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Oregon Health Authority

Q Fever (Coxiella burnettii)

Disease Information

Q fever, caused by the rickettsial organism Coxiella burnetii, is found in at least 51 countries on five continents. The primary reservoirs are cattle, sheep, goats, and ticks, but many species of animals, both wild and domestic, are susceptible to infection. Humans are usually infected by inhalation of aerosolized particles.

Disease Reporting

What is required?

Health Care Providers and Clinical Laboratories

Health care providers and clinical laboratories are required by law to report cases and suspect cases of Q Fever to local health departments within one working day of identification.

For Tribal and Local Public Health Authorities

For reportable diseases lacking Oregon-specific investigative guidelines or case report forms, please contact the state epidemiologist on call for assistance at 971-673-1111.


See Also