Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
This program helps individuals with all kinds of disabilities find and keep a job that matches their skills, interests and abilities. There are programs for young people age 14 to 24 who have disabilities and want help getting ready to work. There is also the Inclusive Career Advancement Program (ICAP) that supports VR clients who want to complete a certificate or degree at participating community colleges.
Vocational RehabilitationYouth ServicesICAP Program
Ticket to Work
This is a free federal program for people who get Social Security disability payments under SSI or SSDI. If you are 18 to 64 years old and want to work, this program helps you prepare for work and find a job.
Ticket to Work program
Employed Persons with Disabilities (EPD)
This is a Medicaid program that helps people with disabilities go to work while keeping their Medicaid coverage, including coverage for long-term services. Participants may pay a small fee, based on their income.
To apply for EPD: Contact your local APD office or Area Agency on Aging.
Find an office near you.
To make a payment: Click the green button below to make a payment online or read this guide on
how to make a payment.
Payment portal technical assistance: Call 855-255-4304 during normal business hours.
Employed Persons with Disabilities (PDF)En Español (PDF) Make an EPD payment online
Employment First
This program helps individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities find and keep a jobs that are fully integrated in the community.
Employment First
Free benefits counseling
Are you interested in working but have questions about how it will affect your benefits?
There are free benefits counseling services for people with disabilities to help you make an informed decision about working. You can also learn about work incentive programs and how to navigate the benefits system when you start working.
Free benefits counseling