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The Board Can Investigate:

* Practice by unlicensed individuals

* Quality of care including inappropriate or substandard care

* Student caseloads not being managed by licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs) may NOT manage a caseload.

* Clinicians working outside of scope of practice

* Impaired clinicians

* Inappropriate relationship with patient or patient family member

* Criminal Activity (also report to law enforcement)

* Any violation of the Board's Professional & Ethical Standards


The Board Cannot Investigate:

* General Billing Issues

* Complaints that a clinician and/or their staff was rude

* Complaints about insurance or insurance companies

* Complaints about facilities such as hospitals, schools, or home health companies

* Complaints on providers licensed by another regulatory Board


NOTE: Each complaint is unique and is considered on a case-by-case basis by the Board. The items listed above are merely examples and not a complete list of what the Board may or may not investigate. If you have any questions we urge you to contact the Board office. ​

Licensees frequently have questions about the Board's disciplinary process, especially if they have been involved in an investigation. The following is designed to answer general questions about the Board's disciplinary process. If you have questions, please contact Erin Haag, Executive Director, at (971) 673-0087 or via email at


The Oregon Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is the agency charged with regulating Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in Oregon. The Board was created by the Legislature and operates under authority granted by statute. The statutes and rules provide standards for licensure and for professional practice and conduct.


Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 681.490 allows the Board to investigate any alleged violation of ORS 681 and the rules in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 335 promulgated in accordance with ORS 681. Further, ORS 681.490(1)(b) requires the agency to investigate any complaint made by an Oregon resident involving an alleged violation of ORS 681.


If the agency investigates an alleged violation of ORS 681, the agency has the authority to:

(a) Take evidence;

(b) Take the depositions of witnesses, including the person charged, in the manner provided by law in civil cases;

(c) Compel the appearance of witnesses, including the person charged, before the Board in person as in civil cases;

(d) Require answers to interrogatories; and

(e) Compel the production of books, papers, accounts, documents and testimony pertaining to the matter under investigation.


In most cases, after a complaint is received the agency will contact the person named in the complaint. Depending upon the nature of the complaint, the agency will request records from the licensee or the licensee's employer depending on who has custody of the records. The agency will often interview the individuals involved. The subject of the complaint may choose to be represented by an attorney throughout the investigation process. The investigation is confidential and the Board is prohibited from informing either the licensee or the public of the identity of the complainant. The Board is also prohibited from informing the public that the licensee is under investigation.


As the investigation progresses, reports are made to the Board. At the conclusion of the investigation the Board may choose to:

1.Find no violation

2.Take no action

3.Issue a notice of discipline


If the Board finds no violation, then the Board has found that a violation of the law has not occurred. If the Board decides to take no action, it does not necessarily mean that the Board found that a violation of the law did not occur. 


If the Board decides to issue a notice of discipline, the notice may take one of two forms: 

First, ORS 183.430(2) allows the Board in any case where it finds a serious danger to the public health or safety, and sets forth specific reasons for such findings, to suspend or refuse to renew a license without a hearing. This action is referred to as an emergency suspension. The licensee must cease practicing immediately upon the issue of an emergency suspension. The licensee may request a hearing within 90 days; however the emergency suspension is still in effect while the hearing is pending.  If a hearing is not requested within 90 days, the emergency suspension stays in effect until lifted by the Board. The Board may lift the emergency suspension at any time if the serious danger to public health or safety is abated.


Second, in a case where the Board does not make a specific finding of serious danger to the public health or safety, the Board may deny an application; suspend or revoke a license; issue a reprimand; place a licensee on probation; and/or levy a civil penalty against a licensee for a violation. The civil penalty may be up to $5,000 per violation. The licensee has 21 days to request a hearing. If a hearing is not requested within 21 days, a default order is issued and the sanction outlined in the notice goes into effect.


If the licensee requests a hearing they must submit a written answer within fourteen days of the request for hearing, pursuant to OAR 335-001-0008. The answer must admit or deny all facts stated in this notice. Any fact that is not denied shall be admitted. The answer must state any and all claims or defenses. Failure to state a claim or defense shall be a waiver of the claim or defense.


If a hearing is requested, the agency refers the case to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). OAH will assign an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to hear the case. The OAH and ALJ are not affiliated with the Board. The licensee may represent themselves or be represented by an attorney. The Board will be represented by an Assistant Attorney General from the Oregon Department of Justice. The licensee or their attorney may request discovery, call witnesses at the hearing, and cross examine the Board's witnesses. The Board must prove its case by a Preponderance of the Evidence--in other words, that the violation “more likely than not" occurred.


In any of its disciplinary actions, the Board may assess the licensee for costs of the disciplinary process, including the costs of the administrative hearing and the agency's legal fees to prepare and defend its actions regarding the licensee. 


Within 45-60 days after the hearing, the ALJ will issue a proposed order. The Board will meet to accept, modify, or reject the ALJ's findings, and issue a final order. If significant modifications are made, the Board must explain its reasons for doing so, but the Board has the authority to issue the final action. The licensee may also file exceptions to the ALJ's proposed order before the Board takes final action. If the licensee disagrees with the Board's final order, a petition for judicial review may be filed with the Oregon Court of Appeals.


At any time, the licensee and Board may enter into an agreement to settle the case for agreed- upon terms. These agreements are often titled “Consent Order" or “Stipulated Order." Once an agreement is entered into, the licensee may not request judicial review of the agreement.


The investigation records and other documents are not public record and may not be disclosed to the public with the exception of: the Notice of Discipline (including an Emergency Suspension), the Final Order, and the Consent Order or Stipulated Order.​

People frequently have questions about the Board’s disciplinary process, especially if they have never been involved in an investigation. Consumers may be reluctant to file a complaint, perhaps due to fear of retribution by the licensee or a reluctance to “get someone in trouble.” The Board is required to keep the name of the person who makes the complaint confidential. Likewise, the Board is unable to provide information about the investigation to the person who files the complaint. If the Board takes action, the complainant will be provided with a copy of the final order. The Board’s investigator is likely to interview the person making the complaint and might contact the complainant more than once in order to obtain all of the evidence. The complaint process is important in assuring that other Oregon children, patients and consumers are not subjected to deficient, inappropriate or ineffective services. If you have questions, please contact the Executive Director at 971-673-0087 or via email at For more information about the disciplinary process, see the Complaint Process for Licensee tab.


Please note that the Board does not have authority over billing issues unless there is an allegation of fraudulent services or charges. The Board has limited authority over the behavior of licensees unless there are specific violations of the Board’s Professional and Ethical Standards (OAR 335-005). They cannot discipline licensees for poor client relations or “bad bed-side manners” unless there is some potential harm to the patient.​​​

Complete our Complaint Form​

Information can be sent to the Board office by mail, fax or email. The investigation and board deliberation can take many months to resolve, so your patience during the complaint process is appreciated. See our information on the complaint process for more details. ​​

Per Oregon Law (ORS 676.175) information provided or collected as part of a Board investigation is to be kept confidential. The information gathered during the investigation will not be disclosed or available for uses outside the Board. The confidentiality requirement means that the specifics of the investigation cannot be shared with anyone, including the complainant. If a violation is found and the case is settled with an Order by the Board, the Order is public information and can be requested by anyone.

Persons who file a complaint or provide information during an investigation and do so in good faith are protected and are not subject to an action for civil damages for providing a report of information to the Board. (ORS 681.505)​​​


Cohen-Shaw, Gila #015057
Outcome: Consent Order

On March 13, 2024, Cohen-Shaw entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $500 for violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b) due to signing the SLP clinical fellowship rating form that included an incorrect attestation about supervision of a clinical fellow.
Pancoast, Elizabeth #016476
Outcome: Consent Order

On March 8, 2024, Pancoast entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a penalty of $310 for practicing without a valid license from March 4 – 14, 2019, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).

Rinaldo, Emily #016137
Outcome: Consent Order

On March 8, 2024, Rinaldo entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $500 for violating OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b) by signing the SLP clinical fellowship Report and Rating form with a false attestation that she had been supervised on-site.

Bailey, Morgan #016133
Outcome: Consent Order

On March 8, 2024, Bailey entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $500 for violating OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b) by signing the SLP clinical fellowship Report and Rating form with a false attestation that she had been supervised on-site.
Thomas, Bruce, #010649
Outcome: Consent Order

On February 29, 2024, Thomas entered into a consent order with the Board surrendering his license with the agreement not to reapply for licensure for five years. The Board found that Thomas failed to adequately supervise two speech-language pathology assistants and violated OAR 335-095-0050(1)(a), OAR 335-095-0050(1)(b), OAR 335-095-0050(1)(c), and OAR 335-095-0050(3).​

Gregoire, Marguerite #012872
Outcome: Consent Order
On February 9, 2024, Gregoire entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a reprimand, limiting Gregoire to supervision of no more than five conditional licensees (clinical fellows) at a given time, and imposing a civil penalty of $10,000 to cover Board costs of the proceeding, for failing to manage and direct the duties and functions of more than one of her conditional licensees and failing to adequately oversee the work performed by more than one of her conditional licensees during their post-graduate supervised clinical experience and until they obtained regular licensure, in violation of OAR 335-080-0005(2) and OAR 335-080-0015(1).

Hansen, Callye #17477
Outcome: Consent Order
On December 8, 2023, Hansen entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $750 for practicing speech-language pathology with an expired conditional license for five months, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).​

Copple, Shay #015270
Outcome: Consent Order
On December 4, 2023, Copple entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a fee of $200 for violation of SLPA supervision rules in effect at the time of the violation: OAR 335-095-0050(1)(b) and OAR 335-095-0030(2)(b).

