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Oregon Health Authority

School Nursing and School Health Programs

Oregon School Nursing and School Health Programs

SHINE for School Health (formerly School Nursing Pilot Program)

In 2019, the legislature passed HB 3165, directing the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to create a new pilot program for school health services. OHA chose to concentrate its pilot on school nursing services (School Nursing Pilot Program or SNPP), given known benefits of these services to enhance student safety and success, and known gaps in school nursing services in Oregon. This report provides an overview of SNPP as well as a description of activities, successes, and lessons learned.

In the 2024-2025 school year, SNPP efforts will move out of the Pilot Program phase and continue under the program title “School Health Improvement and Nursing Enhancement: SHINE For Student Health."

Oregon School Nurse Survey

These reports share findings from the Oregon School Nurse Surveys conducted by the Oregon Health Authority, Adolescent and School Health Unit in 2021 and 2023. Out of approximately 400 registered nurses working in Oregon schools, close to 250 RNs responded to each of these surveys, from over 80 school districts in over 25 counties. Survey responses may increase understanding of the school nurse role in Oregon, and inform efforts to improve school nursing services, student wellbeing and academic success.

School nurse roles and responsibilities

Nurses in Oregon schools reduce health-related barriers to education. They support students with special health care needs; train school staff on individual student care and school-wide health protocols; and work with school teams to promote wellness for school communities. A shared understanding of school nursing services can improve integration of nurses into school communities and improve support for Oregon students. 

School nursing legislation and statewide efforts

Senate Bill 698 (2015) created the Task Force on School Nursing in response to continued concerns over the level of school nursing support provided to Oregon students. The Task Force was charged with providing recommendations for the future funding of health services in schools. One of the outcomes of this Taskforce was a School Medicaid Billing Pilot overseen by Oregon Department of Education (ODE).

The same bill created the position of the State School Nurse Consultant at OHA. The position outlines duties that promote inter-agency collaboration, direct support for nurses in schools, and coordinated school health efforts in schools and districts. Many of these duties are performed in collaboration with ODE.