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Oregon Health Authority

System-level social-emotional health metric: technical assistance

As of January 2022, CCOs have a quality incentive measure to support health aspects of kindergarten readiness: system-level social-emotional health. This metric focuses on identifying and connecting young children with social emotional health needs to services. The four components to this measure are:

  1. Social-emotional health reach metric data review and assessment
  2. Asset map of existing social-emotional health services and resources
  3. CCO-led cross-sector community engagement
  4. Action plan to improve social-emotional health service capacity and access

In 2025, the system-level social-emotional health metric will be replaced by a child-level metric. The Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership (OPIP) will be facilitating input sessions to seek feedback on options for the new metric. See full details here.

Specifications and guidance

Metric data and reporting

See the social-emotional health metric data and reporting page for the following reports:
  • OHA social-emotional health metric reach reports (statewide and CCO-specific)
  • CCO social-emotional health asset map summaries
  • CCO social-emotional health action plans

Technical assistance

The Transformation Center is providing technical assistance to CCOs for implementing the system-level social-emotional health metric.  

2023-2024 technical assistance

The Transformation Center is contracting with OHSU-ORPRN (Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network) to facilitate technical assistance and support for implementation of the system-level social-emotional health metric. See this flyer for full details and registration.

Webinars, learning collaboratives and resources for CCOs and partners will focus on the following areas:

  • Communications for parents and providers about social-emotional health for children 0–5 years old
  • Understanding the social-emotional health system and making improvements
  • Engaging new social-emotional health partners with the health system (could include billing/coding, community information exchange, using data for community engagement, etc.)

2022-2023 technical assistance

The Transformation Center worked with Artemis Consulting to facilitate a virtual learning collaborative to support the CCO system-level social-emotional health metric implementation. The series was structured around the four components of the metric: 1) Analyzing the reach data report; 2) Asset mapping; 3) Community engagement; 4) Action planning. See past learning collaborative agendas and materials.