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State Budget

State Budget


State budget process, development, public finance and related resources.

The following resources will help you learn more about its structure, budget and performance measures.

Transparency Newsletter Feature: State Budget
oregon governor budget
2023-2025 Governor's Budget

Top priorities, economic and revenue outlook, education, human services, public safety, economic-community development, and other Governor's Budget details.

2023-2025 Governor's Budget
Governor's Budget Archived Reports
2021-2023 Governor's Budget2019-2021 Governor's Budget2019-2021 Turning Point Budget Agenda2015-2017 Governor's Budget
Oregon legislature
Legislative Budget Highlight  Publications

The Legislative Fiscal Office provides summary information on the legislatively adopted budget and information on other legislative actions affecting the budget for the 2023-25 biennium.

2021-23 Budget General Fund/Lottery Funds
2021-23 Budget General Fund/Lottery Funds

The Oregon Legislature finalized a 2021-23 budget comprised of planned expenditures of $25.447 billion General Fund, $1.363 billion Lottery Funds, $48.568 billion Other Funds, and $37.411 billion Federal Funds.

regon Blue Book 
Oregon Blue Book
The Oregon Blue Book offers descriptions of state agencies, contact information, budgets, and history.  
Oregon Blue Book

Executive Branch
Executive Branch

public finance oregon 
Public Finance
The Chief Financial Office helps the Governor prepare a budget for the Legislature to consider. These resources explain the various phases of the budget process. 
Basic Facts reports are provided through the Legislative Revenue Office (LRO), and describe basic facts about public finance. Visit the LRO publications section for current and historical reports. The Legislative Fiscal Office (LFO) provides reports on a wide range of budget and legislative topics, current and historical reports.
Legislative Revenue Office (LRO)LRO Publications SectionLegislative Fiscal Office (LFO)LFO Publications Section

Did you know...

What is the state budget?
The state budget is a tool used to carry out state law and policy decisions. The budget, which must be balanced, allocates all revenue resources including General Fund, Lottery, Federal, and Other Funds that pay for public services. The budget may also authorize debt financing for some projects and activities.

The budget covers two fiscal years, which is a biennium. The biennium begins on July 1 of odd-numbered years, and ends on June 30 of the next odd-numbered year. For example, July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023. 

ORS 291.201

What is the state budget development process?
Oregon's budget development process occurs in three major phases: Agency Request, Governor's Recommended Budget and Legislatively Adopted Budget. 

Legislative committees reviewed the proposed budget and held public hearings to gather information from agencies and the public. Each budget bill included a Budget Report that described the committees' recommendations. The Legislature voted on each budget bill. When the bills received the Governor's approval, they became law and comprised the Legislatively Adopted Budget. Agencies are now administering the budget over the current two-year budget period.

Budget Process