Looking for a Public Record?
It may already be online.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Choose one of the following methods to request public records from DAS:
Submit your request online using GovQA, our public records system. You will receive a confirmation email that summarizes your request.
Mail a written request to this address:
Department of Administrative Services
Attn: Bryanna Duke, Public Records Manager
155 Cottage Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
To ensure the most expedient processing of your request, please submit your request using the public records system. Other methods of submission will take longer to process. DAS may charge fees for records in accordance with the statewide policy on
Public Records Requests Fees and Charges. For more information, view the
Frequently Asked Questions.
Requests must be received in writing. However, if you have questions, please contact Bryanna Duke at 971-701-0103.
Public Records Project
In 2015-17 DAS led a statewide project related to improving access to public records. The project sought to improve the way agencies maintain records and standardize their approach to requests for records. For archived project documents, contact Bryanna Duke, bryanna.duke@das.oregon.gov. In 2022, DAS began the procurement of a management system to improve the agency's public records procedure.