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Oregon Health Authority

Essentials of Surface Water Treatment

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Training Description

Drinking Water Services (DWS) is offering a 6-hour training entitled "Essentials of Surface Water Treatment" that will cover topics including an introduction to various surface water treatment processes, disinfection practices, and regulatory requirements. Exercises will augment instruction by covering how to develop a chemical feed pump calibration curve, determine adequate disinfection, and gain a better understanding of disinfection contact tracer studies. This course is designed for operators new to surface water treatment as well as experienced operators. The training is offered free of charge and participants are eligible to receive up to 6 contact hours (0.6 CEU) for operators certified in Oregon. 

Training Schedule
In-person trainings run from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM (PST) at various locations when shown in the schedule below. 

Online (i.e., webinar or virtual) trainings are offered at various times when shown in the schedule below. The online training includes 2 parts (Part 1 and Part 2), such that each part provides 3 contact hours. To receive the full 6 contact hours, you must attend both Part 1 and Part 2. 

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Essentials of Surface Water Treatment Training
FormatDateTimes (PST)
 LocationLink to Join Online Training or
Register for in-person Training
Link to Submit Application for
Contact Hour Training Certificate
October 2, 2024
9:00am - Noon
Online - Part 1 Click here to join the training 
at the specified day and time
Click here to submit your
Application for Contact Hour
Training Certificate

October 3, 2024
9:00am - Noon

Online - Part 2 Click here to join the training 
at the specified day and time 
Click here to submit your
Application for Contact Hour
Training Certificate


Email for Assistance

For assistance with taking the online or in person trainings or with completing your Application for Contact Hours Training Certificate, email or call 971-673-0405. In person training class size may be limited. 

Training Credit

Upon completion of the training, attendees receive 6 Contact Hours toward continuing education to meet operator certification requirements in Oregon. You will need to complete the Application for Contact Hour Training Certificate and pass a short quiz to receive credit. If approved, you will receive an email identifying the Contact Hours you have been awarded. Keep this email for your training records, just as you would for a traditional CEU certificate. If not approved, we will contact you to let you know and can work with you to resolve any discrepancies. Remember, for the online training you must complete part 1 and part 2 to receive credit for the full 6 Contact Hours. 

Training Materials

  • Parts 1 & 2 Slides  PowerPoint (larger files that may need longer to download)

Recommended References