Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Cascade Centers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers information
and resources to help today's busy people keep their minds on work.
Services to OPRD employees include work-life counseling, along with
homeowner, legal and family resources. It is a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL
benefit. The EAP provides professional counselors that can guide you
over the phone or in office visits.
For more information: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Smart Commuter Program
Department of Administrative Services (DAS) offers the Smart Commuter
Program to encourage employees to use alternative modes of
transportation in their commute. The goal is to reduce traffic volume
and parking demand, improve air quality, and reward the efforts of state
employees who leave their cars at home.
To qualify, an employee must
commute to work by public transit, rail, vanpool, commuter bus, bicycle
or walk from home or from a park and ride location more than half of
their workdays each month. Permanent, temporary and contracted state
employees may participate in the program. The program offers occasional
parking permits, a coupon book for participants in Salem and a
guaranteed ride home.
For more information: Smart Commuter Program
Oregon State Library
and services are available to all State of Oregon employees. Order,
borrow and renew books, request research assistance and attend training,
orientations and events.
For more information: Oregon State Library