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Funding Opportunities


The Department seeks to build partnerships and incentivize Oregonians to pursue integrated and innovative solutions for complex water challenges and an uncertain water future. This work is accomplished through strategic investments, adaptive planning, cooperative partnerships, accessible information, and effective coordination. We have a number of funding opportunities that allow us to strategically invest in order to achieve a secure and sustainable water future, addressing instream and out-of-stream needs, for all Oregonians and Oregon's environment, economy, communities, and cultures. Learn more about our funding opportunities below.

Public Comment Opportunity

The Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) invites written public comment on grant applications received by January 15, 2025 for Irrigation Modernization Funding. OWRD received four complete grant applications requesting a total of $16,191,372 in funding. OWRD did not solicit any applications for the Water Project Grants and Loans program due to insufficient funds.

A multi-agency Technical Review Team (TRT) will consider public comments submitted in their evaluation of applications. The TRT will evaluate applications and make a funding recommendation to the Water Resources Commission. OWRD will post the TRT funding recommendation for an additional public comment period in the spring. The tentative date for the Commission to make its funding decision is June 12-13, 2025.

•    View the Irrigation Modernization Funding Application Summaries
•    View the grant applications on the Funding Cycle History page

Written comments on the applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on March 31, 2025.

Please submit comments to: or Grant Analyst, 725 Summer Street NE, Suite A, Salem, Oregon 97301.


Grant Application Deadline – Feasibility Study Grants

The Oregon Water Resources Department invites applications for studies to evaluate the feasibility of developing water conservation, reuse, and storage projects through the Feasibility Study Grant funding opportunity. OWRD expects to have between $200K and $1.2M available, depending on the outcome of the 2025 Legislative Session and OWRD’s 2025-2027 budget.

Harney Domestic Well Remediation Fund

OWRD’s Harney Domestic Well Remediation Fund may reimburse qualifying homeowners in the Greater Harney Valley Groundwater Area of Concern (GHVGAC) for a portion of the cost to repair or replace and abandon a dry, severely declining, or at-risk household water well impacted by declining groundwater levels. The well must have provided household water for individual households, or members of a federally recognized tribe in Oregon.

Learn more about the Harney Domestic Well Remediation Fund.

Planning Grants

The Department is a funding partner in four places that are taking a collaborative, integrated approach to water planning. There is no funding currently available to support new water planning efforts. The Department is a funding partner in four places that are taking a collaborative, integrated approach to water planning. There is no funding currently available to support new water planning efforts.

Feasibility Study Grants

Feasibility Study Grants reimburse up to 50 percent of the costs of studies to evaluate the feasibility of developing water conservation, reuse, and storage projects. This competitive funding opportunity helps individuals and communities investigate whether a proposed project idea is actually feasible and worth pursuing. Grants are offered on an annual basis.

Learn more about Feasibility Study Grants

Water Project Grants & Loans

Water Project Grants and Loans provides funding for projects that will help Oregon meet its instream and out-of-stream water supply needs and produce economic, environmental, and social/cultural benefits. This competitive funding opportunity is meant for implementation-ready projects.

Learn more about applying for Water Project Grants and Loans.

Well Abandonment, Repair, and Replacement Fund

The Well Abandonment, Repair, and Replacement Fund (WARRF) may reimburse qualifying low to moderate income homeowners for the cost to repair or replace and abandon a dry or severely declining well or a well that was damaged or destroyed by wildfire. The well must have provided water for household needs to individual households or members of a federally recognized tribe in Oregon. 

Applications will be accepted year-round, depending on availability of funds. 

Please see the website to learn more about applying for a WARRF grant.

For more information contact:
Adair Muth 971-301-0718

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