Every two years, the state of Oregon completes the Highway Cost Allocation Study (HCAS). This study is the main instrument used during legislative sessions to determine changes in weight-mile and fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees. The Office of Economic Analysis manages this study.
Most Recent Reports
HCAS Study Review Team
The Study Review Team (SRT) consists of outside experts knowledgable about transportation policy. It includes experts working for interested parties such as the trucking industry and AAA. The team is chaired by the State Economist. The SRT's main functions are to identify key issues to be studied and to review the contractor's analysis and work products. The SRT meets approximately eight times during each biennial HCAS report cycle and receives no compensation for their service.
The SRT:
- Selects the contractor to conduct the study
- Reviews the contractor's final work plan
- Provides policy direction to the study
- Reviews the contractor's work elements
- Reviews the draft study
2019 HCAS Members
Study Team
- Bonnie Gee Yosick (ECONW
- Matthew Kitchen (ECONW)
- Delia Walker Jones (ECONW)
- Sean Wallace (ECONW)
- Roger Mingo, RD Mingo and Associates
Study Review Team
- Travis Brouwer (Oregon Department of Transportation)
- Kevin Campbell (AAA Oregon)
- Lanny Gower (Oregon Trucking Association)
- Sarah Iannarone (The Street Trust)
- Jana Jarvis (Oregon Trucking Association)
- Mazen Malik (LRO)
- Mark McMullen (DAS)
- Tim Morgan (AAA Oregon/Idaho)
- Daniel Porter (ODOT)
- Brian Worley (AOC)
- Josh Lehner (DAS)
- Marie Dodds (AAA Oregon)
- Allen Molina (ODOT)
- Sata Donaca (ODOT)
- Jordan Cole (AOC)
Past Reports