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Oregon Health Authority


We’ll never entirely eliminate chronic diseases, so we also need options to help people take care of themselves and live better with their disease. It is crucial that people with existing chronic disease diagnoses and/or risk factors get the support they need to develop and maintain healthy habits and actively participate in their health care.

Program Partnerships, Promotion, and Referral
TPEP and Healthy Communities grantees support self-management by promoting evidence-based programs, helping to establish sustainable referral systems, and promoting partnerships to support and strengthen the infrastructure for local delivery of programs. Refer to the TPEP RFA and Healthy Communities RFP and the current year’s guidance documents for suggested strategies and activities.

Grantees are encouraged to work with community partners in supporting self-management programs. The Living Well Program Guidebook section on Offering Programs provides suggestions for types of organizations that might help support these community-based programs. Organizations serving older adults and people with disabilities may be helpful partners, as these groups often have requirements and/or funding to support self-management programs:

Stay up-to-date and connect with partners by joining the Oregon Self-Management Network and signing up for the Self-Management Listserv.

HPCDP-Supported Self-Management Programs

HPCDP supports and promotes evidence-based self-management programs and resources including Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs (Living Well with Chronic Conditions, Tomando Control and Diabetes Self-Management Program), Oregon Tobacco Quit Line, National Diabetes Prevention Program, Diabetes Self-Management Education programs, and Walk With Ease.

Information about self-management programs can be found on the Oregon Public Health Division website at

Get guidance and resources for HPCDP grantees working on promoting the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line and comprehensive cessation benefits.