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PSRB Trainings

Please email to request additional training today!

PSRB General Training

We offer customized trainings to enahance understanding of our specialized agency and the population we serve. Trainings are developed to strengthen our partnership with the professional community, clarifying the PSRB’s roles and responsibilities within the forensic mental health system and how our organizations interact and impact each other. Whether you work directly or indirectly with our client population, sharing our different perspectives and goals, our trainings aim to support client recovery and community safety more effectively. Past trainings have been successuflly tailored for:
  • Attorneys
  • Judicial Officers
  • Law Enforcement
  • PSRB Residential Programs
  • Graduate School Programs
  • Professional Conferences
  • Medical Practitioners
  • Local Hospitals
  • Workgroups

PSRB Onboarding Toolkit

Welcome to your new role as a PSRB Community Case Monitor! To support you in providing exceptional monitoring, supervision, and treatment to our clients, the PSRB has developed a comprehensive Onboarding Toolkit. To get started, please reach out to us at or call 503-229-5596 for access to the toolkit. We’re excited to have you on board!

Continuing Education Series

The following trainings were developed by the PSRB for PSRB Community Case Monitors.


The PSRB is thrilled to partner with the Oregon Health Authority's Behavioral Health Division to develop engaging conferences specifically tailored for the Oregon State Hospital and CMHPs providing direct monitoring, supervision, and treatment to our shared clients. These free events are designed to develop and refine the specialized skills required for forensic practice and risk assessment and itnegrate them into clinical practice.
  • 2024: Expert Witness Trestimony
  • 2023: Adjusting the Scaffold: Building Responsive Conditional Release Programs
  • 2022: Back on Track!
  • 2021: No conference due to COVID-19
  • 2020: No conference due to COVID-19
  • 2019: Building Strategic Partnerships
  • 2016: Community Supervision: Managing Complex Cases