Copple, Shay #015270
Outcome: Consent order
On December 4, 2023, Copple entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a fee of $1,000 for failing to treat or co-treat with an SLPA a patient on her caseload every 60 days in 2020 in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(1)(b) as in effect at the time of violation; and for failing to update a patient's treatment goals for a period of 3 years and 9 months in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(6).
Rosvold, Carrie #A0164
Outcome: Consent Order
On November 17, 2023, Rosvold entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a fee of $150 for worked as an SLPA for approximately two months after failing to renew her certificate as required under ORA 681.360(3).

DiBiasio, Matthew #016642
Outcome: Consent Order
On September 15, 2023, DiBiasio entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a fee of $500 for not personally verifying that a person was certified by the Board before using the services of that person as a speech-language pathology assistant for approximately 7 months, in violation of OR 335-095-0050(5)(b).

Atiyeh, Ashley #A0848
Outcome: Consent Order
On September 7, 2023, Atiyeh entered into a consent order with the Boad imposing a fee of $250 for performing 100 hours of SLPA fieldwork over approximately 7 months without a provisional SLPA certificate, in violation of ORS 681.360(1) and OAR 335-095-0030(2).
Allen, Madeline #31070
Outcome: Consent Order
On September 8, 2023, Allen entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a penalty of $450 for practicing audiology without a license from mid-January 2023 until April 13, 2023, in violation of ORS 681.250(2). 

Johnson, Scott #021527
Outcome: Consent Order
On September 1, 2023, Johnson entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a penalty of $450 for assisting or permitting Madeline Allen to practice audiology without a license for approximately three months, in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(g). 

Sterling, Keri M. (fka Holm) #013077
Outcome: Consent Order
On July 28, 2023, Sterling entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a penalty of $300 for purporting to be a speech-language pathologist and worked in the state for approximately three weeks without the required license, in violation of ORS 681.250(2); and for failing to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation or ORS 681.320(1)(a) and (b), OAR 335-060-0030(1), and OAR 335-060-0030(3)(a) and (b).

Elliott, Whitney (aka Eber) #016469
Outcome: Consent Order
On July 21, 2023, Elliott entered into a consent order with the Board imposing a penalty of $210 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without a valid Oregon license for less then one month, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).

Gouge, Candace #012706
Outcome: Consent Order
On June 30, 2023, Gouge entered into a Consent Order with the Bard imposing a penalty of $2,900 for purporting to be a speech-language pathologist and working in Oregon for approximately ten years without the required license, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).

Gordon, Allison #A0795
Outcome: Consent Order
On June 23, 2023, Gordon entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a penalty of $150 for performing SLPA fieldwork for approximately 2.5 months without a provisional SLPA certificate, in violation of ORS 681.360(1) and OAR 335-095-0030(2).
Gonzalez Arredondo, Maria #015371
Outcome: Consent Order
On June 23, 2023, Gonzalez Arredondo entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $1,620 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist with an expired license for approximately twenty-seven months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).
Wilhite, Stephanie #013036
Outcome: Consent Order
On June 16, 2023, Wilhite entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $500 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist with an expired license for approximately three months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).

Pedersen, Virginia #011435   
Outcome: Final Order by Default
On June 2, 2023, a Final Order by Default was issued to Virginia Pedersen prohibiting her from supervising or using the services of a speech-language pathology assistant(SLPA) for: failing to be responsible for the extent, type, and quality of services provided by an SLPA in violation of ORS 681.370(1); failing to ensure that persons who received services from an SLPA received prior notification that services were to be provided by an SLPA, in violation of  ORS 681.370(2); failing to directly supervise a minimum of 10% of the hours the SLPA spent in clinical interaction, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(1)(b)[Effective 12-14-12]; failing to be able to be reached throughout the time the SLPA was working, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(1)(c)[Effective 12-14-12]; failing to maintain adequate records of SLPA supervision, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(4)(a); and failing to honor her responsibility to hold paramount the welfare of the persons she served professionally, in violation of OAR 335-095-0015(1).
Wahl, Kathleen #013031
Outcome: Consent Order
On June 2, 2023, Wahl entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $100 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist with an expired license for approximately one month in violation of ORS 681.250(2).
Lee, Katherine Anne #015871
On May 5, 2023, Lee entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a reprimand for inadvertently failing to verify that a speech-language pathology assistant was certified with the Board under ORS 681.360, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(5).
Clemenhagen, Kimberly TSPC #50423
On May 5, 2023, Clemenhagen entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a reprimand for inadvertently failing to verify that a speech-language pathology assistant was certified with the Board under ORS 681.360, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(5).
Bunker, Christy TSPC #57538
On May 5, 2023, Bunker entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a reprimand for inadvertently failing to verify that a speech-language pathology assistant was certified with the Board under ORS 681.360, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(5).
Acosta, Cassandra, nka Cassandra Bingen #16564
Outcome: Consent Order
On April 15, 2023, Bingen entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $300 for failing to verify that a person was certified with the Board before using the services of that person as a speech-language patholo#011435gy assistant, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(5)(b).

Ruthardt, Jennifer #012562
Outcome: Consent Order
On March 31, 2023, Ruthardt entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $100 for failing to treat or co-treat with an SLPA each patient on her caseload every 60 days in the 2021-22 school year, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(1)(b).

Migdal, Sarah #015898
Outcome: Consent Order
On May 8, 2023, Migdal entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $500 for engaging in inadvertent misrepresentation about her location during supervision of a conditionally licensed SLP, in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b).

Waxenfelter, Aaron #015400
Outcome: Consent Order
On March 1, 2023, Waxenfelter entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $1,350 for one count of practicing as a speech-language pathologist without a valid license for more than nine months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).​

Cryan, Abigail #016093
Outcome: Consent Order
On November 6, 2021, Cryan entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $200 for one count of failure to direct and supervise activities of SLPAs while employed at Pediatric Therapy Services. She failed to take responsibility for the extent, type, and quality of services provided by the SLPAs in violation of ORS 681.370(1); and allowed SLPAs to have caseloads and provide services without proper supervision and exceeding their competence, education and experience in violation of OAR 335-005-0020(3); OAR 335-095-0010(3) and (4); OAR 335-095-0050(1)(a), 1(b),(1)(e), and (1)(f).

Bilderback, Suzanne #016370
Outcome: Final Order by Default
A Final Order by Default was issued to Suzanne Bilderback imposing a civil penalty of $100 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without a license for a period of less than one month in violation of ORS681.250(2).​


Benjamin, Hailey #016422
Outcome: Final Order by Default
A Final Order by Default was issued to Hailey Benjamin imposing a civil penalty of $1,000 on Licensee. The Board found that Benjamin committed one count of making false statements to the Board and engaging in dishonesty, fraud, and/or misrepresentation when she submitted an SLPCF Report and Rating form to the Board that contained false information, in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b) and OAR 335-005-00125(8).​​

Knapstad, Shandra #015899
Outcome: Consent Order
On September 9, 2022, Knapstad entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $400 for supervising a conditional speech-language pathologist whose license had expired for approximately four months, in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(g).

Moss, Talia #16976
Outcome: Consent Order
On September 2, 2022, Moss entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $300 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for approximately three months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).
Parrish, Jessica #17434
Outcome: Consent Order

On August 17, 2022, Parrish entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $300 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for approximately three months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).​

Kenyon, Janet #021288

Outcome: Consent Order

On July 19, 2022, Kenyon entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a reprimand and a limitation on her practice. Kenyon's practice is limited to patients over the age of eight years until the Board lifts the limitation. The Board will consider lifting the limitation when the Board finds that Kenyon has demonstrated competence in pediatric care as determined by a file review.​

Staniewicz, Jamie #17436
Outcome: Consent Order

On July 29, 2022, Staniewicz entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $1,000 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for approximately ten months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).


Watts, Annabelle #16960

Outcome: Consent Order

On July 29, 2022, Watts entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $400 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for approximately four months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).​

Sippl, Tracy #016091
Outcome: Consent Order
On June 22, 2022, Sippl entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $500 for negligently engaging in misrepresentation about supervision of the clinical experience of her supervisees, in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b).

Tang, Amy #016174
Outcome: Consent Order
On May 6, 2022, Tang entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $610 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required licensed for approximately six months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).

Green, Katlyn #17335
Outcome: Consent Order
On April 18, 2022, Green entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $150 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for approximately one month in violation of ORS 681.250(2).
Erskine, Barbara #010792
Outcome: Consent Order
On April 11, 2022, Erskine entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing: a Reprimand for failing to maintain records in accordance with OAR 335-010-0070(2) and OAR 335-010-0070(3)(a); and a civil penalty of $200 for failing to allow a patient access to records in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(9).

Lawry, Elizabeth #16831
Outcome: Consent Order
On April 7, 2022, Lawry entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $100 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for approximately one week in violation of ORS 681.250(2).

Narayanan, Taylor #16921
Outcome: Consent Order
On April 4, 2022, Narayanan entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $100 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for one month in violation of ORS 681.250(2).

Ross-Kennedy, Abby #16781
Outcome: Consent Order
On April 4, 2022, Ross-Kennedy entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $500 for practicing as a speech-language pathologist without the required license for more than four months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).​

Pentzer, Kristi #A0771
Outcome: Consent Order
On March 4, 2022, Pentzer entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $275 for practicing as a speech-language pathology assistant (SLPA) without a valid SLPA certificate for more than 2.5 months in violation of ORS 681.360(1) and OAR 335-095-0030(2).
Penrod, Alison #016419
Outcome: Consent Order
On March 4, 2022, Penrod entered into a Consent Order with the Board that imposes a Reprimand for failing to immediately report an action taken against her by a professional association in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(n).
Foote, Adrianne #015611
Outcome: Consent Order
On February 18, 2022, Foote entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $200 for failing to maintain records in violation of OAR 335-010-0070(1).
Finke, Hillary #A0774
Outcome: Consent Order
On February 17, 2022, Finke entered into a Consent Order with the Board imposing a civil penalty of $300 for performing speech-language pathology assistant (SLPA) fieldwork without a provisional SLPA certificate in violation of ORS 681.360(1) and OAR 335-095-0030(2). 



