The strategic plan dashboard utilizes data from many sources:
ALERT: The ALERT Immunization Information System (IIS) is the repository for immunization records in Oregon. ALERT contains immunization data for all age groups, and receives data from both public and private providers, health plans, pharmacies, and billing exchanges. Reporting is voluntary, except for state-supplied vaccines and for certain provider categories.
Learn more at ALERT IIS.
American Community Survey (ACS): ACS is a yearly survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau that collects information about the U.S. population. Learn more at
American Community Survey (ACS)
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): BRFSS is a collaborative project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and U.S. states and territories. It is an on-going data collection program designed to measure behavioral risk factors in the population 18 years of age or over living in households. Learn more at
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
Gallup Employee Survey: OHA employees take an annual Gallup Employee Survey that measures employee engagement and satisfaction. Learn more at
Gallup Employee Engagement
Hospital Discharge Dataset (HDD): HDD is a heath care data source that provides information on the hospital-based clinical services and is gathered from patient discharge records. It includes information such as primary diagnosis, procedures performed, medications prescribed, discharge disposition, and other relevant information used for analyzing healthcare trends.
Learn more at Hospital Discharge Dataset (HDD)
Hospital Reporting Program: The Hospital Reporting Program collects, maintains, analyzes and reports information about hospitals in Oregon hospital financial and utilization data to inform policymaking.
Learn more at Hospital Reporting Program
Hyper Articles en Lingne (HAL): HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive where researchers can share their published and unpublished research results, including articles, conference papers, theses, and preprints.
Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS): MMIS is a computerized system used by states to manage and process Medicaid claims, including functions like beneficiary eligibility, provider enrollment, claims, adjudication, and generating reports for program oversight; essentially, it’s the primary system for administrating a state’s Medicaid program.
Learn more at Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS).
Oregon Center for Health Statistics (CHS): CHS is the state’s vital records office, which manages and analyzes data on vital events in Oregon.
Learn more at Oregon Center for Health Statistics (CHS).
Oregon ESSENCE: Oregon ESSENCE is a system that provides real-time data on emergency department visits to help with public health and hospital response.
Learn more at Oregon ESSENCE.
Oregon Health Care Workforce Reporting Program (HWRP): The Health Care Workforce Reporting Program was created to collaborate with health profession licensing boards to collect health care workforce data.
Learn more at Oregon Health Care Workforce Reporting Program (HWRP).
Oregon Health Insurance Survey (OHIS): The Oregon Health Insurance Survey is a survey of people in Oregon that asks questions to help us understand how the health care system is working for people – from how many people have health insurance, to how much they pay in medical bills, to their ability to get care when they need it.
Learn more at Oregon Health Insurance Survey (OHIS).
Oregon Public Health Epidemiologists’ User System (Orpheus): Orpheus is an integrated electronic disease surveillance systems intended for use by public health epidemiologists and disease investigators to help with efficient and effective management of communicable disease reports.
Learn more at Orpheus: Disease Reporting.
State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS): SUDORS collects data on unintentional and undetermined intent drug overdose deaths from death certificates, medical examiner or coroner reports and postmortem toxicology results.
Learn more at SUDORS.
Traditional Health Worker (THW) Dashboard: The THW dashboard provides up to date information on certified Traditional Health Workers who meet certification requirements and are available for client referrals.
Learn more at Traditional Health Worker (THW).
WIC Information System Tracker (TWIST): TWIST is Oregon’s WIC program data system.
Learn more about the Oregon WIC Program.
Workday Workforce Data: Workday is a cloud-based software vendor that provides the State of Oregon with a learning management system (LMS) and other applications for human resources, finance and other uses.
Learn more about Workday.