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We have grants for your heritage project!

Oregon Heritage offers a variety of grant programs for heritage projects from historic building preservation to oral history projects and more.

Check out the details for each program below to assist with heritage related projects.

Grant Programs

Diamonds in the Rough grants are to restore or reconstruct the facades of buildings that have been heavily altered over the years. The purpose is to return them to their historic appearance and potentially qualify them for historic designation (local or national). These grants are part of the SHPO's Preserving Oregon Grant Program. Grants may be awarded up to $20,000.

Application opens: Late Janaury 2025
Deadline: TBA Spring 2025 (11:59 p.m.)

OPRD Grants Online System

2023 Diamonds in the Rough - Impact Survey
2024 Diamonds in the Rough - Impact Form

2024 Diamonds in the Rough Grant awards

Historic Cemetery Grants provide funding in the following categories: Protection and Security, Restoration and Preservation, Education and Training, Research and Interpretation in support of cemeteries listed with the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries.

2025 Application opens: Late January 2025
Deadline: TBA Spring, 2025 (11:59 p.m.)

OPRD Grants Online System

2023 Oregon Historic Cemeteries Grant - Impact Survey
2024 Oregon Historic Cemeteries Grant - Impact Form

2024 Oregon Historic Cemeteries Grant Awards
Check our Heritage Bulletins for project advice.

The Oregon Heritage Grant provides matching grants to non-profit organizations, federal recognized tribal governments, universities and local governments for projects that conserve, develop or interpret Oregon’s heritage.

Application Deadline: TBA, Fall 2025 (11:59 p.m.)
(only awarded once per biennium)
Applications for the 2025 cycle will open in August 2025.

OPRD Grants Online System
2023 Oregon Heritage Grant Impact Survey

Project planning and grant writing resources

2023 Oregon Heritage Grant Awards

The Oregon Museum Grant supports Oregon, public and nonprofit, museums in projects for the collection and management of heritage collections, for heritage-related tourism, and heritage education and interpretations.

Deadline: TBA Spring, 2025 (11:59 p.m.)

OPRD Grants Online System

2023 Oregon Museum Grant - Impact Survey
2024 Oregon Museum Grant - Impact Form

Project planning and grant writing resources

The Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grant supports downtown revitalization efforts in communities participating in the Oregon Main Street Network. Only organizations participating in the Oregon Main Street Network are eligible to apply.

The purpose of the program is to;

  • Acquire, rehabilitate, and construct buildings on properties in designated downtown areas statewide; and
  • Facilitate community revitalization that will lead to private investment, job creation or retention, establishing or expanding viable businesses, or creating a stronger tax base

Deadline: March 13, 2025 (11:59 p.m.)

Prepare for your application now! Check out Prepping for the Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grant for tips.

Grant Application Workshop

January 9, 2025 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The free, online workshop will cover grant requirements and application processes and questions. Register here for access.

Grant Reporting & Reimbursement Workshop

July 22, 2025 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
The free, online workshop will cover how to submit progress reports, request reimbursements, and complete all grant requirements. Register here for access.

Previous, Active Award Year Guidelines
Online System Instructions and Access

Past Results

The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) offers matching grants for rehabilitation work that supports the preservation of historic resources listed in the National Register of Historic Places or for significant work contributing toward identifying, preserving and/or interpreting archaeological sites.

Letter of Intent to apply is REQUIRED and must be submitted by the deadline.

Letter of Intent Deadline: TBA Spring, 2025 (11:59 p.m.)
A pre-application work description submission is required. If you are interested in applying, submit the description by creating an application on the OPRD GrantsOnline System.

Once you have submitted a letter of intent, you may be contacted to discuss the project and to perhaps schedule a site visit. Once the letter is approved, you will be able to work on the application in the same online program.

Application Deadline: TBA Spring, 2025 (11:59 p.m.), applications will open late January 2025.

OPRD Grants Online System

2023 Preserving Oregon Grant - Impact Form
2024 Preserving Oregon Grant - Impact Form
2024 Preserving Oregon Grant awards

The Veterans’ and War Memorials Grant Program provides funding assistance to local governments for the construction and restoration of veterans’ and war memorials.

2025 Cycle - Application open: January, 2025

Deadline: TBA Spring, 2025

Applications must be submitted through the OPRD GrantsOnline System.

OPRD Grants Online System

2023 Veterans and War Memorials Grant Awards

Contact: Karen Litvin

The Certified Local Government (CLG) program offers matching grants to cities and counties that have been "certified" as historic preservation partners with both the state and the federal governments.  These grants can be used for preservation projects, including National Register nominations, historic resource surveys, preservation education, preservation code development, building restoration, and preservation planning.

Application Deadline: Submitted February 28, 2025 (11:59 pm)
Applications will open some time in December 2024

Your local government must be a CLG to apply.

Elisabeth Walton Potter Scholarship - get funding to attend a conference or training.

Oregon Heritage Fellowship - get funding to research Oregon history.


This grants supports large scale projects to preserve and enhance historic theater buildings in rural communities. It is funded with the new National Park Service Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program through a grant award to the State Historic Preservation Office. Restore Oregon, our statewide preservation nonprofit, is partnering with us to support theaters in the application process. Awards will range from $15,000-$100,000.
Application Deadline: This was a one time grant program and will not be awarded again.
-> Historic Theater Grant Guidelines - Please read these before preparing an application.
-> Historic Theater Online Grant Instructions - Please read these before using the OPRD Grants Online system.
-> Historic Theater Development Project Coversheet - Required for the application.
-> Historic Theater Preservation Covenant - Required if awarded
-> Historic Resource Record Form for Theaters - Required if property is not listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Kuri Gill
Grants and Outreach Coordinator
Phone: (503) 986-0685

Grant Process Instructions and Guidance

See the specifc grant program for using the online grant system to apply.
Sample Finance Page

Grant Aministration at a Glance
Grant Writing Tips
Grant Success Workshop
This workshop covers project planning, writing tips and instructions for the online application system. Skip to minute 3:30 to start with project planning. Skips to minute 20:09 for grant writing tips. Skip to minute 37:30 for online application instructions.
Board Involvement in Grants
Grant Reporting & Reimbursement Checklist

Federally Funded Grant Projects

​Underrepresented Communities Grant

National Park Service, Department of the Interior

The grant to SHPO will fund the development of a Multiple Property Document and one nomination to the National Register of Historic Places for properties related to African American history in Oregon. People with information about these kinds of properties are encouraged to submit information online.

Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program

National Park Service, Department of the Interior

The grant to SHPO will fund the Oregon Historic Theater Grant program.

Comment on Historic Preservation Fund Projects

The following cities, counties or organizations have a received a grant for projects listed through the federal Historic Preservation Fund, administered by the State Historic Preservation Office.

This page serves to make the public aware of the project and solicit comments pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The comment period is open for 30 days from the date listed for each project below. To provde comments or learn more about the projects contact Joy Sears, 971-345-7219.

Baker County - posted September 5, 2024
City of Baker City, $8,000 Grant Funds
Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery
1833 Main Street, Baker
Installfour replica replacement windows on rear elevation.

The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 authorizes a program of federal matching grants, known as the Historic Preservation Fund, to assist the various states in carrying out historic preservation activities. The program is sponsored by the US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, and in Oregon, is administered through the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office.