SFMS offers a training program for the statewide accounting application, R*STARS. This program consists of twelve courses and enrollment is through
Workday Learning. Courses #1 and #2 are prerequisites for other courses. If you have any questions regarding enrollment, content, or exercises within the courses, please contact the SFMS Trainer at
julie.tacchini@das.oregon.gov or 971-900-9773.
Courses in the R*STARS Training Program
Courses #1 and #2 are prerequisites for all subsequent courses.
Participate in an R*STARS Training Lab
Self-study labs are offered twice a month in a Teams environment. Participants review coursework independently but can share their screen and get real time answers to their questions. Lab offerings are identified in Workday Learning as 1st of the Month and 2nd of the Month to allow individuals to enroll in both.
Workday Learning Enrollment Instructions
To enroll in the training program or a lab, select the Workday Learning Application, search for "R*STARS" and click on More Categories as shown in this example. You can then scroll to the offering you desire.