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Oregon Import Requirements

Accredited veterinarians can use ODA's Online Import Permit Generator  to create import permits for animals moving into Oregon. 

​​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all beef cattle. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all beef cattle within 15 days prior to entry.  

Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit.  

Official Identification - OAR 603-011-1100

Official identification in accordance with 9 CFR part 86, is required for all incoming beef cattle over 18 months of age and must be listed on the CVI.​

All cattle of any age imported into Oregon for rodeo or exhibition purposes must have official identification in accordance with 9 CFR part 86.  

Tuberculosis Testing - OAR 603-011-1240

All cattle over 2 months of age entering Oregon for rodeo purposes are required to have a negative tuberculosis test within 12 months prior to entering Oregon.   

For Mexican origin cattle please call 503-986-5680 for special requirements 

​Trichomoniasis Test - OAR 603-011-1210​

All non-virgin beef bulls of any age with known breeding contact with female cattle, and all bulls 18 months of age and over are required to have a negative Trichomoniasis (Trich) test within 60 days prior to entering Oregon. The CVI must have the following statements on it: 

  • "The bulls on this CVI have been tested for trichomoniasis and have been confined and have not had sexual contact with females since their last negative test"​
  • "Trichomoniasis has not been diagnosed in the herd of origin within the past 24 months"

Bulls used solely for exhibition or rodeo purposes do not require Trich testing if the CVI has a statement on it that says: 

  • ​"To be used solely for exhibition and remain under confinement at the location of the exhibition without having access to or allowed to commingle with sexually intact female cattle"

​​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all bison. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.   

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all bison within 15 days prior to entry.  

Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit. 

Official Identification - OAR 603-011-1100

Official identification, in accordance with 9 CFR part 86 is required for all bison over 18 months of age imported into Oregon and must be listed on the CVI.   

All Bison of any age imported into Oregon for rodeo or exhibition purposes must have official identification in accordance with 9 CFR part 86.  ​

Tuberculosis Testing - OAR 603-011-1240​

All bison​ over 2 months of age entering Oregon for rodeo, show or exhibition purposes are required to have a negative tuberculosis test within 12 months prior to entering Oregon. 

Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all new-world camelids. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.   

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all new-world camelids within 15 days prior to entry.​

Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit.​

​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100 ​

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all dairy cattle. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.   

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100, OAR 603-011-5007​

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all dairy cattle within 15 days prior to entry.  ​Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit if the cattle do not originate from an HPAI infected state.​

HPAI Milk Testing - Federal Emergency Order

See the federal order pertaining to HPAI in livestock for testing requirements for lactating dairy cattle. Information can be found on USDA's Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Livestock​ webpage.

​Official Identification - OAR 603-011-1100​

Official identification in accordance with 9 CFR part 86, is required for all incoming dairy cattle no matter the age or purpose.  

Tuberculosis Testing - OAR 603-011-1240 ​

All cattle over 2 months of age entering Oregon for rodeo purposes are required to have a negative tuberculosis test within 12 months prior to entering Oregon.   

For Mexican origin cattle please call 503-986-5680 for special requirements  ​

Trichomoniasis Test - OAR 603-011-1210

All non-virgin dairy bulls of any age with known breeding contact with female cattle, and all bulls 18 months of age and over are required to have a negative Trichomoniasis (Trich) test within 60 days prior to entering Oregon. The CVI must have the following statements on it:  

  • “The bulls on this CVI have been tested for trichomoniasis and have been confined and have not had sexual contact with females since their last negative test”  

  • “Trichomoniasis has not been diagnosed in the herd of origin within the past 24 months”  

Bulls used solely for exhibition or rodeo purposes do not require Trich testing if the CVI has a statement on it that says:  

  • ​“To be used solely for exhibition and remain under confinement at the location of the exhibition without having access to or allowed to commingle with sexually intact female cattle”  ​

​​​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all equine. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.   

Oregon will accept Extended Equine Certificates of Veterinary Inspection that meet the National Assembly of State Animal Health Office standards. 

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all equine within 15 days prior to entry.  

Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit.  

Official Identification - OAR 603-011-1100

Official identification, in accordance with 9 CFR part 86 is required for all incoming equine and must be listed on the CVI.   ​

Equine Infectious Anemia - OAR 603-011-1220

All equine are required to have a negative EIA test within 12 months prior to entering Oregon. The accession number and name of the lab must be recorded on the CVI along with the results of the test.  

If the equine is under 6 months, still suckling, and traveling at the mare’s side, no EIA test is required. The mare must have a negative EIA test within in the last 12 months. ​

Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all goats. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon. 

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all goats within 15 days prior to entry.  

Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit.   

Official Identification - OAR 603-011-1100​

All sexually intact goats of any age which are not confined in slaughter channels, and all goats over 18 months of age in slaughter channels, must have official identification in place before leaving the farm of origin in accordance with 9 CFR Part 79.​

​All goats for exhibition must bear official individual identification in accordance with 9 CFR Part 79. ​

​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100​

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all birds and pet reptiles. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.   ​​​

​​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all dogs and cats. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.

​Rabies Vaccination - OAR 603-011-1225

Dogs and cats must be vaccinated for rabies in accordance with the "Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccinations" and that vaccination information must be listed on the CVI.

Puppies and kittens under 16 weeks of age are not required to be vaccinated unless they originate in a quarantined area.​​​​

​​​National Poultry Improvement Plan Flocks - OAR 603-011-1230

Poultry originating from pullorum-typhoid clean flocks under the supervision of the National Poultry Improvement Plan that are recorded on a USDA APHIS form VS 9-3 are exempt from all other import requirements.  ​

All Other Sources

Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all poultry. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.

​Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all poultry within 15 days prior to entry.  Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit.

Pullorum Typhoid Testing - OAR 603-011-1230​​

All poultry are required to have a negative blood test for pullorum typhoid within 30 days prior to entry into Oregon.​

​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100​

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all rabbits and pocket pets. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.​

​​​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all sheep. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon. 

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all sheep within 15 days prior to entry. 

Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit. 

Official Identification - OAR 603-011-1100

All sexually intact sheep of any age which are not confined in slaughter channels, and all sheep over 18 months of age in slaughter channels, must have official identification in place before leaving the farm of origin in accordance with 9 CFR Part 79. ​

All sheep for exhibition must bear official individual identification in accordance with 9 CFR Part 79.​

​​​Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) - OAR 603-011-1100

A CVI issued by an accredited veterinarian, is required for all swine. The CVI must be an official CVI with a unique serial number and be issued within 30 days prior to the animal(s) entering Oregon.

Import Permit - OAR 603-011-1100

An import permit, issued by ODA to an accredited veterinarian when issuing a CVI, is required for all swine within 15 days prior to entry. 

Veterinarians using an electronic CVI (eCVI), approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, are not required to obtain an import permit.

Official Identification - OAR 603-011-1100

Official identification, in accordance with 9 CFR part 86 is required for all incoming swine and must be listed on the CVI.

Garbage Statement - OAR 603-011-1320​

A Garbage Statement is required to be on the CVI for all swine entering Oregon, which states:​

  • ​"The swine represented on this certificate have not been fed raw or cooked garbage"

Wildlife and Exotic Animals

Please reach out to our office at 503-986-4680 for the requirements for exotic animals and wildlife. 


Other Resources

  • Oregon online import permit
    Visit the Oregon online import permit page to obtain a permit. Import permits can only be issued to accredited veterinarians. Contact us for general information regarding import requirements.