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Higher Education Coordination Commission

Legislative Summaries and Budget Documents

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) is responsible for developing and recommending to Oregon’s Governor a comprehensive and integrated postsecondary education and training agency budget request. This budget request is aimed to support state goals. Because Oregon state government works on a biennial budget, the Oregon Legislature makes key decisions on higher education funding every other year. On this page you can find HECC budget documents for each biennium, as well as legislative summaries for sessions in budget-setting years.

Legislative Summaries and Budget Documents

Below you can read legislative summaries that describe outcomes in postsecondary education and training for each legislative session, as well as the Agency Request Budget, Governor’s Recommended Budget, and Legislative Adopted Budget documents for the HECC. The final budget is the Legislatively Adopted Budget.

Learn more about the typical timeline and process for budget development.

Many documents below are large documents and may take more time than usual to open.

BienniumHECC Legislative
and Budget
Agency Request
Budget (ARB)
Budget (GRB)
Budget (LAB)

HECC ARB 2025-27
HECC 2023 Legislative Summary, 2023-25 Key Budget and Policy Bills
HECC ARB, 2023-25, Part 1 of 2
GRB 2023-25 HECC LAB 2023-25
HECC 2024 Legislative Summary, Key Postsecondary Education Budget and Policy Bills 
HECC ARB 2023-25, Part 2 of 
HECC GRB 2023-25

2021-2023 HECC 2021 Legislative Summary, 2021-23: Key Budget and Policy Bills HECC ARB 2021-23 GRB 2021-23
HECC LAB 2021-23
HECC LAB 2021-23 Fact Sheet
HECC GRB 2021-23
2019-2021 HECC 2019 Legislative Summary, 2019-21: Key Budget and Policy Bills HECC ARB 2019-21 GRB Summary, 2019-2021 HECC LAB 2019-21
HECC LAB Fact Sheet 2019-21 GRB 2019-2021

HECC GRB 2019-21
2017-2019 HECC 2017 Legislatively Adopted Budget, 2017-19: Key Budget and Policy Bills HECC ARB 2017-19 GRB 2017-19
HECC LAB 2017-19
HECC 2018 Legislative Summary
HECC GRB 2017-19 
HECC LAB Fact Sheet 2017-2019 
2015-2017HECC 2015 Legislative Summary: Key Budget and Policy Bills  HECC ARB 2015-17 GRB 2015-17 HECC LAB 2015-17

Stay Engaged

During each legislative session and continually, we work closely with many of our our partners on the budget and legislative process. The Higher Education Coordinating Commission discusses legislative policy and funding proposals, receives legislative updates, and makes decisions on the agency budget recommendation at public meetings. Public testimony is welcomed at all public meetings of the Commission.

Learn about how to engage in our public policy work. Find details on Higher Education Coordinating Commission public meetings.