Vestal, Kimberly #13594

Outcome: Consent Order

On December 14, 2021, Vestal entered a Consent Order with the Board that imposes a Reprimand for one count of misrepresenting her supervision of a speech-language pathology provisional certificate-holder in violation of OAR 335-005-0025(8).



Gonzalez Hiltner, Magaly #16462

Outcome: Consent Order

Gonzalez Hiltner entered a consent order with the Board on December 13, 2021. The Order imposes a civil penalty of $810 on Gonzalez Hiltner for working without the required license at Portland State University at various times from 2017 to 2019 in violation of ORS 681.250(2).​


Sarycheva Gonzales, Lada, SLP #15610

Outcome: Consent Order

On May 18, 2021, Sarycheva Gonzales entered a Consent Order with the Board which imposes a $610 civil penalty. Sarycheva Gonzales failed to renew her license and worked from January 31, 2018 to May 16, 2018 witthout a valid license in violation of ORS 681.250(2). ​


Jacobs, Lauren, SLP #16689

Outcome: Consent Order

Jacobs entered a Consent Order with the Board on May 12, 2021, imposing a civil penalty of $235. Jacobs began working as a clinical fellow in August, 2019 without first obtaining her conditional license, in violation of ORS 681.250(2). Her conditional license was issued on September 24, 2019. ​


Gill, Jennifer, SLP #16545

Outcome: Consent Order

Gill entered a Consent Order with the Board on April 7, 2021, imposing a civil penalty of $200. Gill was issued a conditional license on June 28, 2019. The license expired on June 28, 2020 and was renewed on August 12, 2020. Gill practiced at The Wellness Group without the required license for approximately six weeks in violation of ORS 681.250(2).



Moran, Mark, SLP #13522

Outcome: Final Order by Default

A Final Order by Default was issued to Mark Moran imposing a civil penalty of $200 on Licensee. The Board found that while employed with Comphealth and working at Douglas Education Service District, licensee violated ORS 681.370(3) and OAR 335-095-0050(5)(b) by failing to verify that the SLPA he was supervising for at least two months did not have a Board license (certification).



Tate, Taylor, SLPA #A0727

Outcome: Consent Order

Tate entered a Consent Order with the board on March 29, 2021, imposing a civil penalty of $100. While working at Douglas Education Service District, Tate violated ORS 681.360(1) and OAR 335-095-0030(2)(a) by doing SLPA fieldwork without the required license (provisional certificate) for at least two months.


Taylor-Bowen, Melissa, SLP # 15631

Outcome: Final Order by Default

A Final Order by Default was issued to Taylor-Bowen imposing a civil penalty of $300 for practicing without a license while employed at Douglas Education Service District. Taylor-Bowen August 21, 2015. On 01/30/2020, Taylor-Bowen's license expired due to non-renewal. The Board found that Taylor-Bowen was unlicensed for more than two months in violation of ORS 681.250(2). She failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1)(a) & (b), OAR 335-0060-0030(1) and OAR 335-060-0030(3)(a) &(b).



Pringle, Jordan, SLP #15339

Outcome: Consent Order

Pringle entered a Consent order with the Board on March 19, 2021, imposing a civil penalty of $200 on licensee. The Board found that while employed with Douglas Education Service District, licensee violated ORS 681.360(4) and OAR 335-095-0050(5)(b) when supervising an unlicensed Speech-Language Pathology Assistant for about two months.



Bouchard, Rebecca, Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, #A0541

Outcome: Consent Order

Bouchard entered a Consent Order with the Board on February 18, 2021, imposing a civil penalty of $200 on licensee. The Board finds that while employed by Pediatric Therapy Services, licensee violated OAR 335-095-0050(1)(e) by having a caseload, and ORS 681.375 and OAR 335-095-0060(1) by exceeding her scope of practice. SLPA did not receive appropriate supervision in violation of OAR 335-095-0010(5) and OAR 335-095-0010(5). Licensee failed to report to the Board misconduct of herself and other licensees in violation of ORS 676.150(2) and OAR 335-005-0015(14).





Mansfield, Sara, SLP #12372

Outcome: Consent Order

A Consent Order was issued on 5/31/19 imposing a civil penalty of $500 for unlicensed practice. Mansfield was initially licensed on 10/28/2003. On 01/31/16, Mansfield's license expired due to non-renewal. On or about August 24, 2016, the Board received a reactivation application from Mansfield and her license was reactivated on August 24, 2016. Mansfield worked without a valid license for approximately four and ½ months in violation of ORS 681.250(2). She failed to apply for renewal of her license in a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1)(a) & (b), OAR 335-060-0030(1) and OAR 335-060-0030(3)(a) and (b).



Moran, Mark, SLP #13522

Outcome: Order of Satisfaction of Probation

On August 31, 2018, the Board placed Licensee on probation for six months and imposed terms that were required to be completed during the probationary period. The Board has determined that Licensee has completed the terms of the probationary period to the Board's satisfaction. Effective April 5, 2019, Licensee is released from probation, and his license to practice speech-language pathology is unencumbered.



Ely, Sarah B, SLP #15208

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued on 3/19/2019 imposing a civil penalty of $700 for unlicensed practice. Ely was initially licensed on 12/24/2013. On 01/31/16, Ely's license expired due to non-renewal. The Board found that Ely was unlicensed during its annual Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Audit. On or about 5/10/17, the Board received a reactivation application from Ely. Ely was employed by the Canby School District for approximately five months without holding a valid license in violation of ORS 681.250(2). She failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1)(a) & (b), OAR 335-0060-0030(1) and OAR 335-060-0030(3)(a) &(b).





De Anda, Stephanie, SLP #16193

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued on 10/18/2018 imposing a civil penalty of $400. De Anda applied for licensure on November 3, 2017. On the application she indicated she was working at the University of Oregon as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Services and Disorders as of September 18, 2017. The Board issued a license to De Anda on November 17, 2017. The Board found that De Anda worked without a license for approximately two months in violation of ORS 681.250(2). 



Moran, Mark, SLP #13522

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 8/31/18 wherein the Board issued Moran a license with a six month probation. Moran was initially licensed on 7/18/2011 and his license expired on 1/30/2012. On 8/6/18, the Board received an application from Moran to reinstate his SLP license. Applicant failed to disclose three arrests on his application, one of which resulted in a conviction for DUII in Kansas, in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(c). Applicant was cooperative with the Board's investigation and subsequently provided all required documents. The Board approved applicant's license and placed him on Probation for a period of six months. During the probationary period, Licensee must complete an ASHA-approved course on ethics, obtain a drug and alcohol evaluation by a physician, or drug/alcohol counselor, comply with all Board rules and statutes and not be arrested during the probationary period. If arrested for any reason, Licensee must inform the Board within ten days of the arrest. If all probationary terms are completed, on February 28, 2019, Licensee can apply for this probation to be lifted.



Reese, Carol, SLP #11221

Outcome: Final Order by Default

Violation: A Final Order by Default was issued 3/12/18 imposing license suspension with possibility of reinstatement after 1/30/19. Reese was initially licensed on 6/26/1992. For the license renewal cycle ending 12/31/2015, Respondent disclosed on that date that she was found guilty of child abuse in January, 2015. Licensee waited a year to report this information to the Board, which is a violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(n) which requires licensees to immediately report to the Board any adverse action by a state or federal agency. During the course of the investigation, Respondent did not fully cooperate and made misleading statements in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(a). This order is made pursuant to ORS 681.350(1)(b), (c), and (d), which authorizes the Board to enter a suspension order when it finds that a licensee violated any ethical standards of practice. Respondent may apply for reinstatement after 1/30/19 if she can demonstrate her competence, fitness and ability to practice in accordance with licensing law and professional standards.





Andersen, Heather M., SLP #12479

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued on 12/5/17 imposing a civil penalty of $300 for unlicensed practice. Andersen was initially licensed on 9/11/2012. On 1/31/16, Andersen's license expired due to non-renewal. On 3/9/16 the Board received a license reactivation application. Andersen was employed by Portland Public Schools for approximately 37 days without holding a valid license in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1). Andersen failed to apply for renewal of her license in a timely basis in violation of ORS 681.320(1), ORS 681.320(3) and OAR 335-060-0030(3). The Board reactivated Andersen's license on 3/9/16.



Bishop (Parsons) Michelle, Audiologist #23064

Outcome: Final Order by Default

Violation: A Final Order by Default was issued 11/15/17 imposing license revocation and a $7,220 civil penalty. Bishop was initially licensed as an Audiologist by the Board on May 1, 2008 and her license expired on 1/30/16. On 7/6/17, the Board received an inquiry from the credentialing department of UnitedHealthcare asking if Bishop held a valid Oregon license. The email included a copy of the license that Bishop had submitted to CAQH, a national credentialing organization, which showed an expiration date of January 30, 2018 and a “transaction code" of “5054043-5054043-0901" which is the same code that appeared on her license that expired in 2016. It is impossible for a license that expired on January 30, 2016 to have the exact same transaction number as a license that expires in 2018. The Board concludes that Bishop created a false copy of her license in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(8). The Board also finds that Bishop practiced without a license for at least 22 months in violation of ORS 681.250(2). Bishop is in default for failing to timely request a hearing.



