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External Workers’ Compensation Process for Out Of State Employees in Missouri


In the event of an on-the-job injury or illness occurring in the State of Missouri, please follow the below steps in order.

  • Step 1:  Report the injury or illness to your supervisor immediately. Seek medical treatment from a list of providers preselected in your area. DAS Risk Management will provide this list to you. 

  • Step 2:  Document your injury as soon as possible by choosing one of the following options:
    • If you work for an agency that reports an injury, illness or near miss using the Workday system, logon to Workday. Select Report a Safety Incident within the Workday Safety application. 

    • If your agency has not established an injury, illness or near miss reporting process or you are unaware of the process, please click on this hyperlink. Select Submit a New Risk Management Request, fill-in the fields on the form and select  Out-of-State Safety Incident Report under the Type of Request drop down menu, then submit the form.

    • Step 3: Please complete the State of Missouri WC-21-A-AI notice of claim for injury or illness form immediately and send a copy to DAS Risk Management. 

    • Step 4:  File a claim with the appropriate insurance carrier. Your claim will be managed by Zurich, our out of state insurance provider.  You should expect a call from Zurich after the claim is filed. Please work with Zurich and provide them with any needed information during the life of your claim. 
    Please review Injured Workers | Missouri labor ( to help familiarize yourself with the claims process. 

    For any questions or concerns please reach out to DAS Risk Management.

    Mailing address:
         PO Box 12009
         Salem, Oregon 97309
    Phone: 503-373-7475
    Fax: 503-373-7337​