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Department of Early Learning and Care

Preschool Promise

Preschool Promise (PSP) is a free, high-quality preschool program available to Oregon families who are living at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level in Oregon. The program serves children ages 3-4 in a “mixed-delivery model,” meaning that the program is operated in a variety of settings, and with a variety of sponsor organizations.

What is Preschool Promise

PSP settings include licensed center-based and home-based child care and schools. PSP sponsor organizations include culturally specific programs, school districts, Head Start programs, Oregon’s nine federally recognized Tribes, Relief Nurseries, education service districts and community-based organizations. Families may choose the PSP setting that best fits their needs.

PSP expands access to culturally responsive early care and education (ECE) programs. By establishing an inclusive, welcoming environment for all families, PSP may engage parents as partners in their child’s learning and development. Preschool Promise is currently the only public early learning program in Oregon in which all materials are offered in English and Spanish, at a minimum. Several Preschool Promise programs are culturally specific and/or multi-lingual.

Preschool Promise Through the Years

Eligibility & Enrollment

Early Learning Hubs across Oregon support families with navigating publicly funded ECE options, determining eligibility, and finding a program that meets each family's needs. Families enroll in Preschool Promise by working with their regional Early Learning Hub. Hub staff can help families apply for PSP, understand the documentation requirements, and find the best provider for their family.

Click on the Hub below to find your regional Preschool Promise enrollment specialist who is available to assist in determining a child’s eligibility.

Michelle Gomez

541-314-3990 |​


Alejandro Lamar ​

971-990-5677​ |


Zach Manley 

541-693-5622 |​ ​​​​​


Antonia Huerta​

541-917-4922 | ​​


​Michelle Nelson

503-226-9309 |

Jorge Guzman Arenas (Spanish)

503-226-9346 |

Parents Help Line

503-226-9305 |​


Alessandro Mastrorocco 

503-846-4496 | ​​

Brenda Nunez

Erica Hernandez

541-965-8319 |​


Patti Wright 

541 620-0622 |​ ​

Jessie Daher 

541-741-6000 Ext. 201 |​ 


Katrina Casas ​ 

971-701-0438 |​


Lucero Alvarez​ 

503-601-2985 |

Melina Carranza Vargaz

503-601-2992 |​


Vanessa Broadley 


​ ​

​ ​ Website

Molly McLaughlin 

English: 541-776-8590 Ext. 1150 

Spanish: 541-776-8590 Ext. 1190​ 

Preschool Promise is available to families with incomes at or below the 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

2024-2025 Federal Poverty Level

What Does Preschool Promise Support

By increasing access to high-quality preschool at no cost, Oregon is addressing current opportunity gaps for Oregon families. As of December 2022, 5,392 Preschool Promise (PSP) slots were available to Oregon children and their families.

Preschool Promise strives to meet the needs of working families by requiring a schedule that is at least six hours a day, four days a week and 900 hours per year. 900 hours is the minimum scheduling requirement for public kindergarten. Early care and education (ECE) professionals are valued in PSP programs with salary minimums that are working toward salaries that reflect a professional wage.

All PSP programs are required to follow Oregon’s Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines. PSP programs also provide families with services such as transportation, nutritious meals, developmental screenings, formative assessments, and referrals to community resources.*

Professional Development

The Department of Early Learning and Care partners with local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies to support ongoing evaluation and improvement of the Preschool Promise (PSP) programs. CCR&Rs provide technical assistance to help programs meet PSP quality requirements. To learn more visit the Child Care Resource and Referral page.


2023 - 2025 Preschool Promise Grant Agreement 

English  |  Spanish  |  Russian  |  Chinese  |  Vietnamese

Preschool Promise Operations Manual 

English  |  Spanish 

2023-2025 Preschool Promise Enrollment Manual Version 4.0


Request for Funding Application (RFA) Opportunities

To see current and past RFA opportunities, visit the Preschool Promise RFA Directory page.