McCallister (Jackson), Alyssa  Speech-Language Pathologist #13617

Outcome: Final Order by Default

Violation: A Final Order by Default was issued on 8/31/17 imposing license revocation and a $900 civil penalty. McCallister's license was suspended on May 11, 2015 through a Final Order by Default. Her license was suspended for the remainder of the license period (January 30, 2016) and until she demonstrated to the Board her competence, fitness and ability to practice in accordance with licensing law and professional and ethical standards. On or about February 4, 2016, the Board received an incomplete license re-activation application from McCallister which was not signed, included no fees, no proof of professional development and no statement addressing her previous disciplinary issues as required by the Board. The application stated that McCallister was not currently employed and that her last position had ended May, 2015. The Board's Executive Director and Investigator attempted to obtain the required information, sent McCallister a certified letter on April 28, 2016 outlining the Board's requirements and received no response. On March 7, 2017, the Board was preparing to close the incomplete application case as being abandoned under OAR 335-060-0020(3) and through Internet searches discovered possible unlicensed practice on the part of McCallister. The Board's investigation concluded that McCallister worked at Connections Academy from May 11, 2015 to January 26, 2016 without a valid license, and at Connected Home Health from May 11, 2015 through September 2, 2015 without a valid license in violation of ORS 681.250(2), ORS 676.210, and ORS 681.350(1)(b), (c), and (d). McCallister is in default for failing to timely request a hearing.



Bryan, Lisa                              Speech-Language Pathologist #13464

Outcome: Final Order by Default

Violation: A Final Order by Default was issued on 8/31/17 imposing license suspension for the remainder of the license period (January 30, 2018). If licensee applies after that date for reinstatement, she must demonstrate to the Board her competence, fitness and ability to practice in accordance with licensing law and professional and ethical standards. The Board investigated a complaint and found that Bryan was arrested on October 14, 2016 for stealing credit cards of fellow employees at the Hermiston School District and using them to make small purchases in violation of ORS 681.205(6)(f), OAR 335-005-0010(2)(e), (k), and (l). The Board found that Bryan failed to report her arrest to the Board as required under OAR 335-005-0010(2)(m), ORS 676.150(1)(a)(A) and ORS 676.150(3). The Board found that License failed to fully cooperate with its investigation in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(a). Bryan is in default for failing to timely request a hearing.



Croy, Mary M.                         

Outcome: Final Order by Default

Violation: A Final Order by Default was issued on 6/13/17 imposing a $500 civil penalty. Croy worked in Oregon for at least two years from September 3, 2014 to February 22, 2016 as a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) in the Jackson County School District 9 without first obtaining a Certificate (License) as required by ORS 681.360(1). Croy represented herself to students and the school district as an SLPA in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(10), and 335-005-0010(2)(e) and misrepresented her credentials in violation of OAR 335-005-0025(1). Respondent failed to honor her responsibility to hold paramount the welfare of persons served in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(1). Croy is in default for failing to timely request a hearing.


2/10/17                                  Audiologist #20708

Hopple, Maria N.

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued on 2/10/17 imposing a $500 civil penalty. Hopple was initially licensed as an Audiologist by the Board on June 30, 1986. The Board investigated a complaint alleging that Hopple failed to provide timely referrals for a newborn with suspected hearing loss. The Board found that Hopple violated OAR 335-005-0015(3) for failing to use all appropriate resources including timely referral for a sedated ABR, a timely referral to early intervention and timely reporting to the EHDI program; and violated OAR-335-005-0015(1) by failing to hold paramount the welfare of the infant.





Cummings, Parker B.               Speech-Language Pathologist #15183

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued on 12/12/16 imposing a $500 civil penalty. Cummings was initially licensed as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) by the Board on October 14, 2013. On January 31, 2016, Cummings' license expired due to non-renewal. On or about May 5, 2016, the Board received a reactivation application from Cummings. Cummings stated that she did not realize her license had expired and had worked at Molalla School District from January 31, 2016 to May 5, 2016 without a valid license in violation of ORS 681.250(2), and OAR 335-005-0025(1). She failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis in violation of ORS 681.320(1), ORS 681.320(3), OAR 335-060-0030(1) and OAR 335-060-0030(3). The Board reactivated Cummings' license on May 5, 2016.



Jaszczult, Dana D.                   Speech-Language Pathologist #10418

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued on 10/17/16 imposing a $300 penalty. Jaszczult was initially licensed as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) by the Board on April 7, 1980. On January 31, 2016, Jaszczult's license expired due to non-renewal. On or about March 8, 2016, the Board received a reactivation application from Jaszczult. Jaszczult was employed as an SLP at Portland Public School District for approximately thirty-six days without a license in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1). She failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis in violation of ORS 681.320(1), ORS 681.320(3), OAR 335-060-0030(1) and OAR 335-060-0030(3). The Board reactivated Jaszczult's license on March 8, 2016.



Schramm, Tom E.                    Speech-Language Pathologist #15673

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued on 9/6/16 imposing a $500 penalty. On or about September 22, 2015, the Board received a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) license application from Schramm wherein he indicated he was currently employed at the Eugene 4J School District. Schramm had been working under a license from the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) from June 11, 2011, until the license expired on March 7, 2015. Schramm worked as an SLP without a valid license for approximately three months in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1). Schramm was issued an SLP license on September 22, 2015.



Padilla, Lynnette R.                 Speech-Language Pathologist #15721

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 8/30/16 imposing a $500 penalty. On February 12, 2016, it was discovered that Padilla was working as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) for the Jackson County School District 9 without a license. On or about February 18, 2016, Padilla submitted a license application indicating she had worked at the District from August 21, 2015 to February 18, 2016 without a valid license. Padilla was employed as an SLP without a valid license for more than six months in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1). The Board issued Padilla an SLP license on February 25, 2016.



Li-Korotky, Ha-Sheng              Audiologist #23570

Outcome: Stipulated Agreement

Violation: A Stipulated Agreement was issued August 26, 2016, restricting Dr. Li-Korotky's audiology practice to individuals who are at or over the developmental age of six years. Li-Korotky was initially licensed by the Board on October 24, 2011. The Board investigated a complaint submitted by an individual in 2014, and reviewed records for sixteen pediatric patients seen by the licensee for hearing evaluation and/or hearing aid fitting and verification between 2012 and 2014. The Board found that licensee engaged in conduct in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(2), OAR 335-005-0020(1), OAR 335-005-0020(4), OAR 335-005-0015(6) and OAR 335-005-0015(3).



Bertram, Nancy C.                   Speech-Language Pathologist #12586

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued February 17, 2016 which suspends Bertram's license for one year and requires Bertram to submit to an interview with the Board before re-licensure. Bertram was initially licensed on October 18, 2004. The Board finds that Licensee left her position without approval to be in Wisconsin for the birth of her grandchild, utilizing sick days under false pretenses and was not initially forthcoming when questioned about these issues, which is in violation of professional and ethical standards outlined in ORS 681.350(1)(b),(c),(d) and (4), and OAR 335-005-0010(1),(2)(e),&(2)(k). Bertram was responsible for supervising an SLPA and filed to make arrangements for supervision by another SLP. Licensee informed the SLPA in advance that she would be taking this extended absence and expected that if questioned, the SLPA would tell others that she was not at work, in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(d). Licensee was not available to be reached by the SLPA during the work day in violation of OAR 335-095-0050(c). Bertram failed to hold the welfare of the students she served as paramount, in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(1).



Mullen, April C.                        Speech-Language Pathologist #14062

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued February 2, 2016, imposing a $1,300 penalty. Mullen was initially licensed on September 4, 2012. For the 2014 renewal cycle, all regular licensees were required to be renewed by December 31, 2013, and licenses expired on January 30, 2014. In December, 2014, the Board received a license renewal application from Mullen, who stated that she thought she had renewed it. Mullen was employed at Portland Public Schools and worked from January 31, 2014 to December 31, 2014 without a valid license in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1). Mullen failed to renew her license in a timely manner in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030. The Board reactivated Mullen's license on December 31, 2014.



Torkelsen, Darla J.                  Speech-Language Pathologist #10880

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued February 1, 2016 imposing a $1,000 penalty. Torkelsen was initially licensed as a Speech-Language Pathologist on June 23, 1989. For the 2014 renewal cycle, all regular licensees were required to be renewed by December 31, 2013 and the licenses expired on January 30, 2014. On September 2, 2014, the Board received a license renewal application form and the license was reactivated on October 8, 2014. Torkelsen was employed as an SLP without a valid license for more than eight months in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1). Torkelsen failed to renew her license on a timely basis in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030.






Teaven, Deanna L.                   Speech-Language Pathologist #15249

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 12/15/15 imposing a $300 penalty. Teaven was initially issued a conditional license by the Board on April 3, 2014. The conditional license expired April 3, 2015 due to non-renewal. On or about May 4, 2015, the Board received a license upgrade application from Teaven. Teaven was employed as an SLP without a valid license for one month in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1). Teaven failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-080-0025(2).



Anderson, Jocelynn A.             Speech-Language Pathologist #13062

Outcome: Consent Order

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 10/19/15 imposing a $1,700 civil penalty. Anderson was initially licensed by the Board on April 29, 2008. The license expired on January 30, 2014 and Anderson did not submit a renewal application until April 20, 2015. Anderson practiced and purported to be an SLP without a valid license for approximately fourteen months in violation of ORS 681.250(2), OAR 335-005-0025, and failed to file for renewal in a timely manner in violation of ORS 681.320(1), and OAR 335-060-0030.



