The Lab Services Program provides consumer protection and encourages economic growth in the state of Oregon by providing chemistry and microbiological testing services for the following programs and clients:
ODA's Food Safety Program:
Work to provide consumer protection against food borne illness and injury -
ODA’s Fertilizer and Pesticide Enforcement Programs:
Work to reduce exposure to toxics and potential impacts on human health and the environment -
ODA’s Confined Animal Feeding Operation Program (CAFO):
Work to achieve water quality on agricultural lands
ODA's State Meat Inspection Program:
Allows meat to cross state lines
- Cannabis Reference Lab Program:
Provide analytical support to OLCC cannabis work and ODA Hemp program for the cannabis industry.
Interstate milk shippers program:
Allows milk and milk products to move across state lines -
Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference National Shellfish Program:
Monitoring waters for bacteria levels to allow shellfish harvested in Oregon’s waters to be sold and moved across state lines -
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Ground Water Program:
Work to monitor pesticide residue - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), DEQ, US Forestry Department, and other state and federal agencies
Approved by
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Central laboratory for the Interstate Milk Shippers Program and the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference
- EPA: Drinking water certification for pesticide residue and microbiological analyses
- Food Emergency Response Network: Microbiological and chemical analyses
- United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS)
- ISO/IEC 17025:2017
- Microbiological analyses
- Food chemistry analyses
- Pesticide residue analyses
- Fertilizer chemistry analyses
- Request for analysis
Please call the lab to make arrangement for sample submissions: 503-986-4767