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Motor Carrier Education (MCE) Program

About the MCE Program

The Motor Carrier Education Program (MCE) is an eight-hour course that provides motor carriers with basic information required to ensure compliance and safe driving operations in Oregon. The MCE covers registration, tax compliance, truck safety and size and weight regulations administered by the Department.

A motor carrier required to participate in the MCE must do so within 90 days of receiving certificate or permit from the department.

Training Providers

While we administer the program, all trainings are provided by third-party agents. 
Third-party agents determine all training dates, times and locations, and
they assess fees for their training services.

Oregon Trucking Association is currently our only approved MCE provider.
Please follow the link here to enroll.

Need more information?


Program Requirements

Please refer to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 740-035-0200.

Who must complete the program?

Oregon-based intrastate carriers that receive a certificate or permit from the Department of Transportation for the first time on or after July 1, 1990, shall participate in the MCE.

As established in Statute and Rule, the MCE must be completed by “a person having a substantial interest or control, directly or indirectly, in or over the operations conducted or to be conducted under the certificate or permit issued to the motor carrier”.
A motor carrier required to participate must do so within 90 days of receiving certificate or permit from the department.

Generally, you are only required to complete the MCE once. However, as stated in ORS 825.402(3), you may be required to complete the MCE additional times if, through noncompliance, you meet any of the following criteria:
  • You have underpaid your tax obligation for the use of the highways by 15 percent or more;
  • You have exceeded by more than 15 percent, in a one-year period, the industry average for out-of-service violations for vehicle inspection or for accidents per mile; or
  • You have received, in a one-year period, two or more citations for being 10,000 pounds or more overweight.
Any carrier required to participate in the MCE per ORS 825.402(3) will recieve a letter of notice informing you that your participation is required. In such a case, you will be required to complete the MCE within 90 days of receiving notice from the Agency.

Cost of the program

Per OAR 740-035-0200, we collect a non-refundable $40 administrative fee to defray the cost of administering the MCE.
Carriers required to participate additional times under ORS 825.402(3) will be required to pay the non-refundable administrative fee each time their participation is required.

In addition to the ODOT administrative fee, you are responsible for payment of fees assessed by third-party agents who provide the training.

MCE Program FAQs


The Oregon Legislature approved House Bill 3055 in June 2021, which allows the Department to utilize third-party agents to provide the MCE training on behalf of ODOT.

ORS 825.400 requires that ODOT adopt rules to establish a program for the education of Oregon-based motor carriers that covers, at a minimum, safety, weight-mile tax and registration and size and weight regulations administered by the Department.

When will the program launch?

Beginning March 1, 2024, CCD will implement the changes outlined in HB 3055 by administering a standardized training program to be conducted and taught by approved third-party providers to accommodate the business operations and changes outlined in the legislative requirements.

What is the Motor Carrier Education Program (MCE)?

The MCE is an 8-hour course, conducted in-person and/or via an instructor-led webinar, that provides motor carriers with basic information required to ensure compliance and safe driving operations in Oregon. ODOT administers the program and third-party agents provide the training.

What is a third-party agent?

Per OAR 740-035-005(5), a “Third-Party Agent” is any person or entity authorized by the Department to implement or conduct the MCE training as prescribed by the Department.

Who will be required to participate?

Oregon-based intrastate carriers that receive a certificate or permit from the Department of Transportation for the first time on or after July 1, 1990, shall participate in the MCE. 

A motor carrier required to participate in the MCE must do so within 90 days of receiving certificate or permit from the department.

Might other carriers be required to participate?

Additionally, ORS 825.402(3) may require participation by any motor carrier that:
  • a) Has underpaid its tax obligation for the use of the highways by 15 percent or more;
  • b) Exceeds by more than 15 percent, in a one-year period, the industry average for out of service violations for vehicle inspection or for accidents per mile; or
  • c) Receives, in a one-year period, two or more citations for being 10,000 pounds or more overweight.
Note: Carriers will be required to pay the program fee for each time they attend the training.

Carriers who meet the criteria listed in ORS 825.402(3) will be required to participate in the MCE within 90 days of receiving notice from the Agency.

What does “participate in the program” mean?

As defined in ORS 825.402 and OAR 740-035-0200 through 740-035-0260, “participate in the program” means that a person having a substantial interest or control, directly or indirectly, in or over the operations conducted or to be conducted under the certificate or permit issued to the motor carrier must complete the MCE.

Under these rules, a motor carrier is not required to complete the MCE more than one time except when motor carriers are required to participate additional times under ORS 825.402(3).

How will motor carriers receive notification that their participation is required?

CCD can notify carriers in several ways. Notification will include, but is not limited to: 
  • Letter in the mail or email notification.
  • Phone conversation.
  • In-person conversation with CCD staff. 
Once notification has occurred, carriers will have 90 days to complete the MCE requirement.

What are the program fees?

Motor Carriers applying for authority for the first time or as required by ORS 825.402(3) shall pay a non-refundable $40 ODOT Administrative fee to defray the cost of the program.

In addition to the ODOT non-refundable administrative fee, a motor carrier shall be responsible for payment of fees assessed by the third-party agent providing the training.

Are carriers required to pay the fee each time they are required to participate?

Yes. Carriers required to participate additional times under ORS 825.402(3) will be required to pay for the program fees each time participation is required.

How do carriers pay third-party fees?

Each training provider’s website will list the training fee and their methods for payment collection. Training fees will need to be paid before attending the training.

How do carriers enroll in the program?

Training provider websites will offer course schedules and enrollment. Carriers will select a training date from a list of offered courses, followed by payment for the course. Please see our providers above.

How long is the training?

The MCE is an 8-hour course. Training providers have the option to conduct a one-day training or break the training up into multiple days.

How often will the training be offered?

At a minimum, the MCE will be offered once a month to ensure carriers meet the 90-day legislation requirement for completion. Trainings can be offered as an in-person classroom training, or as an interactive instructor-led webinar. Delivery methods will be determined by the training provider.

At what locations will the training be offered?

Training providers will facilitate the training at locations of their choosing. Specific locations will be listed on the training provider websites.