Felton-Sheldon, Melody           Speech-Language Pathologist # 10886

Outcome: Stipulated Agreement

Violation: On September 11, 2015, Felton-Sheldon, Speech-Language Pathologist, entered into a Stipulated Agreement. The Board is investigating a complaint regarding Licensee's professional competence as related to tracheostomy (trach) care. Licensee agrees not to change trach tubes in any capacity during the pendency of this agreement. Licensee agrees not to provide consultation, training, or oversight of the changing of trach tubes by any other individuals, and will not aid, facilitate, supervise, or in any way be a party to any other Speech-Language Pathologist providing trach tube changes in the pendency of this agreement. This order is effect until further order of the Board.





Martin, Larry G.                       Audiologist # 20896

Outcome: Final Order by Default: $2,000 Civil Penalties

Violation: A Final Order by Default was issued August 25, 2015. Martin is in default for failing to timely request a hearing. On December 8, 2008, Martin was placed on probation by the Board. As part of the terms of his probation, his license was limited to patients over the age of six. In December, 2013, Martin requested that his license be placed on inactive status. In January, 2014, the Board issued a subpoena to Martin requesting records relating to an investigation of his practice. The order imposed a $1,000 civil penalty for failing to cooperate with a Board investigation in violation of OAR 335-005-010(2)(a). The order also imposed a $1,000 civil penalty for failing to meet requirements for recordkeeping in violation of OAR 335-010-0070 (1)-(4) and OAR 335-010-0080(1) and (2).




Perkins, Kristin K.                    Speech-Language Pathologist #15583

Outcome: Consent Order: Licensed issued with conditions

Violation: A Consent Order was issued July 19, 2015 issuing Perkins a Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) license with conditions. Perkins previously applied for licensure as an SLP on May 21, 2013, did not complete her application, and it was considered abandoned as of November 21, 2013 per OAR 335-060-0020(3). Following an investigation, Perkins entered into a consent order on July 1, 2014, imposing a civil penalty on Perkins for purporting to be an SLP while not holding an Oregon license in violation of ORS 681.250(2). Perkins' business website, Nature's Communication Center, continued to contain references to her Lake Oswego SLP practice from July 15, 2014 through October 23, 2014 during which time Perkins was not licensed in Oregon. On or about November 5, 2014, Perkins sent the Board an email indicating she was not practicing in Oregon and not aware that the Board was concerned about her website and offered to work on it with her information technology IT) person. The Board received Perkins' application for licensure on December 1, 2014. On that date, the Board accessed Nature's Communication Center website. On the home page was the proclamation, “we just expanded to Lake Oswego, Oregon!" No staff SLPs including Perkins on that date were licensed in Oregon. Perkins purported to be a speech-language pathologist in Oregon through her listing of Lake Oswego offices on her company's website for more than twelve months, and in her professional correspondence with the Board in December 2014, without a valid Oregon license in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(6) and (8). Perkins, along with her attorney, appeared before the Board on May 8, 2015, and described her efforts in correcting problems with the website and her difficulty with her original IT person which made it difficult to timely comply with the Board's concerns. She has since removed all references to a Lake Oswego office on all of her electronic devices and website. She stated that she has not been practicing in Oregon and has not been seeing Oregon clients under her Washington license. Perkins entered a Consent Order on July 19, 2015, and was issued a license that will expire December 31, 2015. Perkins will be placed on mandatory professional development audit for the next two license renewal periods.



Flipsen, Peter J.                       Speech-Language Pathologist #15252

Outcome: Consent Order $200 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 6//8/15 imposing a $200 civil penalty. Flipsen was employed by Pacific University and failed to apply for a license in a timely manner in violation of ORS 681.250(2).



Painton, Stephanie G.              Speech-Language Pathologist

Outcome: Final Order by Default: Denial of Application

Violation: A Final Order by Default was issued May 11, 2015, denying an Oregon SLP license to Painton. Painton withdrew her request for a hearing. Painton violated ORS 681.350(1)(a), ORS 681.350(1)(c) and OAR 335-005-0010(2)(c) by attempting to obtain a license from the Board by means of fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment of material facts and by violating a lawful order of the Board.



McCallister, Alyssa N.              Speech-Language Pathologist #13617

Outcome: Final Order by Default: License Suspension

Violation: A Final Order was issued May 11, 2015, suspending McCallister's license for the remainder of her license period (January 30, 2016) or until she demonstrates to the Board her competence, fitness and ability to practice in accordance with licensing law and professional and ethical standards. Licensee is in default for failing to timely request a hearing. Licensee practiced as a speech-language pathology assistant for more than five months without a valid license in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and ORS 681.360. Licensee accepted a job as a speech-language pathology assistant without having completed the necessary practicum hours, in violation of OAR 335-005-0020(1). Licensee practiced as a speech-language pathologist on a Conditional SLP license for 13 months after she meet the requirements for and should have obtained a regular SLP license, and without being supervised appropriately as a Conditional SLP, in violation of ORS 681.325 and OAR 335-080-0025(4). Licensee engaged in misrepresentation and unprofessional conduct, in violation of the Board's definitions as defined in OAR 335-005-0010(1) and OAR 335-005-0010(2)(a), OAR 335-005-0010(2)(e) and OAR 335-005-0010(2)(k). Licensee engaged in dishonesty, fraud, and misrepresentation in documenting SLP services not provided, IEP meetings not held, and professional communication not performed, in violation of OAR 335-005-0025(4) and OAR 335-005-0025(8). Licensee failed to provide required services to students in her professional care in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(1), OAR 335-005-0015(2) and OAR 335-005-0015(11). Licensee violated OAR 335-010-0070(1). Licensee failed to maintain complete documentation of the clinical services she provided for students and patients in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(16), OAR 335-010-0060 and OAR 335-010-0070. Licensee failed to provide all services competently in the treatment of her assigned patients with dysphagia in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(2).



Kapantzoglou, Maria                Speech-Language Pathologist # 15020

Outcome: Consent Order $900 Civil Penalty

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 4/19/15 imposing a $900 civil penalty. Kapantzoglou was initially licensed by the Board on December 13, 2012. The license expired on January 30, 2014 and Kapantzoglou did not submit a renewal application until August 11, 2014. Kapantzoglou practiced or purported to be an SLP without a valid license for approximately seven months in violation of ORS 681.250(2), OAR 335-005-0025, ORS 681.320(1), and OAR 335-060-0030.



Pastoor, Lori A.                        Speech-Language Pathologist # 12399

Outcome: Consent Order $1,000 Civil Penalty

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 03/31/15 imposing a $1,000 civil penalty. Pastoor practiced and purported to be an SLP for approximately three months at Camp Yakety Yak in 2013. Pastoor was employed by The Hello Foundation as an SLP for approximately two months in 2013 prior to her regular Oregon SLP license being reissued, and for another approximately two months after failing to timely renew her license in early 2014, in violation of ORS 681.250 (2), ORS 681.320, and OAR 335-060-0030.



Maxon, Robin M.                      Audiologist # 21908

Outcome: Consent Order $350 Civil Penalty

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 03/19/2015 imposing a $350 civil penalty. Maxon was employed as an SLP at Eastern Oregon Audiology from approximately January 31, 2014 to February 27, 2014 without a valid license, in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and ORS 681.320(1).



Putnam, Georgiana C.             Speech-Language Pathologist # 12926

Outcome: Consent Order: $500 Civil Penalty

Violation: A Consent Order was issued 03/18/2015, imposing a $500 civil penalty.  Putnam was employed as an SLP at Reynolds School District and worked for more than twelve weeks from approximately January 31 to April 23rd, 2014 without a valid license, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).




Ecker, Sara                                          Speech-Language Pathologist # 12816

Outcome:  Consent Order: $400 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 03/09/2015, imposing a $400 civil penalty.  Ecker was initially licensed as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) by the Board on September 4, 2007. In 2013, Ecker failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030, and her license expired on January 30, 2014.   On or about April 8, 2014, the Board received a license renewal application from Ecker and her license was renewed on that date. Ecker was employed as an SLP at The Hello Foundation and worked for more than two months without a valid license, in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1).




Jablonski, Debra B.                              SLP Applicant

Outcome:  Consent Order: Denial of Initial Application; Applicant May Re-Apply After November 8, 2015

Violation:  A Consent Order was signed effective 01/09/15, denying Jablonski's initial application for SLP licensure in Oregon.  The Board received Jablonski's application on or about October 8, 2014, in which she reported criminal history.  During the course of its investigation, the Board found evidence that Jablonski had violated ORS 681.350(1)(a), which allows the Board to refuse to issue a license if the applicant has

obtained or attempted to obtain a license or conditional license by means of fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment of material facts.  The Board found that Jablonski was in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(1) which defines misrepresentation as including any untrue statements or statements that are likely to mislead; OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b), which defines unprofessional conduct as including making a false statement to the Board; and OAR 335-005-0010(2)(c), which defines unprofessional conduct as including attempting to obtain a license from the Board by means of fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment of material facts.  Jablonski may reapply for SLP licensure after November 8, 2015. 



Nugent, Carol                                      Speech-Language Pathologist # 10271 

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Voluntary Surrender of License and Revocation

Violation:  A Consent Order was signed effective 01/08/15, accepting the surrender of Nugent's license and revoking this license.  In response to a complaint filed on May 1, 2013, the Board reviewed records for eight dysphagia clients seen by Licensee.  The findings in the records of a patient who Licensee treated beginning on or about May 31, 2013 were of concern to the Board. Licensee does not admit to these factual allegations; however she consents to voluntarily surrendering her license on February 28, 2015, and to the Board then revoking her license, based on the factual allegations and the Board's conclusions of law. 






