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Grazing Permits

Grazing Permits

Grazing permits are special permits issued to cattle being moved across state lines to another cooperating state for grazing purposes. Oregon has agreements with California, Washington, Idaho, and Nevada to allow for movement of breeding cattle across state lines. The grazing permit is used in place of a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (except for Idaho) allowing cattle to move from one state to another cooperating state.

All cattle moved on a grazing permit must return to the origin state after the grazing season. No feeder or slaughter animals are allowed to be moved on a grazing permit. Steers that are still suckling at their mother's sides may be moved in a grazing permit as long as they travel with their mothers. Steers moving without their mothers cannot be moved on a grazing permit.

Requirements for obtaining an Oregon origin grazing permit

  • No change in animal ownership is allowed
  • Only breeding animals from breeding herds are allowed
  • Application must be submitted 14 days or more before the desired departure date
  • A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection is required for movement into Idaho
  • Negative Trich testing results must accompany the application for the movement of bulls
  • Cattle cannot be moved before the grazing permit is approved by both the origin and destination states and returned

Brand inspections are required for all cattle leaving Oregon for any reason. Please schedule inspections at least 24 hours prior to moving cattle. For brand related questions please call 503-986-4681 or visit ODA's Livestock Identification webpage.

For other state origin grazing permits

Please reach out to the Department of Agriculture for the state the cattle currently reside in to begin the grazing permit application process.


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