Paid Leave Oregon
Media communications
We cannot answer questions about individual claims. We will forward any claims messages we receive to the appropriate program.
Contributions and Recovery
We cannot answer questions about individual claims. We will forward any claims messages we receive to the appropriate program.
Employer services
We cannot answer questions about individual claims. We will forward any claims messages we receive to the appropriate program.
Job-seeker services
To learn how to sign up for local employment services, understand the Priority of Service for veterans and covered persons, and to share suggestions for improving our job-seeker services to you, go to
We cannot answer questions about individual claims. We will forward any claims messages we receive to the appropriate program.
Labor market information To learn about Oregon’s state and local labor markets, career planning, and business news, go to
Employment Department laws & rules We cannot answer questions about individual claims. We will forward any claims messages we receive to the appropriate program.