Zamora, Jenell                                     Speech-Language Pathologist # 12297

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Civil Penalty $250

Violation:  A Consent Order was signed effective 12/26/14, imposing a civil penalty of $250.  Zamora supervised Courtney McMullen during the period in which McMullen practiced speech-language pathology at Harney ESD without a valid conditional speech-language pathology license, from approximately 2010 to 2012.  Zamora continued to supervise McMullen after she completed her clinical fellowship and practiced without a regular speech-language pathology license until it was issued to McMullen by the Board on January 3, 2013.  Zamora violated ORS 681.250(8)(f) by assisting or permitting McMullen to practice speech-language pathology without a license. 




Standard, Eleanor                                Speech-Language Pathologist # 10132

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Voluntary Surrender of License and Revocation

Violation:  A Consent Order was signed effective 12/22/14, accepting the surrender of Standard's license and revoking this license.  The Board opened an investigation related to Standard's work with the Central Point School District during the 2012-2013 school year, while employed by Southern Oregon Education Service District. In the exercise of its duties, the Board found that it has grounds under ORS 681.350 and ORS 681.490 to accept Standard's surrender of her license.     




Shicor, Janel (aka Janelle Schicker)    Speech-Language Pathologist # 13284

Outcome:  Final Order: License Revocation and $39,980.86 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order was issued 11/25/14, revoking Shicor's license and assessing the costs of the disciplinary proceeding as a civil penalty of $39,980.86. Shicor was found to have used experimental techniques without informing clients of their experimental nature, in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(2) and (5). Shicor made unsupported clinical correlations and reached unsupported conclusions, in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(2). Shicor also violated OAR 335-005-0015(2) by diagnosing a client with a disorder not included in the ICD-9-CM codes related to speech and hearing disorders, and not generally recognized by SLPs and audiologists.  In violation of OAR 335-005-0015(2) and (6), Shicor failed to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment she provided to clients. Shicor failed to document client treatment goals, progress towards treatment goals, and discharge summaries consistent with professional standards, in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(9) and (16) and OAR 335-010-0070(1) and (2). Shicor failed to sign treatment data sheet entries, failed to initial signature stamps on client records, and failed to include a signature or stamp with initials on client records, in violation of OAR 335-010-0060(1) and OAR 335-010-0070(3). Shicor misrepresented to the insurer the services she rendered, in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(11).



McMullen, Courtney C.             Speech-Language Pathologist # 15023

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Suspension for Six Months and $7,500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 7/3/14, suspending McMullen's SLP license for 6 months (until January 4, 2015) and imposing a civil penalty of $7,500.  McMullen violated ORS 681.250(2) by practicing speech-language pathology at Harney ESD without a valid Board license beginning on or about August 21, 2006 until on or about December 18, 2012.  McMullen also violated ORS 681.250(2) for more than six years by purporting to be an SLP without a valid Board license, using titles including “speech-language specialist", “speech language therapist", “speech language pathologist", “SL clinician", and “SLP", beginning on or about August 21, 2006 until her license was issued on January 3, 2013.



Perkins, Kristin                        Non-Licensee

Outcome:  Consent Order:  $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 7/1/14, imposing a civil penalty of $500 for violation of ORS 681.250(2), which prohibits individuals practicing or purporting to be an SLP in Oregon without first obtaining a valid license.  Perkins is an SLP licensed in Washington State who applied for, but never obtained an Oregon license. Her application remained incomplete. Perkins maintained an office location in Lake Oswego, Oregon under the business name Nature's Communication Center with a sign on her office displaying “Kristin Perkins Speech-Language Pathologist". Also, on or about December 19, 2013, Perkins purported to be an SLP by providing a phone consultation and offering to provide SLP services at her office in Lake Oswego.



Strayer, Jacquelyn S.               Speech-Language Pathology Assistant # A0028

Outcome:  Probation Lifted

At its meeting on May 2, 2014, the Board determined that licensee had met the terms of her probation to their satisfaction, and the probation was lifted.



Wilson, Leigh M.                      Audiologist # 20546

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Reprimand and $1,000 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 5/7/14, reprimanding Licensee and imposing a civil penalty of $1,000.  Wilson was originally licensed by the Board in 1983, and was previously disciplined by the Board in 2009 for engaging or purporting to engage in the unlicensed practice of audiology.  Wilson failed to apply to renew her license on a timely basis (by the December 31, 2013 deadline), in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030.  Wilson failed to complete and document required professional development hours during 2012 and 2013, in violation of ORS 681.320(1)(a), OAR 335-070-0080(1) and OAR 335-070-0050(2).  Wilson practiced or purported to be an audiologist without a valid Oregon license for approximately one month, in violation of ORS 681.250(2) from January 31, 2014 until her license was reactivated on February 27, 2014.



Neely, Megan E.                       Speech-Language Pathologist # 15008

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Reprimand and $800 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 5/6/14, reprimanding Licensee and imposing an $800 civil penalty.  Neely was employed by Multnomah Education Service District (MESD) as an SLP in her clinical fellowship from on or about November 14, 2011 until October 12, 2012 without applying for or obtaining a conditional license.  Neely practiced independently as an SLP at MESD from October 12, 2012 until she was ordered to cease practice by the Board on November 20, 2012.  Neely practiced SLP and purported to be an SLP without a valid conditional license for approximately eleven months and without a valid regular license an additional 5 weeks.  This conduct is in violation of ORS 681.250(2),ORS 681.270, ORS 681.325, OAR 335-005-0025(1) and OAR 335-080-0010. 



Raile, Sara J.               Speech-Language Pathologist # 11348

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Reprimand

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 4/10/14, reprimanding Licensee.  On February 11, 2013, as a result of an investigation of allegations of professional misconduct on the part of Raile, TSPC issued a Stipulation of Facts and Final Order of Reprimand and Probation. Raile was actively licensed by the Board as a speech-language pathologist at the time this adverse action was taken by TSPC. Raile failed to inform the Board of this adverse action. This conduct is in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(n).  




Iverson, Stormy M.      Speech-Language Pathologist # 15021

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Reprimand and $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 12/31/13, reprimanding Licensee and imposing a $500 civil penalty.  Iverson applied for an SLP license from the Board on September 7, 2012, but her application was incomplete, and the license was not issued until December 12, 2012. Iverson was employed as an SLP and practiced speech-language pathology at the South Coast Education Service District without a valid Board license for more than two months, beginning on or about August 30, 2012, until Iverson was ordered to cease practice by the Board on or about November 6, 2012. This conduct is in violation of ORS 681.250(2).  



Lajko, Debra L.                        Non-Licensee  

Outcome:  Consent Order:  $250 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 12/12/13, imposing a $250 civil penalty.  Lajko was employed by the Sisters (OR) School District as an SLPA without holding a valid Board-issued certificate (license) for more than three weeks beginning on or about August 29, 2012 until terminated by District for not having an Oregon license on or about September 21, 2012.  This conduct is in violation of ORS 681.360.  



Atoui, Lorraine             Speech-Language Pathologist # 12481  

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Reprimand and $200 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 8/20/13, reprimanding Licensee and imposing a $200 civil penalty.  Atoui employed an unlicensed SLP as a subcontractor in her private SLP practice for more than four months.  This conduct is a violation of the Board's professional and ethical standards under ORS 681.330.  OAR 335-005-0010(2)(g), specifically defines unprofessional conduct to include assisting or permitting any person to practice speech-language pathology without a valid license. 



Wyatt, Terri L.             Applicant for Certification as Speech-Language Pathology Assistant

Outcome:  Consent Order:  $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 8/8/13, imposing a $500 civil penalty.  Wyatt represented or implied that she was an SLPA when she applied for employment as a full-time SLPA in the Medford (Oregon) School District on or about June 18, 2008 for the 2008-09 school year, and when she accepted an offer of employment as an SLPA on or about August 19, 2009.  This conduct is a violation of ORS 681.230(2) and ORS 681.360(1).  Wyatt was employed as an SLPA without a valid Board license beginning on or about August 31, 2009 until her employment was terminated on or about March 31, 2010, in violation of ORS 681.360(1). 



Mete, Antonia M.         Speech-Language Pathologist # 15004  

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Reprimand and $200 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued 7/23/13, reprimanding Licensee and imposing a $200 civil penalty.  Mete was employed in a private SLP practice without a valid license for more than four months in violation of ORS 681.250.  



Remington, Sarah M.   Speech-Language Pathologist # 13255  

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  $250 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order by Default was issued on July 8, 2013, imposing a civil penalty of $250.  Remington was employed as an SLP without a valid license for more than three months in violation of ORS 681.250(2).  Remington represented herself as an SLP without holding a valid license for more than three months in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1).



Strayer, Jacquelyn S.   Speech-Language Pathology Assistant # A0028

Outcome:  Probation Reinstated Upon License Reactivation

Strayer allowed her license to lapse on January 30, 2012, while on probation that the Board imposed on December 14, 2011.  The probation was to have been completed on August 1, 2012 after meeting specific conditions.  However, certain terms of her probation cannot be completed unless Strayer is licensed and working in Oregon as an SLPA.  Strayer's license was reactivated on June 11, 2013, and her probation was reinstated.  The Board advised Strayer that she has 8 months after she begins employment as an SLPA to complete the requirements of her probation. 



Nugent, Carol L.          Speech-Language Pathologist # 10271 

Outcome:   Probation Lifted

Violation:   A Consent Order was issued 1/15/13, placing Licensee on probation until December 31, 2013.  Probation was lifted 5/31/13 after licensee satisfactorily completed requirements specified for dysphagia coursework and peer mentor observation and review of licensee's assessment and treatment of eight dysphagia patients.



Correia, Sasha M.        Speech-Language Pathologist # 12984 

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  $250 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order by Default was issued on April 3, 2013, imposing a civil penalty of $250.

