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Oregon Health Authority

HPA Statute Details

Current HPA Statutes


Health Care Cost Review

ORS 442.400 to 442.463

     442.400 "Health care facility" defined. As used in ORS 442.400 to 442.463, unless the context requires otherwise, "health care facility" or "facility" means such facility as defined by ORS 442.015, exclusive of a long term care facility, and includes all publicly and privately owned and operated health care facilities, but does not include facilities described in ORS 441.065. [Formerly 441.415; 1979 c.697 §8; 1981 c.693 §15]
      442.405 Legislative findings and policy. The Legislative Assembly finds that rising costs and charges of health care facilities are a matter of vital concern to the people of this state. The Legislative Assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state:
      (1) To require health care facilities to file for public disclosure reports that will enable both private and public purchasers of services from such facilities to make informed decisions in purchasing such services; and
      (2) To encourage development of programs of research and innovation in the methods of delivery of institutional health care services of high quality with costs and charges reasonably related to the nature and quality of the services rendered. [Formerly 441.420; 1999 c.581 §3]
      442.420 Application for financial assistance; financial analysis and investigation authority; rules. (1) The Oregon Health Authority may apply for, receive and accept grants, gifts, payments and other funds and advances, appropriations, properties and services from the United States, the State of Oregon or any governmental body, agency or agencies or from any other public or private corporation or person, and enter into agreements with respect thereto, including the undertaking of studies, plans, demonstrations or projects.


      (2) The authority shall conduct or cause to have conducted such analyses and studies relating to costs of health care facilities as considered desirable, including but not limited to methods of reducing such costs, utilization review of services of health care facilities, peer review, quality control, financial status of any facility subject to ORS 442.400 to 442.463 and sources of public and private financing of financial requirements of such facilities.


      (3) The authority may also:


      (a) Hold public hearings, conduct investigations and require the filing of information relating to any matter affecting the costs of and charges for services in all health care facilities;


      (b) Subpoena witnesses, papers, records and documents the authority considers material or relevant in connection with functions of the authority subject to the provisions of ORS chapter 183;


      (c) Exercise, subject to the limitations and restrictions imposed by ORS 442.400 to 442.463, all other powers which are reasonably necessary or essential to carry out the express objectives and purposes of ORS 442.400 to 442.463; and


      (d) Adopt rules in accordance with ORS chapter 183 for carrying out the functions of the authority. [Formerly 441.435; 1981 c.693 §17; 1983 c.482 §15; 1985 c.747 §39; 1995 c.727 §26; 1997 c.683 §22; 1999 c.581 §4; 2015 c.318 §31]
      442.425 Financial reporting systems. (1) The Oregon Health Authority by rule may specify one or more uniform systems of financial reporting necessary to meet the requirements of ORS 442.400 to 442.463. Such systems shall include such cost allocation methods as may be prescribed and such records and reports of revenues, expenses, other income and other outlays, assets and liabilities, and units of service as may be prescribed. Each facility under the authority's jurisdiction shall adopt such systems for its fiscal period starting on or after the effective date of such system and shall make the required reports on such forms as may be required by the authority. The authority may extend the period by which compliance is required upon timely application and for good cause. Filings of such records and reports shall be made at such times as may be reasonably required by the authority.


      (2) Existing systems of reporting used by health care facilities shall be given due consideration by the authority in carrying out the duty of specifying the systems of reporting required by ORS 442.400 to 442.463. The authority insofar as reasonably possible shall adopt reporting systems and requirements that will not unreasonably increase the administrative costs of the facility.


      (3) The authority may allow and provide for modifications in the reporting systems in order to correctly reflect differences in the scope or type of services and financial structure between the various categories, sizes or types of health care facilities and in a manner consistent with the purposes of ORS 442.400 to 442.463.


