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Turn-in-Poachers (TIP)

Poaching (illegal take of wildlife or fish), trespassing, littering, theft, destroying of property and road closure violations affect all Oregonians.
Poaching wildlife and damaging habitats affects present and future generations of wildlife, impacts communities and the economy, and creates enforcement challenges. People who "work" the system and falsely apply for resident license or tags are not legally hunting or angling and are considered poachers.

The Turn In Poachers (TIP) program is a collaboration between the Oregon State Police, Oregon Hunters Association, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Wildlife Coalition, Oregon Outfitter and Guides Association and the Oregon State Marine Board.

The TIP program offers cash rewards or preference point rewards to people who provide information that leads to an arrest or issuance of a citation, to a suspect, for the unlawful killing of wildlife, and/or waste of big game. When making a report, provide as much of the following information as possible:

  • Description of suspicious activity or violation
  • Date, time and location of activity  
  • Description of any vehicle involved
  • Name and/or description of suspect(s)
  • Type of wildlife involved

Complete our online form below or, download a paper copyform and return to us in person, call us, e-mail, fax, or mail.

TIPs can be anonymous.

Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) Cash Rewards
$2,000 Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat & Moose 
$1,000 Elk, Deer & Antelope 
$600 Bear, Cougar & Wolf
$400 Game Fish & Shellfish*
$400 Snagging/Attempt to Snag*
$300 Habitat Destruction 
$200 Illegally obtaining Oregon hunting or angling license or tags
$200 Unlawful Lending/Borrowing Big Game Tag(s)
$200 Game Birds or Furbearers
$200 Spotlighting

*Rewards for Game Fish & Shellfish and Snagging/Attempting to Snag are sponsored, in part, by Northwest Steelheaders Association and Coastal Conservation Association.

ODFW Preference Points Rewards
5 Points Bighorn Sheep
5 Points Rocky Mountain Goat
5 Points Moose
5 Points Wolf
4 Points Elk
4 Points Deer
4 Points Pronghorn Antelope
4 Points Bear
4 Points Cougar

Oregon Wildlife Coalition (OWC) Cash Rewards

$500 Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Owl, Osprey
All other protected avian species: see category below for listed species 

$500 Cougar, Bobcat, Beaver (public lands only), Black bears, Bighorn Sheep, Marten, Fisher, Sierra Nevada Red Fox

Species listed as threatened" or endangered" under state or federal Endangered Species Act (excludes fish) 
$1,000 (e.g. wolf, wolverine, kit fox, red tree vole, Canada lynx, sea otter, Columbian white-tailed deer, California brown pelican, western snowy plover, California least tern, northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, short-tailed albatross, streaked horned lark, yellow billed cuckoo, leatherback sea turtle, olive ridley sea turtle, Oregon spotted frog, green sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle)

Oregon Outfitters & Guides Association Cash Rewards
$200 Acting as an Outfitter Guide for the Illegal Killing of Wildlife, Illegally Obtaining Oregon Hunting or Angling Licenses or Tags, or Illegally Offering to Act as an Outfitter Guide as defined in ORS 704.010 and 704.020.


Report a Wildlife or Habitat Law Violation or Suspicious Activity 
Dial 1-800-452-7888 or
*OSP or *677 from a mobile phone

Or email:​
8:00AM - 5:00PM, Monday - Friday

In Cooperation with Oregon Hunters Association, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Wildlife Coalition, Oregon Outfitter and Guides Association and the Oregon State Marine Board.