Licensee was employed and represented herself as an SLP without a valid license for more than three months in violation of ORS 681.250(2) and OAR 335-005-0025(1).  Licensee failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030 [biennial licensure and renewal requirements].



Laraway, Lesley A.      Non-Licensee

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  $3,000 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order by Default was issued on March 5, 2013, imposing a civil penalty of $3,000.  Laraway practiced as an SLP without a valid license for approximately two years, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).  Sometime between April 2010 and June 2010, Laraway submitted an application for SLP licensure that was incomplete, in violation of ORS 681.270(2), ORS 681.325(5), and OAR 335-060-0020(1), and failed to follow up on the status of her application, in violation of OAR 335-060-0020(2). 



Wampler, Lori A.         Speech-Language Pathologist # 13322

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  $250 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order by Default was issued on March 5, 2013, imposing a civil penalty of $250.  Licensee failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030.  Licensee provided direct client services as a speech-language pathologist for four days and represented herself as an SLP in Oregon without a valid license for seven days. Practicing or purporting to be an SLP without a license is a violation of ORS 681.250(2), and representing oneself as an SLP without holding a valid license is also a violation of OAR 335-005-0025(1). Licensee failed to notify Board of her current contact information, in violation of OAR 335-005-0020(8). 



Nugent, Carol L.          Speech-Language Pathologist # 10271 

Outcome:   Consent Order:  Probation

Violation:   A Consent Order was issued 1/15/13, placing Licensee on probation until December 31, 2013, for violations of OAR 335-005-0015(2)--Licensees must perform all services competently; OAR 335-005-0015(16)--Individuals shall maintain clinical records as required by the Board's rules; OAR 335-010-0070(2), (3) and (5)--Records must contain accurate, complete, and legible  detailed documentation of  assessments and interventions; and OAR 335-005-0015(3)--Licensees must use all appropriate resources in providing care, including referral when appropriate. Licensee can request to lift the probation after satisfactorily completing requirements specified for dysphagia coursework and peer mentor observation and review of licensee's assessment and treatment of eight dysphagia patients.





McCray, Dana T.          Audiologist # 22004

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order by Default was issued on October 5, 2012, imposing a civil penalty of $500.  Licensee failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030.  Licensee worked as an “audiologist on-call" and represented herself as an audiologist in Oregon without a valid license from January 31, 2012 until April 2012, when her license was reactivated.  Practicing or purporting to be an audiologist without a license is a violation of ORS 681.250(2), and representing oneself as an audiologist without holding a valid license is also a violation of OAR 335-005-0025(1).



Grant, Molly E.             Speech-Language Pathologist # 12018

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  $200 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order by Default was issued on October 5, 2012, imposing a civil penalty of $200.  Licensee failed to apply for renewal of her license on a timely basis, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030.  Licensee worked as a speech-language pathologist and represented herself as an SLP in Oregon without a valid license for two days. Practicing or purporting to be an SLP without a license is a violation of ORS 681.250(2), and representing oneself as an SLP without holding a valid license is also a violation of OAR 335-005-0025(1).



Zeller, Linsey              Speech-Language Pathologist # 13571 

Outcome:   Consent Order:  Reprimand and $800 Civil Penalty

Violation:   A Consent Order was issued 4/27/12, imposing a reprimand and civil penalty of $800 on Licensee.  Zeller practiced without a conditional license from July 6, 2010 until the completion of her Clinical Fellowship on or about April 6, 2011.  The Board received her application for conditional licensure on August 30, 2010.  The application was incomplete and the license was not issued.   After completing her Fellowship, Zeller did not submit an application for regular SLP licensure, and began providing SLP professional services independently and representing herself as a speech-language pathologist.  She applied for and received her regular SLP license on November 7, 2011.


This conduct violated ORS 681.270(2) (failure to make application in a manner prescribed by the Board); OAR 335-080-0010(c) (conditional license application shall include the education and training of the conditional licensee); ORS 681.325 (conditional license permits an individual to practice speech-language pathology while completing the Board's licensing requirements); OAR 335-060-0020(2) (applicant required to follow up on the status of application); ORS 681.250(2) (no person shall practice speech-language pathology without a license); ORS 681.270 (person desiring to obtain a license from the Board shall make application to the Board); and OAR 335-005-0025(1) (individuals shall not misrepresent their credentials, competence, education, training, or experience).





Strayer, Jacquelyn S.   Speech-Language Pathology Assistant # A0028

Outcome:   Final Order by Default: Reprimand and Probation

Violation:   A Final Order was issued December 14, 2011, issuing a reprimand and placing Licensee on probation until August 1, 2012, provided Licensee meets specific requirements to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to supervision of speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs).  Licensee did not ensure that her supervision by an SLP was documented on logs that contained all required information, and logs submitted contained information that was conflicting, duplicative, and confusing, in violation of ORS 681.370 and OAR 335-010-0070(3)(a). Licensee recorded an incorrect date of service on a Medicaid billing record, in violation of ORS 681.370 and OAR 335-010-0070(1). Licensee failed to record all dates upon which direct and indirect supervision took place and obtain her supervisor's initials on each entry; Licensee did not sign the clinical logs for every month, and Licensee did not ensure that her SLP supervisor signed the logs each month.  This conduct is a violation of ORS 681.370 and OAR 335-095-0050(4).



O'Loughlin, Dennis      Audiologist #22387

Outcome:  Probation Lifted

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued on March 10, 2010, limiting licensee's practice of audiology.   Licensee completed academic training and clinical observations as agreed in the Consent Order, and the Board lifted his license limitation on 1/26/11.  Probation was lifted 12/5/11, with the condition that in the event licensee performs ABR evaluations on pediatric patients, he will submit the first 10 cases for peer review and forward those reviews to the Board.



Moore, Carol Ann         Applicant for Certification as Speech-Language Pathology Assistant

Outcome:  Consent Order:  Application Denied

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued November 14, 2011, denying Moore's application, and outlining conditions under which she may reapply on or after January 1, 2012.  Applicant failed to disclose her full history of arrests and convictions, which constitutes unprofessional conduct and is a violation of OAR 335-005-010(2)(b) and OAR 335-005-010(2)(c).



Hanson, Christine E.    Speech-Language Pathologist #10915

Outcome:  Final Order by Default: Reprimand and Probation

Violation:  A Final Order was issued November 7, 2011, imposing a reprimand and placing Licensee on probation until August 1, 2012, provided Licensee meets specific requirements to demonstrate knowledge and skills in supervision of speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs).  Licensee documented SLPA supervision on clinical logs that omitted certain required information and contained information that was conflicting, duplicative, and confusing, in violation of ORS 681.370 and OAR 335-010-0070(3)(a). Licensee recorded an incorrect date of service on a Medicaid billing record, in violation of ORS 681.370 and OAR 335-010-0070(1). Licensee failed to record and initial all dates upon which direct and indirect supervision took place, Licensee did not sign the clinical logs for every month, and Licensee did not ensure that her SLPA supervisee signed the logs each month.  This conduct is a violation of ORS 681.370 and OAR 335-095-0050(4).



Lambson, Rebecca       Speech-Language Pathologist #13140 

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  Reprimand and $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order by Default was issued on October 31, 2011, imposing a reprimand and civil penalty of $500.  Licensee renewed as inactive in January 2010.  Licensee worked as an SLP in Oregon with an inactive license from September 2010 until May 2011, when she requested to reactivate her license.  Practice of speech-language pathology without a valid license is in violation of ORS 681.250(2).



O'Connor, Lisa C.         Non-Licensee

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Final Order was issued October 19, 2011, imposing a civil penalty of $500 for practicing speech-language pathology in Oregon without a valid Oregon license, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).  On or about August 2, 2010, Ms. O'Connor performed an independent speech evaluation for a child in Portland, Oregon.  She documented this evaluation with a Speech Evaluation Report that she signed on September 3, 2010 and provided to the child's family.  Ms. O'Connor, a speech-language pathologist licensed in California, does not currently hold, nor has she ever held an Oregon license.



O'Loughlin, Dennis      Audiologist #22387

Outcome: License Limitation Lifted; Licensee on Probation

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued on March 10, 2010, limiting licensee's practice of audiology.   Licensee has completed academic training and clinical observations as agreed in the Consent Order, and the Board lifted his license limitation on 1/26/11.  Licensee may now perform audiologic testing and auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing on any individuals regardless of age. Licensee remains on probation until case reviews of his pediatric care and ABR testing are completed and approved by the Board, as specified in the Order.



Martin, Marissa E.        Speech-Language Pathology Assistant # A0244

Outcome:  Consent Order: $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  A Consent Order was issued on January 14, 2011, imposing a civil penalty of $500.  Licensee failed to renew her speech-language pathology assistant (SLPA) certificate on or before its expiration on January 30, 2010, in violation of ORS 681.360(3) and OAR 335-060-0030.  Licensee continued to work as an SLPA in Oregon without a valid license from January 31, 2010 to March 5, 2010, in violation of ORS 681.360(1).  Licensee failed to inform Board of changes in her home and/or work addresses and telephone numbers within 30 days, in violation of OAR 335-005-0020(8).






Gray, Denise D.            Speech-Language Pathologist #13111

Outcome:  Final Order by Default Revoking License

Violation:  Licensee failed to perform essential job functions as a school based speech-language pathologist and failed to comply with local district and ESD rules and policies during her employment with the SOESD in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(1) and (2). Licensee failed to maintain complete documentation of the clinical services she provided for students and patients in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(16), OAR 335-010-0060 and OAR 335-010-0070.  Licensee failed to provide all services competently in the treatment of her assigned patients with dysphagia in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(2).  Licensee provided dysphagia services without the appropriate training, experience and competence in violation of OAR 335-005-0015(1).



