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Board & Committee Information

The Board

The Oregon Board of Accountancy assures that approximately 9,000 CPAs, PAs, municipal auditors and public accounting firms registered to practice in Oregon demonstrate and maintain professional​​ competency to serve the needs of their clients and other users of their services. The Board is authorized by ORS chapter 673 to establish and enforce standards and regulations and license qualified applicants to practice public accountancy in Oregon.

The Board composition is established in ORS 673.410.  Members of the board shall be appointed by the Governor for terms of three years, subject to confirmation by the Senate pursuant to Article III, section 4, of the Oregon Constitution. The board members must be appointed as follows: four must have a current permit as a certified public accountant under the laws of this state and be actively engaged in public accountancy practice; one must have a current permit as a certified public accountant under the laws of this state and be employed in private industry, education or government or be actively engaged in public accountancy practice; one must be a member of the general public; and one must have a current license as a public accountant under the laws of this state and be actively engaged in public accountancy practice.

Board Roster

Haley Lyons, CPA (Chair)
​​Kernutt Stokes LLP
​​Raul Valdivia, CPA  (Vice Chair)
​Valdivia Financial Inc

Logan Steele​, Ph.D.
(Public Member)
Oregon State University 
​Jason Robinson, CPA (Treasurer)
Oregon Department of

Meghann Hartley, CPA​
​Deloitte​​ & Touche LLP​
​VACANT ​​(PA Member)
​​Joseph Sullivan, CPA
Delap LLP​
​Angela Hunt, (Board Legal Counsel)
Oregon Department of Justice

CLICK HERE for the Board Agendas and Minutes

Questions about the Board should be directed to board staff at or by phone at 503-378-4181.

Complaints Committee (BOACC)

The Complaints Committee (BOACC) should consist of at least seven members. BOACC membership should include members with diverse practice specialties and expertise, which may include attest services, governmental accounting and auditing, income tax return preparation, estates and trusts, investments and bankruptcy.  
The BOACC provides technical assistance to Board staff as requested during the pendency of inquiries and investigations. BOACC will review investigation reports and make recommendations to the Board regarding resolution of the complaint, including possible disciplinary action.

Committee Roster

Tonya Moffitt, CPA, (Chair)
Bryce Wilberger, CPA
Greg Rogers, CPA
Sean Wallace, CPA
Scott Wright, CPA
Michael Mead, CPA
Norman Rush, CPA
Bradley Bingenheimer, CPA
Azucena Gillaspey, CPA
Raul Valdivia, CPA, (Board Liaison)

CLICK HERE for the BOACC Agendas and Minutes

Questions about the BOACC should be directed to Jeremiah Leppert, Committee Coordinator, by email at or by phone at 503-378-3575.

Qualifications Committee (QC)

The Qualifications Committee (QC) should consist of at least seven members. QC membership should include members in higher education, private industry, government and licensees involved in the practice of public accounting.
QC will review the experience requirements of individuals applying for an Oregon certificate or license to practice public accountancy and make recommendations to the Board regarding such applications. QC will review experience records submitted by the applicant to demonstrate achievement of the core competencies in other professional standards, including non-public accounting experience (equivalent experience) and experience obtained through Board approved experience programs.

Committee Roster

Norm Rush, CPA (Chair)

Aaron Piazza, CPA

Mary Pinero, CPA

Michael Smoot, CPA

Ellen Vong, CPA

Mingyu (Gaby) Zhu, CPA

Stephen Maeda, CPA

Desiree Didier, CPA

Jill-Marie Borovansky, CPA

Jody Deardorff, CPA

Angelo Meaderds Jr, CPA

Jason Robinson, CPA, Board Liaison

CLICK HERE for the QC Agendas and Minutes

Questions about the Qualifications Committee should be sent to board staff at or by phone at 503-378-4181.

Peer Review Oversight Committee (PROC)

The Peer Review Oversight Committee (PROC) should consist of at least five members but cannot fall below three members. PROC membership should include two or more members with a currently active license to practice and who have recent experience in accounting and auditing. Only one member may be a non-licensee.  If a PROC member is a non-licensee, that member must have extensive experience in preparing and using financial statements.
The purpose of the PROC is to provide oversight of the administration of approved peer review programs in order to provide reasonable assurance that peer reviews of Oregon licensees are conducted reported in accordance with the minimum standards for performing and reporting on peer reviews.

