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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

ONE Eligibility System

What is the ONE Eligibility system?

The ONE Eligibility system provides choice and convenience in how people in Oregon apply for and manage their medical, food, cash and child care benefits.

People can apply for medical, food, cash and child care benefits online, by phone or in person with one application. People can get help with their benefits from any Self-Sufficiency Programs, Aging and People with Disabilities or Area Agency on Aging Type B office in the state, regardless of where they live in Oregon. One in three people in Oregon receive benefits through the ONE Eligibility system.

Benefits informationResources for partnersONE Eligibility operations dashboards

Making it easier to apply for benefits

The ONE Eligibility system expanded in 2021 to significantly reduce the time and effort we ask households to spend applying for multiple programs.

  • People with internet connectivity can apply and make an account online in English or Spanish, which expedites future case updates and allows them to track their benefits status.
  • People can apply by phone in multiple languages through the ONE Customer Service Center at 800-699-9075.
  • People with transportation or living near an ODHS office can still apply in person or submit applications by mail or fax.

The ONE Eligibility system originated as a place for Oregonians to apply for the Oregon Health Plan, and it was expanded in February 2021 to include other benefit programs. Before the expansion, people applying for benefits and supports had to fill out multiple types of applications that had different income verification requirements. They might have needed to call or visit different offices.

During this time, eligibility workers were only trained in certain programs. An eligibility worker for medical benefits could not provide support to someone who also needed to apply for food benefits.