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Independent Quality Assurance Support & Services

In Oregon state government, independent Quality Management Services (iQMS) is often referred to as Independent Quality Assurance Services (iQA Services).

The Statewide IT Policy and Procedure No. 107-004-030 requires IT-enabled projects that meet certain criteria to use iQMS. This page contains useful information for the planning, procurement and administration of iQMS and is applicable to executive branch agencies under OSCIO oversight.

Projects that need iQMS

IT Initiatives that require Independent Quality Management Services (iQMS): Statewide QA Program Guidance 1 & 2


Contract Documents

As of July 2023, there are 10 contractors that hold statewide Master Price and Services Agreements (MPSAs) that authorize iQMS. Typically, iQMS for a major IT project is contracted under a Work Order Contract (WOC). The WOC is based on the iQMS Statement of Work (SOW) and supporting appendices, with engagement specific tailoring. The relevant documents are:

How do I get iQMS?

Major IT Projects that meet certain criteria are required to use the iQMS of an Independent QA contractor. Typically, this means the Project will use a contractor that holds a Master Price and Services Agreement (MPSA) that specifically authorizes iQMS. An important aspect of procuring iQMS is the proper use of the iQMS Statement of Work (SOW). For additional information, see Use of the iQMS Statement of Work: Statewide QA Program Guidance 3


Steps to procure iQMS

The scope of professional services is based on the iQMS Statement of Work (SOW). The SOW template contains five tasks* which are:

  • Task 1 – Independent Risk Assessment
  • Task 2 – Independent Quality Planning
  • Task 3 – Independent Quality Control
  • Task 4 – Independent Quality Assurance
  • Task 5 – Independent Testing

*Note: prior to 2018, Task numbers were:​

  • Task 1 – Independent Quality Planning
  • Task 2 – Independent Quality Control
  • Task 3 – Independent Quality Assurance
  • Task 4 – Independent Testing
  • Task 5 – Independent Risk Assessment

​​Within the scope determined in the iQMS SOW, an agency develops a draft Request for Quote (RFQ)* and related iQMS SOW, along with any other relevant documentation for the procurement process (e.g., project charter, redacted business case, etc.). Both the RFQ and its attachments (including the related iQMS SOW) must be approved by OSCIO and DAS Procurement Services (DAS PS) before use. A Major IT Project will normally include all five tasks and their related deliverables within the RFQ and the iQMS SOW. However, in consultation with OSCIO and DAS PS, a project may choose to reserve selected tasks and their related deliverables for subsequent release, if any, through contract amendments during the project’s life cycle. Agencies should engage OSCIO and DAS PS in a parallel rather than linear process. Requirements for Department of Justice legal sufficiency review apply to Requests for Quote and their resultant contracts. The $150,000.00+ threshold is determined on the basis of the reasonably likely total value of the contract, with all reasonably likely amendments, over the duration of the contract. *Note: with OSCIO and DAS PS support, as described in Guidance 2 above, an RFQ may identify more than one Major IT Project in an approved Portfolio.

​iQMS typically costs 4 - 6% of the total project budget for Tasks 1,2,3, & 4, and up to 10% including Task 5 - Independent Solution Testing.

With OSCIO and DOJ approvals as required, DAS Procurement Services (DAS PS) helps manage the Best Value Analysis (BVA) in a Request for Quote (RFQ) process.​

After contractor selection and negotiation, a Work Order Contract (WOC) is executed. For an Request for Quote (RFQ) involving an approved portfolio, a single WOC is executed for each IT project in the portfolio.​

Usually the Authorized Purchaser is the agency managing the Major IT Project, and the Authorized Representative is an employee in that agency.

​When the business needs exist, OSCIO may act as the Authorized Representative, with the Statewide QA Program taking on the responsibilities of contract administration. These business needs may include: federal requirement, Legislative Fiscal Office request, Governor Office request, agency request, etc.

Administering iQMS contracts

Deliverable Review Process:

iQMS Contract Administration: Statewide QA Program Guidance 4


Program Contact Information

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Statewide QA Program:

Phoebe Colman, Program Manager

Sergey Kukharik, Program Manager