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Incident Safety

Focus on Safety

Ensuring incident safety is critical in the Oregon fire service to protect both responders and the public. This webpage serves as a comprehensive resource hub dedicated to enhancing incident safety practices and protocols.

From risk assessment tools to specialized training modules, we offer a wealth of resources designed to equip firefighters and first responders with the knowledge and skills needed to lessen risks and respond effectively to emergencies. Whether it's strategies for managing hazardous materials, techniques for navigating complex rescue scenarios, or guidelines for maintaining situational awareness, this page provides invaluable support to enhance incident safety.

By prioritizing incident safety and continuous improvement, we will safeguard the lives and well-being of both responders and the communities they serve.


Traffic Incident Management (TIM)

Evidence-Based Structural Firefighting

Search and Rescue Tactics in Single-Family Single-Story Residential Structures​ 

Understanding and Fighting Basement Fires. Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI). Fire Safety Academy

Traffic Safety

Li-Ion Batteries Resources






OSFM Training Specialist: Rick Heuchert, Oregon State Fire Marshal
