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Become an OSP Trooper

Thank you for your interest in Oregon State Police! 

OSP is hiring for entry-level and certified police officers. Applications received during this recruitment are for a projected start date in late 2025. 

Apply Now  

Entry-level testing will be offered on the following dates/locations:
March 8, 2025: Salem (NW Oregon)
April 5, 2025: Salem (NW Oregon)

Applicants must complete entry-level testing to continue in the recruitment process. Please email to sign up for a test date. 

When we are not accepting applications and you would like to learn more about career opportunities with OSP, you can call one of our recruiters or review our website to familiarize yourself with the hiring process.

Checkout: "Why Oregon, Why OSP"

To search all open recruitments at OSP go to WorkdayJobs and sort by "Oregon State Department of Police" using the company dropdown.

Recruit Trooper Hiring Steps

We are pleased you are interested in joining the ranks of Oregon's finest. These steps will help you understand our process. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals and communicating with you along the way. 

The hiring process for recruits is extensive. The time from application to appointment can exceed several months.  There are seven steps in the hiring process. Read and review all steps and become familiar with the different tests and systems you'll need to access before you begin.

When we are accepting applications:

  • Step 1, a job application, must be completed within the open application period, usually 5-6 weeks.

  • Step 2: Get scheduled for Entry-Level Testing (ELT). ELT is done in person at various locations and on dates when we are in open recruitment. The dates will be posted at the top of our recruiting page, along with an email address to get scheduled. ELT is comprised of three parts. 

    • The Oregon State Police Physical Fitness Test (OSP PFT) is described here: OSP Physical Fitness Testing. 

    • An academic exam.  The exam consists of reading, writing, and math sections and tests at a high school equivalency level. See our guide to POST Exam Familiarization

    • Complete a pre-offer psychological exam and risk assessment. Step one of this exam is proctored during ELT and does not require preparation or studying. Step two is a Personal History Questionnaire that you will complete at home in the week after ELT.

    • In general, plan on committing a whole day to complete the ELT steps.

When we are not accepting applications, you can call one of the OSP recruiters, review our website to get familiar with all of the hiring steps, and check back frequently.

An online application must be completed by the closing date listed in the recruitment announcement. 

We respect, value, and seek applicants who have served the United States in the Armed Forces. Oregon state government provides qualifying veterans and disabled veterans with preference in employment. Learn more about this eligibility and what you must provide with your application to qualify for veteran’s preference.

Read more tips for completing your application, learn about the online application system and how to make your application stand out​

Entry Level Testing (ELT) is done in person at various locations and dates when we are in an open recruitment.  The dates and locations will be posted at the top of our recruiting page along with an email address to get scheduled.  ELT is comprised of three parts. 
  • The Oregon State Police Physical Fitness Test (OSP PFT) is described here: OSP Physical Fitness Testing.
  • An academic exam.  The exam consists of reading, writing, and math sections, and tests at a high school equivalency level.
  • Complete a pre-offer psychological exam and risk assessment. Step one of this exam is proctored during ELT and does not require any preparation or studying.  Step two of the exam is a Personal History Questionnaire that you will complete at home in the week after attending an ELT session.

​Those selected for Step 3 will be contacted by OSP Training and Recruitment Section staff.  This is an interview with Oregon State Police Commanders consisting of a panel of Majors and Captains. The interview is conducted in-person, typically 30-40 minutes and is primarily a behavioral-based question interview structure.

Those selected for Step 4 will be contacted by OSP Training and Recruitment Section staff to complete a Recruit Background History Packet.  See the Recruit Background Checklist for details needed. These forms must be completed and returned, per instructions on the forms, to the OSP Training and Recruitment Section staff within nine days after completing Step 4. ​Handwritten forms will not be accepted. Additionally, an applicant must be willing to sign several waivers allowing OSP to conduct a thorough background investigation. Some factors considered during a background investigation include but are not limited to:

Driving history
Criminal history Fingerprint check
Personal references
Employment history
Military Service Records – Discharge Status
Job references
Personal references
Prior contact with law enforcement agencies
Financial status (to include credit history)​

​Those selected for Step 5 will be given a conditional job offer based upon an applicant meeting the following conditions:

  • Acceptance of employment to a specific work station (if offered),
  • Budget availability and funding,
  • Pass a medical screening, and
  • Pass a post-offer psychological evaluation.

If you accept the conditional job offer, an appointment to an OSP contracted medical screening clinic will be made for you (see OAR 259-008-0010 (8) Physical Examination). A psychological evaluation will be scheduled in conjunction with the medical screening. This psychological evaluation will be in-person by the contracted Psychologists. You should expect to be at the Psychologist's office for approximately four hours.

Upon successful completion of all conditional appointment requirements:

  • ​Attend OSP Pre-Academy (approximately 3 weeks in duration)
  • Attend DPSST Basic Police Academy (16 weeks in duration)
    *Qualified out of state lateral applicants who meet Oregon standards set by DPSST will not be required to attend the Basic Police Academy, but will be required to attend a 2 week PCOD academy through DPSST within a year of appointment
  • Attend OSP Post-Academy (approximately 6-7 weeks in duration)
  • Link to Recruit Academy Prep Guide​



​​​​​​Oregon State Police- Sworn Recruiting 
3565 Trelstad Ave. SE
Salem, OR 97317

Richardson, Phil 2 August 2017.jpg

Trooper Phil Richardson 
Phone: 503-583-5196​

Crutchfield, Tiffany (3).JPG

Sr. Trooper Tiffany Crutchfield 

Phone: 971-301-3528

​​Richmond, Melody 4 August 2017.jpg

Sergeant​ Melody Richmond 

​​​Phone: 541-243-3459 ​​

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday


​Oregon State Police
Human Resources
3565 Trelstad Ave SE
Salem, OR 97317
​​​Phone: 503-934-0232​

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday