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The Board of Parole is responsible for setting supervision requirements and conditions for individuals releasing from Oregon prisons. The Board is also responsible for issuing warrants and approving sanctions for violation behavior up to and including a return to prison. The Board is not responsible for the day-to-day supervision of individuals on post-prison supervision or parole. Instead, the Oregon Department of Corrections and local county community correction agencies do that work. However, the Board maintains meaningful partnerships with the Oregon Department of Corrections and local community corrections offices to ensure the best possible chance for success as well as a seamless transition from prison into the community by using sound, evidence-based practices.

If you are looking for a full list of general/special parole and post-prison supervision conditions please refer to Exhibit J to Oregon Administrative Rule 255-005. You can find it here.

Forms for Offenders on Supervision

Occasionally it may be neccesary for a supervising officer to modify the conditions of an indivdual's supervision. In this case, a consent to modify form will need to be signed by the offender and submitted to the board. You can find that form here.​​

Under ordinary circumstances the Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision will not approve requests to allow offenders on parole or post-prison supervision to act as informants for law enforcement agencies. There are circumstances, however, where the Board may authorize such activity if the situation is important enough to justify placing the offender in association with criminal activity.​​​ The request form is here​​​​.

​​​The form to request out of country travel is here​​.

​Consent to Additional Deferral of PPS is located here

You can find the Notice of Right for Morrissey Hearings here

In Spanish

In Russian

In Vietnamese​​​

You can find Exhibit O here

You can fine Exhibit R here

Policies for Offenders on Supervision

Below are the General Conditions (GC) of supervision that individuals who are on parole or post-prison supervision (PPS) are required to follow. You can also find the form detailing our parole/PPS Conditions here​.

GCa - Pay fines, restitution, or other fees ordered by the court or the Board.

GCb - Submit to testing for controlled substance, cannabis, or alcohol use if the supervised person has a history of substance abuse or if there is a reasonable suspicion that the supervised person has illegally used controlled substances.

GCc - Participate in a substance abuse evaluation as directed by the supervising officer and follow the recommendations of the evaluator if there are reasonable grounds to believe there is a history of substance abuse.

GCd - Remain in the State of Oregon until written permission to leave is granted by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency. Extradition is waived if the person under supervision absconds from supervision and leaves the state.

GCe - Not change residence without prior permission from the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency and inform the parole and probation officer of any change in employment.

GCf - Permit the parole and probation officer to visit the supervised person or the person’s work site or residence and to conduct a walk-through of the common areas and of the rooms in the residence occupied by or under the control of the supervised person.

GCg - Consent to the search of person, vehicle, or premises upon the request of a representative of the supervising officer if the supervising officer has reasonable grounds to believe that evidence of a violation will be found, and submit to fingerprinting or photographing, or both, when requested by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency for supervision purposes.

GCh - Obey all laws, municipal, county, state and federal, and in circumstances in which state and federal law conflict, obey state law.

GCi - Promptly and truthfully answer all reasonable inquiries by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency.

GCj - Not possess weapons, firearms, or dangerous animals.

GCk - Report as directed.

GCl - If recommended by the supervising officer, successfully complete a sex offender treatment program approved by the supervising officer and submit to polygraph examinations at the direction of the supervising officer if the Supervised Person: (A) is under supervision for a sex offense as defined in ORS 163A.005; (B) was previously convicted of a sex offense as defined in ORS 163A.005; or (C) was previously convicted in another jurisdiction of an offense that would constitute a sex offense as defined in ORS 163A.005 if committed in this state.

GCm - Participate in a mental health evaluation as directed by the supervising officer and follow the recommendation of the evaluator.

GCn - If required to report as a sex offender under ORS 163A.010, report, in person, to the Department of State Police, a city police department or a county sheriff’s office, in the county to which the person was discharged, paroled, released or in which the person was otherwise placed:
(A) within 10 days following discharge, release on parole, post-prison supervision or other supervised or conditional release;
(B) within 10 days of a change of residence;
(C) within 10 days of a legal change of name;
(D) once each year within 10 days of the person’s birth date, regardless of whether the person changed residence;
(E) within 10 days of the first day the person works at, carries on a vocation at or attends an institution of higher education;
(F) within 10 days of a change in work, vocation, or attendance status at an institution of higher education; and
(G) at least 21 days prior to any intended travel outside of the United States.

GCo - Submit to a risk and needs assessment as directed by the supervising officer and follow reasonable recommendations resulting from the assessment.

GCp - Be under the supervision of the Department of Corrections and its representatives or other supervisory authority and abide by their direction and counsel.

Under most circumstances the Board will not approve requests for travel outside of the United States for offenders on parole and post-prison supervision. There are circumstances however, where the Board may authorize such activity if it is not in conflict with public safety and offender rehabilitation. You can find the full policy here.

A hearing to determine whether a violation of conditions of parole or PPS occurred, and whether the hearings officer should recommend the offender return to custody or continue on supervision with additional conditions. Morrissey v. Brewer 408 U.S. 471 (1972)​

​Under ordinary circumstances the Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision will not approve requests to allow offenders on parole or post-prison supervision to act as informants for law enforcement agencies. There are circumstances, however, where the Board may authorize such activity if the situation is important enough to justify placing the offender in association with criminal activity.​​​ The policy is located here​​​​.

The Board or a Hearings Officer conducts a violation hearing to determine whether an individual has violated conditions of parole or post-prison supervision and if so, whether the individual​ should be returned to imprisonment or some other intervention applied such as local sanctions, modification of conditions or extension of active supervision (also known as a revocation hearing or colloquially as a Morrissey hearing). Oregon has combined the "probable cause" hearing and the dispositional hearing.

If the victim has requested notification and chooses to participate, they may provide a statement at a formal Morrissey Hearing. ORS 144.106, 144.108, 144.315, 144.317, 144.331, 144.334, 144.340, 144.341, 144.343, 144.345, 144.346, 144.347, 144.349, 144.350-144.395, OAR 255, Div. 70, 75, 90, 92, Exhibits H, I, J, K, L

​To view our Best Interest Return (BIR) of Individual Under Supervision​ click here​.

Consistent with Oregon law, the Board will conduct administrative review of sanctioning and conditions decisions made by a local supervisory authority for individuals under local control supervision. 

ORS 144.101(3) states, “If a local supervisory authority imposes conditions of post-prison supervision or sanctions for violations of those conditions, the person may request the Board to review the conditions or sanctions.  The Board shall review the request and may, at its discretion, review the conditions and sanctions, under rules adopted by the Board.”
The Board provides local control individuals with the maximum amount of administrative review to prevent abuses by local jurisdictions. Full judicial review (appellate review) of the Board’s administrative review responses in local control cases is a protected right of individuals.  

​Therefore, the Board will follow the rules promulgated in OAR Chapter 255 Division 80 (Administrative Appeal) when determining how to respond to an individual on local control’s request for administrative review. 
If the Board member reviewing the administrative review request finds the local control authority has acted in an unlawful manner, the Board member shall issue an administrative review response to protect the rights of the individual.  This situation should and will arise only rarely, and a response should be issued timely.

The individual under local control supervision asking for administrative review must first seek a review response from the Local Supervisory Authority.  The Board will reject review of the administrative review request if the Local Supervisory Authority has not yet issued a review response.  

If the Local Supervisory Authority denies relief, then the individual may come to the Board for administrative review. The individual would then be able to seek judicial review through the Court of Appeals if relief is denied by the Board.