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External Workers' Compensation Process for OOS Employees in Wyoming


In the event of an on-the-job injury or illness occurring in the State of Wyoming, please follow the below steps in order.

  • Step 1:  Report the injury or illness to your supervisor immediately. Seek treatment with a medical provider of your choosing. 

  • Step 2:  Document your injury or illness as soon as possible by choosing one of the following options: 
    • If you work for an agency that reports an injury, illness or near miss using the Workday system, logon to Workday. Select Report a Safety Incident within the Workday Safety application. 
    • If your agency has not established an injury, illness or near miss reporting process or you are unaware of the process, please click on this hyperlink. Select Submit a New Risk Management Request, fill-in the fields on the form and select Out-of-State Safety Incident Report under the Type of Request drop down menu, then submit the form. 

  • Step 3: Please complete the State of Wyoming Report of Injury form immediately and send a copy to DAS Risk Management. 

  • Step 4:  You will need to create an online account at Your claim will be managed by the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. Please work with them and provide them with any needed information during the life of your claim.

In the event of a claim, Wyoming has a workers' compensation guide that will assist you in all aspects of the claims process WC-Handbook-for-Claimants.pdf 

For more information see Resources – Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

For any questions or concerns please reach out to DAS Risk Management.

Mailing address:
     PO Box 12009
     Salem, Oregon 97309
Phone: 503-373-7475
Fax: 503-373-7337​