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Oregon Health Authority

Early Learning Council - Oregon Health Policy Board Joint Subcommittee

The Early Learning Council and Oregon Health Policy Board works together to make sure all children in Oregon are healthy and Kindergarten ready. By integrating health care and early learning policies, sharing resources, and aligning goals, the Early Learning Council and Oregon Health Policy Board help children in Oregon get the health care and the education they need to thrive and be healthy.


The Early Learning Council (ELC) and Oregon Health Policy Board (OHPB) have teamed to create a joint subcommittee in order to produce critical alignment and integration between health care system transformation and early learning system transformation.

The subcommittee, composed of members from both OHPB and ELC, will be responsible for developing strategies, policy proposals, and a timeline that will ensure alignment between health care and early learning. The subcommittee also includes representation from the Department of Human Services to ensure additional alignment and integration across systems. Key areas of focus for the subcommittee may include early screening, care coordination, and data and metrics sharing and alignment. The subcommittee will also explore avenues for health care and early learning to share responsibility towards the outcomes of kindergarten readiness for Oregon children.

This subcommittee will not carry out policy implementation. Recommendations will be brought forth to OHPB and ELC for decision-making.


House Bill 2009 (2009) established OHPB, a nine-member board appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Board is the policy making body for the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

Senate Bill 909 (2011) established the Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB) and ELC, a nine-member Governor-appointed committee. The council assists OEIB in overseeing a unified system of early learning services for the purpose of ensuring that children enter kindergarten ready to learn. In 2012, the Council was expanded to nineteen members.

Meeting Materials

Members and Staff

ELC/OHPB members:

Pam Curtis, ELC
Janet Dougherty-Smith, ELC
Lynne Saxton, OHA/ELC
Zeke Smith, OHPB
Teri Thalhofer, ELC

CCO/HUB Representation:

Jim Carlough, Yamhill CCO

Executive sponsors:

Megan Irwin, Acting Early Learning System Director
Leslie Clement , Director of Health and Policy Analytics, OHA


Stephanie Jarem, OHA
Nakeshia Knight-Coyle, ODE

For Questions, contact

Stephanie Jarem, OHA