April 19, 2022 Preparing to transition to Frances Online"Frances," the Oregon Employment Department’s (OED’s) new, modernized system, is coming in September 2022. Frances* will replace the Oregon Payroll Reporting System (OPRS), beginning with the third quarter filing in 2022. The new system will support both Unemployment Insurance and the new Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance program. During our recent focus groups, many people wanted to know about account conversion between OPRS and Frances Online. As often as possible, our intention is to convert accounts and prevent the need to re-register in Frances Online. In order to link your OPRS account to Frances Online, OED needs additional information from you about your Oregon payroll services.
Use this survey (or the link below) to provide your TPA status, whether your business operates in Oregon, and your Federal ID, or BIN. We will use this information to link your OPRS account to Frances Online.
Please submit your information by May 2, 2022. Note, if you do not complete this questionnaire, OED will not be able to convert your accounts and you will have to re-register in Frances Online.
I want OED to link my OPRS account to Frances Online OPRS will no longer be available for filing after 2nd quarter 2022. Your previously submitted reports will be available in Frances once you associate to your account(s). Frances Online will be available as of September 6th, 2022. Email your questions to our team at employment.modernization@employ.oregon.gov.
Lynn Kneeland Modernization Program Oregon Employment Department
Learn more about the Modernization Program by visiting our webpage. |