and healthy. But if it starts messing with your life, it could be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are treatable; help is available. Some common treatments include:
  • Talk therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Medications

What to do:
  • A few general tips for managing anxiety include:
  • Limit caffeine intake as well as alcohol or other drugs.
  • Engage in physical exercise. 
  • Remember that anxiety itself (including panic attacks) is “distressing, but not dangerous.”
  • Avoid avoiding: Sometimes our efforts to avoid anxiety end up reinforcing the anxiety. Facing the thing you are anxious about can be a way to reclaim your power over anxiety. 

If anxiety is causing problems for you, talk to your healthcare provider. They can help, and/or recommend a specialist who can help. For assistance finding a behavioral health provider, or for questions about benefits, call Moda Behavioral Health: 1-800-799-9391.