PROC will review and submit to the Board for approval, peer review programs that comply with the  minimum standards for performing and reporting on peer reviews. PROC will provide oversight of approved peer review programs to the Board.  PROC will comply with all other requirements as provided for in OAR 801 Division 050

Committee Roster

Brenda Bartlett, CPA (Chair)
VACANT (Vice-Chair)
Kimberly Conway, CPA​
Jonathan Howell, CPA
​​Kari Ott, CPA
Pamela Parks, PA
David Sacoolas, CPA

​Haley Lyons, CPA (Board Liason)

CLICK HERE for the PROC Agendas and Minutes

Questions about the PROC should be directed to board staff at or by phone at 503-378-4181.

Laws & Rules Committee (LRC)

Charge by the Board 

The Laws and Rules Committee (LRC) was reconstituted by the Board in 2023 to begin a review process of Board laws and rules. The charge of the LRC is to review the rules and statutes with a primary emphasis on eliminating unnecessary barriers toward initial licensure, elimination or reduction of barriers to practice for existing licensees and firms.  The LRC makes recommendations on the Board for changes at the level of rule and statute in these arenas as long as they are consistent with the Board's public protection mission, and with a goal of reflecting the evolution of professional practice.  Alignment with the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) and the national regulatory environment are a part of the charge of the Board to the LRC. 

Committee Roster

The Laws & Rules Committee Roster will be posted here shortly

CLICK HERE for the LRC Agendas and Minutes

Questions about the reconstituted LRC anbd its work should be directed to Executive Director Martin Pittioni, either at 503-569-7686, or by e-mail to

Pipeline Committee (PC)

The Pipeline Comittee (PC) should consist of at least seven members. PC membership should include members with diverse practice specialties and expertise, which may include attest services, governmental accounting and auditing, income tax return preparation, estates and trusts, investments and bankruptcy.  
The Pipeline Committee provides

Committee Roster

Tonya Moffitt, CPA, (Chair)
Bryce Wilberger, CPA
Greg Rogers, CPA
Sean Wallace, CPA
Scott Wright, CPA
Michael Mead, CPA
Norman Rush, CPA
Bradley Bingenheimer, CPA
Azucena Gillaspey, CPA
Raul Valdivia, CPA, (Board Liaison)

CLICK HERE for the BOACC Agendas and Minutes

Questions about the PC should be directed to Jeremiah Leppert, Committee Coordinator, by email at or by phone at 503-378-3575.

Committee Members
Committee members serve as volunteer members and will not receive compensation for their service. Committee members may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties. Committee members are selected by the Executive Director from a Board approved list of qualified applicants. Committee members are selected based on knowledge or experience that will provide a valuable and necessary resource to the committee. Board staff will provide the Board with the licensing history of licensees who are considered for appointment to committees.
Term of Membership
Committee membership terms will be for two years. A committee member may be reappointed to serve six consecutive years on any one committee. Committee terms begin on January 1 and end December 31 of the following year. Committee members who are appointed at any other time serve for the remainder of the term in progress in addition to the maximum six years allowed.
Removal from Service as Committee Member
Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Board and may be removed from committee service at the discretion of the Board.
Attendance at Committee meetings
Committee members who are unable to attend a regularly scheduled meeting must request to be excused by the Executive Director. Unexcused absences and abstentions may be reviewed by the Board annually. Two consecutive unexcused absences may be considered notice of that member's resignation and the Executive Director, with approval of the Board liaison, may provide written notice of such resignation to the committee member.
In addition, prior to the last Board meeting of the calendar year, the Executive Director and Committee Chair will review the attendance and participation of each committee member. Upon review, the Executive Director and Committee Chair will provide the Board with a recommendation regarding which committee members will remain on the committee for the following calendar year regardless of how long the committee member has been on the committee.
Committee Chairperson
A Committee Chair will be selected by committee members and will serve as the chair for a one-year term of office. The Committee Chair may serve in office for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Other Committees
The Board may appoint such other committees as it deems appropriate. Membership on such committees may include members of the Board, members of Board committees and other persons with special expertise.
Committee Charge
In the performance of duties as a member of a Board committee, all committee members will support the mission, goals and values of the Board. Committee members will not disclose confidential information that comes to their attention during the course of carrying out their responsibilities. Requests to any committee member for copies of public information or for a public statement relating to committee or board matters will be referred to the Executive Director.
Each committee will review all matters referred to the committee and make recommendations on such matters to the Board based on the appropriate statutes and rules. Every Committee will follow Board policies and directives that apply to the committee’s specific area of responsibility. Committees may recommend revisions to Board policies and procedures when appropriate.