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Animal Rescue Entity Program

Animal Rescue Entity (ARE) Licensing Program

The purpose of the Animal Rescue Entity Licensing Program is to ensure that all AREs within Oregon meet record keeping and licensing requirements. The ARE Program is the result of Senate Bill (SB) 883 , which was passed by the 2019 Oregon legislature. SB 883 amends ORS 609.415 to move enforcement and licensing of animal rescue entities to the office of the state veterinarian at ODA.

Who is an ARE?

Animal rescue entities are defined as any individual or organization—including but not limited to an animal control agency, humane society, animal shelter, animal sanctuary, or boarding kennel not subject to ORS 167.374 , but excluding a veterinary facility and a foster facility—that keeps, houses, and maintains in the individual’s or organization’s legal custody, 10 or more animals at any given time and that solicits or accepts donations in any form.

ODA understands the variety of organizations that fall within this rule. If you need clarification for your unique situation, please contact our office.


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