E-Governance Board - Empowering the Web Workforce
Are your job duties related to keeping up a state agency website?
Whether it's website design, content creation, editing, or administration, the E-Governance Board is here to help.
Learn about E-Governance Board's Guidance for state websites and social media management.
E-Governance Board Charter, Goals, and Membership
The current Board Charter was approved by the Board in July 2024. Since February 2024, the Board's Chair and Co-Chair are:
An important goal of the Board is to promote state government websites that are:
- Innovative
- Mobile-ready
- Tested for usability
- Consistent branding the Oregon.gov enterprise
- Customizable for different agency needs
- Use design tools and e-commerce where applicable
- Meet federal and state laws for accessibility and readability
- 100+ Oregon.gov public websites
Another goal of the Board is to advise the state's E-Government Program.
The Board's membership ranges from small boards and commissions to large state agencies. The 20+ members focus on improving how to best meet the needs of public and create consistency through website design and function. The E-Governance Board sets website standards and provides guidelines and best practices so the public can find what they need fast.
Oregon.gov websites use SharePoint as content management system. This system is provided by the state's E-Government contractor, which is managed by the state's E-Government Program.
Read more about the E-Governance Board here.