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Professional Development

What the Oregon State Fire Marshal Offers

Welcome to the Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) Professional Development page, where we offer a range of training opportunities designed to help fire service professionals meet the highest standards of safety and preparedness. Whether you're a state employee or an external learner, our courses—delivered online or in-person—are tailored to your needs. From fire inspection basics to advanced fire marshal administration, our programs meet Oregon Administrative Rule requirements and are ICC-approved, ensuring your training aligns with state and national standards. Ready to enhance your skills? Explore our course offerings and begin your learning journey today.

The OSFM provides training, offered online or in person, to the Oregon fire service based on state and national standards as required per OAR 837-039-0016.

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Workday Learning is Oregon's learning management system. Anyone working or living in Oregon with a business need can sign up for Oregon State Fire Marshal training.

Learning and Permitting Information
State Employees
Non-State Employees
Regulatory Services

State Employees

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Non-State Employees

Please review the information below for External Enterprise Learners (non-state employee staff).

  • Only one Workday Learning account is allowed per person. Oregon pays for each account. "Extended Enterprise Learner Accounts are monitored for inactivity and will be automatically inactivated if there is no activity within 13 months. Accounts can be reactivated at anytime when additional courses need to be taken, simply complete the account request process using the same email address on your account and your learning support will be able to reactivate your original account. Do not create a duplicate account, learning records will not be combined if multiple accounts are created, causing your learning record to be incomplete or trainings being taken multiple times."
  • Email addresses can only be connected to one Workday account. That means an email address cannot be used or shared by multiple people.
  • You are responsible for keeping your training records.

Contact Workday Learning Partner using the subject "Workday account assistance" for:

  • Password resets and login issues (do not create a new account).
  • To update your name or email address.
  • To view and enroll in training with another agency, include the title of the training you're attempting to enroll in.

Workday Learning – A guide for extended enterprise learners

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Regulatory Services Division

Find information on the LPG permitting and exam process as well as the fireworks permitting process below:

Classroom Setting

Through a partnership with ICC Preferred Provider Oregon Fire Marshals Association, the training below is ICC-approved.

Instructor: Deputy State Fire Marshal

Classes are coordinated and scheduled through your local fire department training officer and deputy state fire marshal. More classes may be offered, with date and location dependent on securing the host location and the location of students.
  • Authorities and Responsibilities, ICC course 27482, 2 hours
  • Access and Water Supply, ICC course 27483, 1.5 hours
  • Oregon Basic Building Code, ICC course 27484, 4 hours
  • Oregon Basic Mechanical Code, ICC course 27485, 3 hours
  • Oregon Fire Code Amendment-OFC 2022, ICC course 36717, 8 hours
  • OSFM Fire Department Company Inspector, ICC course 36715, 8 hours
  • OSFM Oregon Fire Inspector Course, ICC course 39983, 40 hours (class date Feb 2024 forward)
  • OSFM Oregon Fire Marshal Administration Class, ICC course 36720, 8 hours


Through a partnership with ICC Preferred Provider Oregon Fire Marshals Association, the training below is ICC-approved.

Instructor: Oregon Workday Learning Platform; click the links below to enroll in the self-study course.
  • Authorities and Responsibilities, ICC Course 27482, 2 hours
  • Access and Water Supply, ICC Course 27483, 1.5 hours
  • Oregon Basic Building Code, ICC Course 27484, 4 hours
  • Oregon Basic Mechanical Code, ICC Course 27485, 3 hours
  • OSFM Fire Department Company Inspector, ICC Course 36714, 8 hours

Authorities and Responsibilities

Classroom setting: Contact Shari Barrett​
Self-study: Authorities and Responsibilities

Provides foundational training about Oregon Administrative Rules and Oregon Attorney General (OAG) opinions related to the powers and duties of the state fire marshal and assistants to the state fire marshal, inspection procedures, due process, investigation of fires, and fire and life safety concerns associated with Assembly Group A occupancies.

Access and Water Supply

Available in a classroom setting and self-study: Fire Department Access and Water Supply

Provides foundational training about general provisions of fire department access as established in the Oregon Fire Code, including:
  • Parameters for permits, construction documents, and timing of installation
  • Fire department access road specifications, fire department access into buildings, fire hydrant systems, water supply, and fire flows
Provides foundational training about:
  • Various types of water supplies, state and national regulations about water supply and fire flows
  • How to calculate water supply per NFPA 1142 and fire flows per Oregon Fire Code Appendix B
  • Determining the required number and distribution of fire hydrants per Oregon Fire Code Appendix C

Oregon Basic Mechanical Code

Available in a classroom setting and self-study: Oregon Basic Mechanical Code

The basic mechanical code training provides a comprehensive understanding of mechanical exhaust systems related to the Oregon Fire Code.

Equivalencies include holding a current ICC commercial mechanical inspector and the Oregon inspector certificate, or completing a mechanical code class from an accredited college and holding the Oregon inspector certificate.

Basic Building Code

Available in a classroom setting and self-study: Basic Building Code

Oregon Administrative Rule 837-039-0120 establishes statewide standards for certification and training requirements of fire officials responsible for the administration of a fire code approved by the state fire marshal.

