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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

Prevent Adult Abuse and Neglect

What is adult abuse?

Adult abuse is when abuse happens to someone age 65 or older, or any adult age 18 or older who has developmental disabilities, physical disabilities or mental health conditions.

Types of abuse can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse or neglect.

If you think someone is being abused, you can report it by calling 855-503-SAFE (7233).

How to report abuse

Tips for preventing adult abuse

Older adults and people with disabilities who need care may be vulnerable to abuse by a caregiver or someone they trust. Here are some ways you can help prevent adult abuse.

  • Always report abuse or suspected abuse.
  • Learn how to recognize the signs elder abuse, and how these are different from the normal aging process.
  • Check in on older or vulnerable adults who may not have friends and family members.
  • Listen to adults and their caregivers to understand their challenges and give support.
  • Encourage family caregivers to get help when they need it. Caregiving is very rewarding but can also bring challenges. Training and support are available.

Tips to avoid scams

Anyone can be a victim of a scam. Here are some tools to help you spot and prevent scams.

For more information, visit the Consumer Protection page from the Oregon Department of Justice. They help consumers with complaints, prevent fraud and educate consumers.

Long-term care Ombudsman

The Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman is an independent state agency that advocates for Oregon’s citizens living in long-term or residential care facilities. They protect individual rights and investigate complaints related to nursing facilities, residential care facilities, assisted living facilities and adult foster care homes.