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Oregon Private Schools

Oregon Department of Education does not have statutory authority to regulate state private schools. This means that the ODE does not accredit, approve or register any private school in the state of Oregon. However, the ODE enthusiastically partners with all private schools, families and students to help them navigate the regulations put in place by other agencies at both the state and local levels. This webpage includes resources, information and links for private school parents, officials, and public school liaisons.

For information on privately ran pre-Kindergarten learning centers, please refer to the Early Learning Division website.

Private Schools and Special Education

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) some special education and related services may be available for children with disabilities enrolled by parents in nonprofit private elementary and secondary schools.

Private School Participation under ESEA

Private schools may be eligible to receive equitable services under Title IA and Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). To access resources and learn more about available services, refer to the Private School Participation under ESEA webpage.

Private School Office Hours

The purpose of Private School Office Hours is to provide time for ODE announcements to private schools, question and answer sessions, special presentations, and collaboration with district partners. Private School Office Hours are held the 2nd Wednesday from 9:00-10:00 AM via Zoom.

Private School General Information and FAQs

Oregon School Directory

The Oregon School Directory lists phone numbers, addresses, and key staff people in all public district and schools in the state. Schools may update their information throughout the school year but most institution updates take place July 1 at the end of the fiscal year.

Private Alternative Schools

Private Alternative Schools are not considered part of Oregon's Private Schools because they are subject to different rules and regulations under state and federal law. For more information on Private Alternative Schools, refer to the Alternative School webpage.

Associated Topics

Private School Newsletter

Subscribe to the Oregon Private School listserv for email updates!

For additional information, Office Hours recordings or slide decks, please contact the Private School Ombudsman, Janette Newton or call (503) 551-9405.