      (4) The authority may establish specific annual reporting provisions for facilities that receive a preponderance of their revenue from associated comprehensive group-practice prepayment health care service plans. Notwithstanding any other provisions of ORS 442.400 to 442.463, such facilities shall be authorized to utilize established accounting systems and to report costs and revenues in a manner consistent with the operating principles of such plans and with generally accepted accounting principles. When such facilities are operated as units of a coordinated group of health facilities under common ownership, the facilities shall be authorized to report as a group rather than as individual institutions, and as a group shall submit a consolidated balance sheet, income and expense statement and statement of source and application of funds for such group of health facilities. [Formerly 441.440; 1981 c.693 §18; 1995 c.727 §27; 1997 c.683 §23; 1999 c.581 §5; 2009 c.792 §40; 2015 c.318 §32]

      442.430 Investigations; confidentiality of data. (1) Whenever a further investigation is considered necessary or desirable by the Oregon Health Authority to verify the accuracy of the information in the reports made by health care facilities, the authority may make any necessary further examination of the facility's records and accounts. Such further examinations include, but are not limited to, requiring a full or partial audit of all such records and accounts.

      (2) In carrying out the duties prescribed by ORS 442.400 to 442.463, the authority may utilize its own staff or may contract with any appropriate, independent, qualified third party. No such contractor shall release or publish or otherwise use any information made available to it under its contractual responsibility unless such permission is specifically granted by the authority. [Formerly 441.445; 1995 c.727 §28; 1997 c.683 §24; 2009 c.792 §41; 2015 c.318 §33]


      442.445 Civil penalty for failure to perform. (1) Any health care facility that fails to perform as required in ORS 442.205 and 442.400 to 442.463 or section 3, chapter 838, Oregon Laws 2007, and rules of the Oregon Health Authority may be subject to a civil penalty.
      (2) The Oregon Health Authority shall adopt a schedule of penalties not to exceed $500 per day of violation, determined by the severity of the violation.
      (3) Civil penalties under this section shall be imposed as provided in ORS 183.745.
      (4) Civil penalties imposed under this section may be remitted or mitigated upon such terms and conditions as the authority considers proper and consistent with the public health and safety.
      (5) Civil penalties incurred under any law of this state are not allowable as costs for the purpose of rate determination or for reimbursement by a third-party payer. [Formerly 441.480; 1981 c.693 §19; 1983 c.482 §18; 1983 c.696 §21; 1991 c.734 §24; 1993 c.18 §110; 1995 c.727 §30; 1997 c.683 §26; 1999 c.581 §6; 2007 c.384 §4; 2007 c.838 §7; 2013 c.61 §2b]
      Note: The amendments to 442.445 by section 8, chapter 838, Oregon Laws 2007, become operative January 2, 2018. See section 9, chapter 838, Oregon Laws 2007. The text that is operative on and after January 2, 2018, including amendments by section 2c, chapter 61, Oregon Laws 2013, is set forth for the user's convenience.
      442.445. (1) Any health care facility that fails to perform as required in ORS 442.205 and 442.400 to 442.463 and rules of the Oregon Health Authority may be subject to a civil penalty.
      (2) The Oregon Health Authority shall adopt a schedule of penalties not to exceed $500 per day of violation, determined by the severity of the violation.
      (3) Civil penalties under this section shall be imposed as provided in ORS 183.745.
      (4) Civil penalties imposed under this section may be remitted or mitigated upon such terms and conditions as the authority considers proper and consistent with the public health and safety.
      (5) Civil penalties incurred under any law of this state are not allowable as costs for the purpose of rate determination or for reimbursement by a third-party payer.
      442.450 Exemption from cost review regulations. The following are not subject to ORS 442.400 to 442.463:
      (1) Physicians in private practice, solo or in a group or partnership, who are not employed by, or hold ownership or part ownership in, a health care facility; or
      (2) Health care facilities described in ORS 441.065. [1977 c.751 §55]


      442.460 Information about utilization and cost of health care services. In order to obtain regional or statewide data about the utilization and cost of health care services, the Oregon Health Authority may accept information relating to the utilization and cost of health care services identified by the authority from physicians, insurers or other third-party payers or employers or other purchasers of health care. [1985 c.747 §15; 1995 c.727 §31; 1997 c.683 §27; 1999 c.581 §7; 2015 c.318 §34]


      442.463 Annual utilization report; contents; approval; rules. (1) Each licensed health facility shall file with the Oregon Health Authority an annual report containing such information related to the facility's utilization as may be required by the authority, in such form as the authority prescribes by rule.


      (2) The annual report shall contain such information as may be required by rule of the authority and must be approved by the authority. [1985 c.747 §§18,19; 1995 c.727 §32; 1997 c.683 §28; 1999 c.581 §8; 2015 c.318 §35]