Clifton, Karen C.          Speech-Language Pathologist #12102

Outcome:  Final Order by Default: Reprimand and $500 Civil Penalty

Violation:  Licensee practiced speech-language pathology without a valid license for approximately one month, in violation of ORS 681.360(1). Licensee submitted her license renewal late in three instances, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030.  Licensee failed to complete required professional development, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030, and to submit a timely professional development audit response to the Board, in violation of OAR 335-070-0050.  Licensee failed to submit address changes to the Board within 30 days, in violation of OAR 335-005-0020(8).



Gray, Denise D.            Speech-Language Pathologist #13111

Outcome:  Order of Emergency Suspension

Violation:  Board determined that licensee was not providing services to adult patients, specifically those with dysphagia, with due competence as required by OAR 335-005-0015(2): Individuals shall provide all services competently; OAR 335-005-0015(16): Individuals shall maintain clinical records as required by the Board's rules to ensure the provision of competent and appropriate care for persons served; and OAR 335-005-0020(1): Individuals shall engage in only those aspects of the professions that are within the scope of their competence, considering their level of education, training and experience.



O'Loughlin, Dennis      Audiologist #22387

Outcome: Consent Order for Voluntary Limitation

Violation: OAR335-005-0015(2): Individuals shall provide all services competently.  A Consent Order was issued on March 10, 2010, limiting licensee's practice of audiology.   Licensee shall not perform audiologic testing of any type on any individual at or under the age of twelve months, and shall not conduct auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing on any individuals regardless of age. Licensee may apply to have the limitation lifted after he meets certain conditions specified in the Consent Order.



Moore, Patty L.            Speech-Language Pathology Assistant #A0075
Outcome: Emergency Suspension issued August 19, 2009; Final Order Revoking Certificate issued March 4, 2010
Violation: Certificate Holder verbally abused a student, which is unprofessional conduct in violation of OAR 335-005-0010(2)(i). Certificate Holder's abuse of alcohol and controlled substances adversely affected her practice, which violates OAR 335-005-0015(13). Certificate Holder misrepresented her criminal history on her September 2003 SLPA license application and her 2007 renewal, in violation of ORS 681.350(1)(a) and OAR 335-005-0010(2)(b) and (c). These violations are grounds for revocation under ORS 681.350(1)(b) and (c).





Wilson, Leigh M.          Audiologist #20546 

Outcome: Consent Order: $2,500 Civil Penalty
Violation:  Individual practiced audiology or purported to be an audiologist after her license expired on January 30, 2008, in violation of ORS 681.250(2): "No person shall practice speech-language pathology or audiology or purport to be a speech-language pathologist or audiologist in this state unless the person is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter." 



Vogel-Bochart, Allison M.        Speech-Language Pathology Assistant #A0320

Outcome:  Consent Order: $150 Civil Penalty

Violation:  Prior to receiving certification as an SLPA, Applicant created a signature block for her outgoing email correspondence at her workplace that listed her as “Allison Bochart, SLPA", and received an employee badge that identified her as a speech assistant.  These actions were in violation of ORS 681.360(1): “A person may not perform the duties of a speech-language pathology assistant or use the title speech-language pathology assistant without a certificate to do so issued under this section."



Zimel, Amanda K.        Speech-Language Pathology Assistant #A0184
Outcome: Final Order by Default: Reprimand and $350 Civil Penalty
Violation: Certificate Holder practiced from January 31, 2008 through April 1, 2009 without a valid Oregon certificate to practice as a speech-language pathology assistant, in violation of ORS 681.360(1).  Certificate Holder failed to renew her Oregon certificate to practice as a speech-language pathology assistant on or before January 30, 2008, in violation of ORS 681.360(3) and OAR 335-060-0030.  Certificate Holder failed to provide Board with her current address, in violation of OAR 335-005-0020(8). 



Montoro, Leslie T.        Former Speech-Language Pathologist #12682

Outcome: Consent Order: $5,000 Civil Penalty
Violation:  While holding valid conditional and active licenses from this Board, Former Licensee violated ORS 681.350(b) and (c) regarding professional and ethical standards.  Specifically, Former Licensee falsified the time period of supervision and forged the signature of her supervisor on two Clinical Fellowship Report and Rating Forms submitted to ASHA, in violation of OAR 335-005-0025(1) and OAR 335-005-0025(8).



Moore, Patty L.            Speech-Language Pathology Assistant #A0075
Outcome: Emergency Suspension issued August 19, 2009



Harris, Jeffrey P.         Speech-Language Pathologist #12971 

Outcome:  Final Order by Default:  License Suspension from January 29, 2009 through February 8, 2009 and $1,000 Civil Penalty

Violation:  Licensee practiced from January 31, 2008 through January 28, 2009 without a valid Oregon license to practice speech-language pathology, in violation of ORS 681.250(2).  Licensee failed to renew his Oregon speech-language pathology license on or before January 30, 2008, in violation of ORS 681.320(1) and OAR 335-060-0030.



Hatfield, Christina M.    Speech-Language Pathology Assistant #A0121
Outcome: Emergency Suspension issued March 25, 2009; Final Order Revoking Certificate issued November 23, 2009
Violation: Certificate Holder violated OAR 335-005-0025(8): “Individuals shall not engage in … any form of conduct that adversely reflects on the individual's fitness to serve persons professionally", by failing to establish appropriate boundaries in her relationship with a male student.  Certificate Holder also violated OAR 335-005-0025(10): “At any time the licensee is disciplined…, the licensee shall immediately report the incident to the Board" by not reporting her termination for professional misconduct while employed as a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant certified by the Board.


2008 and Prior



Martin, Larry Audiologist #20896

Outcome: Consent Order for Voluntary Limitation

Violation: OAR335-005-0015(2): Individuals shall provide all services competently.

Clarification: An Order of Emergency Suspension was entered on November 10, 2008, pursuant to ORS 183.430(2) and ORS681.350, specifically for a violation of OAR335-005-0015(2): Individuals shall provide all services competently.  A Consent Order was approved by the Board on December 8, 2008, limiting licensee's practice of audiology to patients aged 6 and over.  Licensee may apply to have the limitation lifted after 9/15/2009 if he meets certain conditions specified in the Consent Order.



The three non-licensees below all were in violation of ORS 681.250 (2) “No person shall practice speech-language pathology or audiology or purport to be a speech-language pathologist or audiologist in this state unless the person is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."


Howe, Keith                 Non-Licensee

Outcome: Consent Order

Clarification: Civil penalty of $500 for advertising in the October, 2006 issue of the Hood
River News as providing “Educational Audiology Services for Hearing Impaired Children"
without holding an audiology license. Must also publish a retraction of the advertisement in
future edition of the Hood River News.


Maresh, Donna O.T.R  Non-Licensee

Outcome: Letter of concern regarding advertisement of services

Clarification: Advised OT to ensure advertisement stays with scope of OT services.


Pacific Hearing Services          Non-Licensee

Outcome: Final Order By Default

Clarification: Civil penalty of $100 for advertising under Audiologists in the 2006 Qwest local
Dex Yellow Pages when no audiologist on staff.


Bowler, James, SLP #12557

Outcome: Final Order by Default

Violation: ORS 681.350(b) and (c); OAR335-005-0015(2); OAR 335-005-0015(3); OAR  
335-005-0015(16); OAR 335-005-0025(8); OAR 335-005-0015(11)

Clarification: License revoked.  


Bowman, Rick, Audiology, #20590  

Outcome: Consent Order  

Violation: OAR 335-070-0020(2) “...each applicant shall submit forty (40) clock hours of
documented and approved PD..."  

Clarification: Civil penalty of $800 for second offense for failure to submit a license renewal form with a completed professional development summary sheet.  


Goldish, Susan, SLP #10670  

Outcome: Final Order on Default  

Violation: OAR 335-070-0050(4)(5)(6), “Document attendance and participation in a professional development activity..." and ORS681.350(1)  

Clarification: Board found licensee in default of the notice. However, since licensee subsequently complied with the terms of the notice, the Board did not suspend the license.  


Norton, Jason, SLP #12900  

Outcome: Final Order of Voluntary Limitation Consent Order  

Violation: ORS 676.612(k) referencing ORS 670.280

Clarification: Applicant agreed to have license issued with these conditions: he will not evaluate or treat female patients under the age of 25 years and he will notify employer of these restrictions as well as reporting requirements.  


Rogers, Marguerite, SLP #11443  

Outcome: Voluntary Limitation; Denial for Petition to Lift Voluntary Limitation  

Violation: OAR 335-005-0015(2)  

Clarification: Licensee entered an agreement to not evaluate or treat patients with dysphagia.  


Winters, Maxine Dillon, SLP, #12843  

Outcome: Order of Emergency Suspension and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing -WITHDRAWN;

Consent Agreement, Stipulation and Final Order

Violation: ORS 676.612(1)(f)  

Clarification: Mental fitness to practice seriously in doubt. The Board issued an Order of Emergency Suspension and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing and withdrew the Order when Licensee subsequently surrendered license to practice in Oregon.  



The Board decided to cease listing PD-related discipline on the license lookup website, unless that discipline involved a suspension or revocation.

Hunt, Ron        Non-Licensee
Outcome: Final Order by Default for Civil Penalty of $500
Violation: ORS 681.250(2) “No person shall practice speech-language pathology or audiology or purport to be a speech-language pathologist or audiologist in this state unless the person is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter."
Clarification: Mr. Hunt, a licensed Hearing Aid Specialist, signed an audiogram on a signature line above the word “audiologist".​