This training provides an understanding of building codes not included in the fire code but referenced by it. Equivalencies include holding a current ICC building plans examiner certification, a fire plans examiner plus a current Oregon inspector certificate, or completing a building code class from an accredited college plus an Oregon inspector certificate.

​ ​
​Coming in late Fall 2025

Fire Department Company Inspector

Available in a classroom setting and self-study, linked below. All modules must be completed to receive credit for completion. No classroom training is scheduled at this time.

OSFM - FLSS - Fire Department Company Inspector - Module I
Training related to a company inspector's scope of authority in performing inspections, liability, and responsibility to act when aware of a violation. An introduction to Oregon Fire Code (OFC), including scope, intent, and applicability. Occupancy classifications are also identified as found in the OFC, and the scope of practice is defined for company inspectors.

OSFM - FLSS - Fire Department Company Inspector - Module 2
Training related to the general provisions of fire service access and means of egress as found in the OFC. Provides company inspectors the tools to identify common violations in fire department access and means of egress in one- and two-story business and mercantile occupancies with no high-piled or rack storage.

OSFM - FLSS - Fire Department Company Inspector - Module 3
Training related to the general provisions of fire protection, fire protection systems, and electrical hazards as found in the OFC. Provides company inspectors the tools to identify common violations in fire-resistance-rated construction, protection systems, and electrical hazards in one- and two-story business and mercantile occupancies with no high-piled or rack storage.

OSFM - FLSS - Fire Department Company Inspector - Module 4
Training related to the general provisions of housekeeping and hazardous materials as found in the OFC. The last part of this class provides basic knowledge on conducting company inspections, including preparing for the inspection, conducting the inspection, reinspection, and maintaining files and records.

Basic Fire Investigation

Fire investigation training is available in a classroom setting. Training is instructed by your district deputy state fire marshal through your local fire department's training officer. No self-study option is available for this training.

8 Hour "Fire Investigation for First Responders" Course
An 8-hour requisite knowledge class for first-in volunteer, combo, and career fire service and law enforcement personnel who are assistants to the state fire marshal per ORS 476.060. The class is based on NFPA 1001 Standard for Firefighter Professional Qualifications, NFPA 1021 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Officer, and Oregon DPSST Task Book objectives.
New offerings will be listed here when available.

16 Hour “Fire Investigation for First Responders" Course
A 16-hour requisite knowledge and skills class for first-in volunteer, combo, and career fire service and law enforcement personnel who are assistants to the state fire marshal per ORS 476.060. The class is based on NFPA 1001 Standard for Firefighter Professional Qualifications, NFPA 1021 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Officer, and Oregon DPSST Task Book objectives.

40 Hour "Fire Origin and Cause Investigator" Course
A 40-hour requisite knowledge and skills class for volunteer, combo, and career fire service and law enforcement personnel who are assistants to the state fire marshal and have fire investigation responsibilities as one of their primarily assigned functions. The class is based on NFPA 1033 Standards for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator, IFSTA Fire Investigator 2nd Edition, and Oregon DPSST Task Book objectives, with a final exam at the end of the course (this course replaces the need to take the DPSST fire investigator exam).

After completing this class, the student will have a basic understanding of fire origin and cause, documenting the fire scene, evidence collection/preservation, interviews/interrogations, post-incident investigation protection, and fire investigation case presentation.

In addition to obtaining a certificate of course completion (NOCC), the student must complete the Oregon DPSST NFPA 1033 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator JPR skills portion of the task book before applying for state certification.

OSFM Oregon Fire Inspector 

Fire inspector training is available in a classroom setting only.
No self-study option is available for this training.

March 2025 - CLASS FULL
Fall 2025 - TBD

Through a partnership with ICC Preferred Provider Oregon Fire Marshals Association, this course provides 40 hours of CEU
(ICC course 39983)

This training provides a framework for fire personnel with little or no experience conducting fire inspections. The course offers a high-level understanding of the legal authority to conduct inspections, common fire code violations, and the various steps involved in the inspection process. It guides participants in understanding the more complex aspects of the fire code and standards. The course meets the knowledge requirements for Oregon DPSST Fire Inspector and the Oregon State Fire Marshal Competency Recognition program.

Training is instructed by your district deputy state fire marshal through your local fire department's training officer.

OSFM Oregon Fire Marshal Administration Class NEW OFFERING

Available in a classroom setting only.

In Person - Thursday April 24, 2025
OSFM Headquarters
Mt Hood Conference Room
3991 Fairview Industrial Dr SE
Salem OR 97302

Only 10 seats remaining

More information and to sign up

Through a partnership with ICC Preferred Provider Oregon Fire Marshals Association, this course provides 8 hours of CEU
(ICC course 36720)​

The course addresses issues associated with a higher level of service provided by your agency. It is designed for inspectors who conduct and oversee inspections of highly complex facilities and operations, evaluate emergency planning and procedures, and possess a robust knowledge of installing and testing fire protection systems. The training will review updates on coordinating fire prevention programs and services, establishing staff development and mentoring programs, designing records management systems, and understanding the legal authority, processes, and limits of code enforcement. Participants will also gain experience in managing and developing a budget, division policy, and recommending code. This may be the final training before applying for and submitting the Oregon Fire Marshal competency recognition application.

Please visit our Competency Recognition page for program requirements for those advancing through the OSFM competency recognition process.​​​

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Workday Learning Partner

Shari Barrett


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